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这里是一位欧洲研究专家对俄乌战争proxy war 本质的分析,他对战争起源的观点属于异类,但是不妨一读:

Overwhelming empathy with all the civilians and conscripts who have suffered from the ongoing violence in Ukraine, which began years before the Russian invasion of February 2022, must be complemented by analysis and explanation. What can anthropologists contribute? I have been disappointed by one-sided accounts endorsing the government of President Volodymyr Zelensky and the cause of the Ukrainian nation that have dominated in the Western mass media and anglophone academic work, including that of anthropologists. From an anthropological perspective, to invoke international law and sacralize political sovereignty is inadequate (Hann 2023; Malinowski 1944). Instead, we need to scrutinize the complex history of the Ukrainian nation, which is being consummated through the present violence. We need to recognize that Zelensky heads an Atlanticist, market-oriented, nationalist regime of dubious legitimacy. This critical stance does not mean deference to the Kremlin in the spirit of the “realist school” of international relations. It does mean recalling that as late as autumn 2021 President Vladimir Putin was putting forward proposals for a peaceful resolution of the crisis brought about by Western geopolitical and economic ambitions since the end of the Cold War. For the Russian political classes (not just for Putin and his oligarchical allies), when it came to NATO expansion Ukraine was a unique red line. However, too many interest groups in Washington as well as in Kyiv actually wanted the war that began in February 2022 (though this could not be declared publicly).

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 这里是一位欧洲研究专家对俄乌战争proxy war 本质的分析,他对战争起源的观点属于异类,但是不妨一读:
    Overwhelming empathy with all the civilians and conscripts who have suffered from the ongoing violence in Ukraine, which began years before the Russian invasion of February 2022, must be complemented by analysis and explanation. What can anthropologists contribute? I have been disappointed by one-sided accounts endorsing the government of President Volodymyr Zelensky and the cause of the Ukrainian nation that have dominated in the Western mass media and anglophone academic work, including that of anthropologists. From an anthropological perspective, to invoke international law and sacralize political sovereignty is inadequate (Hann 2023; Malinowski 1944). Instead, we need to scrutinize the complex history of the Ukrainian nation, which is being consummated through the present violence. We need to recognize that Zelensky heads an Atlanticist, market-oriented, nationalist regime of dubious legitimacy. This critical stance does not mean deference to the Kremlin in the spirit of the “realist school” of international relations. It does mean recalling that as late as autumn 2021 President Vladimir Putin was putting forward proposals for a peaceful resolution of the crisis brought about by Western geopolitical and economic ambitions since the end of the Cold War. For the Russian political classes (not just for Putin and his oligarchical allies), when it came to NATO expansion Ukraine was a unique red line. However, too many interest groups in Washington as well as in Kyiv actually wanted the war that began in February 2022 (though this could not be declared publicly).
    • 不用读了,肯定不是你要兜售的意思。
      • 读完再说,一分钱都不收。
        • 不用了,你的一贯老毛病了。你先对上一篇你在这里的胡列列道个歉呗,也是免费的。
          • 本人向来不会”胡列列“,解读任何东西都附上原文链接,方便你自己去解读。有什么歉可道?
            • 上篇不是你瞎“翻译”吗?既然你也承认误读,那后面你自己的引申不是全部塌房吗?
              • 我从来没有瞎翻译。看东西多,不会每次都逐字逐句地精敲细打是常有的事,所以才会总是附上链接,由你自己去精敲细打,不必听我的引申。
            • 到现在也拿不出来贺锦丽不回答提问的视频
              • 你我对访谈的看法不同,多争无益。我给了你第三方逐条逐段的分析评论,你还要什么?
                • “不回答”提问的视频
                  • 你让我回答什么?我说她文不对题,王顾左右而言他。你说没有。我无意和你做无聊的争论,给出了旁人的,或者说是”职业"的对同一段访谈的评论,有什么不可以?你还期望什么? +1
                    • 不要只听别人怎么说。我们可以比对原视频看看贺锦丽是怎么文不对题,王顾左右而言他。你能拿出这个视频吗
                      • 对同一段访谈,你有你的解读,我有我的解读。你我各执己见。我给出了别人对那些短落/现象的评论,我还要拿出什么?再把链接转给你?
                        • “对同一段访谈”,我一直在要这段视频,你就是王顾左右而言他地拿不出来,推给我“别人”的评论,讨论别人的评论有什么意义 +1
                          • 别人讨论的就是你要的访谈
                            • 眼见为实 +1
                              • funny。什么叫眼见为实,你在现场?我看的是uuontario 君转的链接,我相信那些新闻记者看到的也是同一段视频。也许你看到的是别人没有看见的。
                                • 问:“。。。。”答:“。。。” 就这么简单 -3293(春眠不觉晓); 9-23 +1
        • 你这个又不是段视频, 让人家读不是要人家精神崩溃吗?
          • 我的确不往这里放英文文章,因为绝大部分人读不了。饲料不对。
            • 你吃完你的饲料以后, 认为还是应该继续打?
              • 是你吃得饲料不对。我告诉你一点,黄俄的通病,战争结束的主动权在俄罗斯。当然,你可以不回嘴,用你的智慧结束交流。
                • 按照你的看法, 你觉得现在会怎么发展?假设哈里斯赢了选举。 你觉得战争会怎么进行?
                  • 人家都说了“ 战争结束的主动权在俄罗斯”,和别人没关系
                    • 假设哈里斯赢了选举。 你觉得战争会怎么进行?
                      • 人家都说了“ 战争结束的主动权在俄罗斯”,和别人没关系 -3293(春眠不觉晓); 08:25
    • 爱因斯坦曾经说过“我不知道第三次世界大战会使用什么武器,但我知道第四次世界大战会使用棍子和石头”。LOL。
    • 不用读了,黄俄搞乱西方战线,狼子之心不可小觑,妄图利用特朗普来支持俄罗斯完全不需理会,特朗普再荒唐也不会顺着黄俄的心思。 +1
    • 结论



