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UK government is supercharging its assault on free speech, both within the UK and globally

By criminalising open discussion and sharing of content online relating to the unrest in the UK, the new socialist UK government under TwoTierKeir, assisted by an ideologically two-tier police forc…

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 在这个世界上,大陆是对人贩子最友好的国家。 +13
    • 人贩子都直接枪毙才对,留一个都是罪过 +1
      • 要不要对人贩子判死刑讨论过,主要担忧是如果对人贩子判死刑,在极端情况下人贩子就可能杀死拐来的孩子试图逃脱责任。最终对孩子不利。中国的问题是对购买孩子的人不判刑,或者判刑过轻。
        • 应该重判,目的是威慑,使得没人敢做这种生意
          • 也不用重判人贩子或者买孩子的。重判揭露真相的记者就行了。看看徐州铁链女里”我能抱起一百二十斤“的经历就知道了。 +3
            • Sad.
            • 人贩子或者买孩子的人都直接枪毙才对,留一个都是罪过! +1
          • 同意。 +1
    • 在这个世界上,加拿大是对毒品贩子最友好的国家。 +2
      • 如果你说大麻是毒品的话,是有点误解了。 +1
        • 毒品贩子都直接枪毙才对,留一个都是罪过。 +2
          • The BC NDP government has been buying and distributing illicit hard drugs for 7 years. Do you think it's also a drug dealer? +3
    • 西方是对罪犯最宽容 +4
      • 同时,西方对说真话的公民最苛刻,以言入罪。 +1
        • 你受什么刺激了?😄 +3
          • You didn't read the news. Many citizens went to jail for simply saying something.
            • Jan.6在某种意义上就是天安门广场,但是不知道为什么那些人都被判了重罪
              • 冲进佩洛希办公室的人, 也是以言获罪? 呵呵 +1
                • UK government is supercharging its assault on free speech, both within the UK and globally
                  By criminalising open discussion and sharing of content online relating to the unrest in the UK, the new socialist UK government under TwoTierKeir, assisted by an ideologically two-tier police forc…
          • In UK, a man was convicted for 21 months in jail for his facebook posts. +3
            In August 2024, in connection with the disorder following the knife attack in Southport, a man received a 21 month custodial sentence for the offence of stirring up racial hatred. He was convicted for a post saying to "deflate the boats" and saying people that didn't support the disorder "shouldn't be allowed to live in the United Kingdom". In another post he seemed to identify places with high concentrations of migrants
    • 加拿大犯罪成本最低,老皮就偷着乐吧,按说老皮应该是NDP的支持者吧 +1
      • 确实,以前加拿大的罪案少不是因为律法严,而是因为民风淳朴,国民素质不差。再看这些年的治安状况,是一年不如一年…. +2
        • 涌进来那么多印度人,怎么可能还跟以前一样?学好难,学坏容易,这些不遵守基本道德的第三世界来的,把道德底线硬是拉到新低。 +2
          • 是,美好的枫叶国让那土豆带的掉进沟里的赶脚,回不去了…..唉! +2
    • 加拿大对所有的罪犯都好