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这个必须得发--- e-5024(民主进程)-- 倡议立刻举行联邦大选,已经有将近17K的有效签名了。请务必网签以后进入邮箱确认。

Petition to the House of Commons

Whereas: 而:

  • Canadians are suffering, and Canada is in turmoil, due to this out of of touch Liberal-NDP government;
  • The out of control inflationary deficit spending is forcing Canadians to food banks in record high numbers and forcing Canadians to uproot and move to other countries to find safety and financial stability;
  • Justin Trudeau and his environment minister ignored 70% of Canadians and 70% of Canadian premiers when they increased the carbon tax by 23% on April 1st 2024, on their path to quadrupling it;
    贾斯汀·特鲁多 (Justin Trudeau) 和他的环境部长在 2024 年 4 月 1 日将碳税提高了 23%,在将碳税翻两番的道路上,无视了 70% 的加拿大人和 70% 的加拿大总理;
  • The policies of the Trudeau government have added fuel to the fire when it comes to housing affordability, taxes, violent crime, civil liberties, immigration policy and preserving peace order and government;
  • Canada has fallen behind on the world stage, excluded from security alliances, and Canada's reputation being at the top of debate around the world.
  • Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party continue to be brought forward on several ongoing ethics investigations and concerns; and
    贾斯汀·特鲁多 (Justin Trudeau) 和自由党继续在几项正在进行的道德调查和担忧中被提出;和
  • Canadians have lost confidence and trust in Justin Trudeau and the Liberal-NDP government's ability to govern Canada responsibly and show equality to all Canadians.
    加拿大人对贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)和自由党-新民主党政府负责任地治理加拿大并向所有加拿大人展示平等的能力失去了信心和信任。

We, the undersigned, Citizens and Residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to call for a vote of no confidence and an election to follow immediately. Should this request be denied we ask that the 45th general election remain on its original date or be moved one week earlier instead of one week later per Bill C-65.
我们,以下签署人,加拿大公民和居民,呼吁下议院呼吁进行不信任投票,并立即进行选举。如果此请求被拒绝,我们要求根据 C-65 法案,第 45 届大选保持原定日期或提前一周而不是推迟一周。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 这个必须得发--- e-5024(民主进程)-- 倡议立刻举行联邦大选,已经有将近17K的有效签名了。请务必网签以后进入邮箱确认。 +6

    Petition to the House of Commons

    Whereas: 而:

    • Canadians are suffering, and Canada is in turmoil, due to this out of of touch Liberal-NDP government;
    • The out of control inflationary deficit spending is forcing Canadians to food banks in record high numbers and forcing Canadians to uproot and move to other countries to find safety and financial stability;
    • Justin Trudeau and his environment minister ignored 70% of Canadians and 70% of Canadian premiers when they increased the carbon tax by 23% on April 1st 2024, on their path to quadrupling it;
      贾斯汀·特鲁多 (Justin Trudeau) 和他的环境部长在 2024 年 4 月 1 日将碳税提高了 23%,在将碳税翻两番的道路上,无视了 70% 的加拿大人和 70% 的加拿大总理;
    • The policies of the Trudeau government have added fuel to the fire when it comes to housing affordability, taxes, violent crime, civil liberties, immigration policy and preserving peace order and government;
    • Canada has fallen behind on the world stage, excluded from security alliances, and Canada's reputation being at the top of debate around the world.
    • Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party continue to be brought forward on several ongoing ethics investigations and concerns; and
      贾斯汀·特鲁多 (Justin Trudeau) 和自由党继续在几项正在进行的道德调查和担忧中被提出;和
    • Canadians have lost confidence and trust in Justin Trudeau and the Liberal-NDP government's ability to govern Canada responsibly and show equality to all Canadians.
      加拿大人对贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)和自由党-新民主党政府负责任地治理加拿大并向所有加拿大人展示平等的能力失去了信心和信任。

    We, the undersigned, Citizens and Residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to call for a vote of no confidence and an election to follow immediately. Should this request be denied we ask that the 45th general election remain on its original date or be moved one week earlier instead of one week later per Bill C-65.
    我们,以下签署人,加拿大公民和居民,呼吁下议院呼吁进行不信任投票,并立即进行选举。如果此请求被拒绝,我们要求根据 C-65 法案,第 45 届大选保持原定日期或提前一周而不是推迟一周。

    • 自己约的炮含泪去打完! +2
      • 这可不是人民约的,是NDP和魁人党替全体加拿大人约的;卖了选民,自己拿好处。 +4
        • 小嘴巴收到碳税了,你没收到?街头店铺敲打一番肯定有
          • 赞!收到钱当没有的才LOW,到目前为止还没有1个肉脸碳吵吵能秀出付出的碳税比收到回款多的帐单 +1
            • 是否要考虑物价飞涨带来的实际损失,购买力下滑和生活困难?
              • 有肉友有吗?三月份时我就说碳税上去了,物价下来了,他们就没地方去哭了
    • 注意关闭时间:2024 年 10 月 2 日下午 3:59(美国东部时间)
    • 一天长一万,不错
      • 6月份的,老兄,你眼神不对啊,都快关闭了。
        • 老眼昏花,看成另外一个了。。。。
    • Signed +2
    • 👍
    • 周末了,大家别忘了去电子签哈 +4