      北约的扩张与西方公司的活动密切相关。毋庸置疑,主要的军备制造商已经获得了巨大的推动(反映在他们的证券交易所估值中)。乌克兰经济的大部分部门,包括农业和能源,在 2022 年入侵乌克兰之前的几年里就已经欢迎外国资本。旧社会主义经济的转型类似于东欧的早期发展,其政治结果可能至少与我们近年来在维谢格拉德合作国家看到的一样令人不安。

      在讨论表述时,我重点讨论了欧洲的想象,以及米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫 (Mikhail Gorbachev) 的“欧洲共同家园”愿景与当前西方胁迫俄罗斯联邦遵守“正常欧洲国家”模板的政策之间的区别,即一个以西方条件向全球资本开放的国家。实际上,欧盟国家远非平等,无论是单独还是联合,都无法开始挑战美国。决定谁有资格成为“正常”欧洲国家的权利仍然笼罩在虚伪之中,无论是在宏区内还是外。为什么这些标准应该由美国的经济利益和地缘政治议程来决定?决心强行军事击败俄罗斯,然后进行赔偿和纽伦堡式的审判,这造成了核灾难的真正风险。

      在这种灾难性的情况下,乌克兰从长远来看最乐观的前景是一个类似于今天维谢格拉德诸国的人口减少的社会:向西方输出劳动力,欢迎外国资本,并选举出喧闹的民族主义者,他们抨击家庭生活的瓦解,并动用他们的欧盟发展资金来支持新的国内资产阶级。维克多·奥尔班 (Viktor Orbán) 的开创性反自由政权认识到并抗议这种情况,因为它害怕被强大的竞争对手抢风头。这是后社会主义欧洲国家的新常态,而俄罗斯则被贬低,完全被排除在欧洲道德共同体之外。总而言之,这是戈尔巴乔夫和其他所有希望冷战结束时能有不同和更好的愿望的令人失望的结局。

    • 读懂了:老荡和他哥各自分家独立后,他哥对老荡与村西头人家走地越来越近极度不满,为了他自己的舒适,他要强占老荡家院,不管老荡愿不愿意。而且他还认为的自己的行为天经地义。 +1
      • 哥俩住隔壁,分家以后,老荡跟世仇走得很近,世仇要进驻老荡的院子,老哥感觉到了威胁。
        • 嗯,老荡的院子老荡说了不算,老哥做主。
          • 你加拿大自家的院子也不能为所欲为啊,是不是?
            • 是八二还是二八,区别很大。
        • 说到世仇,往上追三四代,俄国和英国是亲戚。
          • 对了,还有蒙古……但这个跟本案有关吗?
            • 蒙古不是。
      • 作者,包括其它一些学着,认为北约拒绝普京21年底提出的安保提案,是战争爆发的一个因素
        • 不否认。但因素多去了,它出兵阿富汗都是冠冕堂皇的。