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PANIC? CNN reports sources close to Harris camp say they are having ‘Flashbacks to 2016’

Nothing Kamala does is moving the needle:

"These polls are not really moving. Despite multiple battleground places, despite the opportunities she has had across media outlets. There is still not a lot of movement from voters who are moving more towards her versus former President Donald Trump."

If the public polls are tied, that means Trump leads. We’ve learned that from 2016 and 2020, when those polls showed commanding leads for Hillary and Biden.

The Kamala internals have to be horrific.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / CNN报道:接近哈里斯竞选团队的消息人士称哈里斯团队陷入恐慌并“回忆起2016年”,因为,她所做的一切都没有起到任何作用。 +7

    PANIC? CNN reports sources close to Harris camp say they are having ‘Flashbacks to 2016’

    Nothing Kamala does is moving the needle:

    "These polls are not really moving. Despite multiple battleground places, despite the opportunities she has had across media outlets. There is still not a lot of movement from voters who are moving more towards her versus former President Donald Trump."

    If the public polls are tied, that means Trump leads. We’ve learned that from 2016 and 2020, when those polls showed commanding leads for Hillary and Biden.

    The Kamala internals have to be horrific.

    • 陷入恐慌的时候他们会做什么呢?更疯狂地偷票?制造更多飓风? +3
      • 选举不止,偷票不能停 +2
    • 没起作用还领先trump,还要啥作用 +1
      • 2016年,希拉里在民调上超出川普10%以上,纽约时报预判希拉里胜率90%”。媒体民调一边倒让希拉里躺赢 +4
        • 今非昔比了,人们不喜欢trump因为J6 +2
          • hu shuo ba d w +7
            • 哈哈哈,老家什么时候移民去了莫桑比亚,
            • 人品哥说得没错。 揉脸帆船人士是知道贺锦丽蠢的。他们不喜欢川普真的是因为J6。 +1
              • 蠢,就是个人攻击,恭喜你成为trump university的第一届毕业生
                • 蠢有两个层面,
                  第一个是不认为贺锦丽的“蠢”, 我刚刚以为你已经超越了。 结果你再次证明自己无法改变。 第二个是在认为贺锦丽的“蠢”之上, 认为J6是“反革命暴乱”。这个是对社会本质认知失调的“蠢”。 这个层面你始终无法走出来。我说这些话不是为了反驳你, 只是分析你的思维。 其实是说给揉脸其他人听的。 供观赏用。
                  • 你和贺锦丽谁聪明,这是关键
                    • 当然是你“聪明”。你是最聪明的。
                      • 所以我才有资格说别人蠢
                        • 对对对。
          • “人们”是谁?中共还有“人民”呢 +1
            • 民调
              • “民调”?民调说哈里斯完蛋了,你可以闭嘴了
                • 这中market也能拿得出手
                  • 你别说。这还真拿得出手。人有口是心非,赌上钱进去就不会故意扔掉。接住,又有“民调”来了:
                    • 赌钱是为了赢钱,你这么玩能赢钱吗。
                      • 你知道有多少人在这上面“赌”吗?你那么肯定哈里斯赢,还不去下注?到时候既赢面子又赢钱,何乐不为
                        • 这是最容易manipulated的market,声东击西是常有的手法,用很小的投资换取大的回报,所以我建议马斯克把$47/人投到polymarket上去