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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

请问你在哪里看到8个孩子以下不用注册的?“Every Home Child Care Agency in Ontario must be licensed by the Ministry of Education and they are obligated to adhere to government regulations which promote the health,

safety and well-being of the children and families enrolled in their program.”

Home child care agencies offer early learning and care in approved homes for children ranging in age from infancy to 12 years. While the hours of care available vary from home to home, licensed home child care can often accommodate families who work shifts or who need part-time, weekend or overnight care. Watch this video […]
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  • 枫下家园 / 房东 / 房客失业了,想在出租房开个ChildCare, 房东可以拒绝吗? 如果房客坚持要开,房东可以到哪里投诉。 LTB吗? +1
    • 恐怕很难。
    • 政府鼓励就业,WFH更是疫情后主流, 你什么理由投诉呀?瞎编可不行哦
    • 得有商业保险吧,否则小孩出了事,房东吃不了兜着走。再说了,租约里应该禁止租客搞商业经营吧? +5
      • 政府早规定了8个孩子以下不用注册。中国人脑子锈逗了幻想民主政府帮房东折磨英雄母亲?
        • 不注册就不是商业经营了? +1
          • 你说呢?人家就是多带个孩子
        • 请问你在哪里看到8个孩子以下不用注册的?“Every Home Child Care Agency in Ontario must be licensed by the Ministry of Education and they are obligated to adhere to government regulations which promote the health, +3

          safety and well-being of the children and families enrolled in their program.”

          Home child care agencies offer early learning and care in approved homes for children ranging in age from infancy to 12 years. While the hours of care available vary from home to home, licensed home child care can often accommodate families who work shifts or who need part-time, weekend or overnight care. Watch this video […]
        • 这是要坑死房东啊,一旦托儿所的孩子出现问题索赔,保险公司不保,房东就会倾家荡产。匿名发帖,你一点都不傻,就是坏。 +6
          • 如果拒保那是当然,请你举出案例。这种居家带孩实践十分普遍,甚至有政府代理机构组织,我相信他们是考量过的。
      • 👍 +1
    • 这属于住宅改商业用途了吧。 +2
      • 来,本坛律师你来干,送菜走人 +1
      • 收租难道不是商业? +1
        • 不是 +1
    • 这算不算出租用途算改变?如果是可以要求搬走
    • 去LTB赶房客吧,LTB可能会和稀泥,不行多交点租金算了,childcare也不是多大的事 +1
    • 这应该属于更改用途,能不能让房客拿出左右邻居的签字同意?如果邻居同意就让他开。 +1
    • 完全不可以。你的房子售出时,或年底报税时,盈利可能不是capital gain而是business income。房客不可以改变房屋用途。房子最终目的必须是用来住的,不是用来做生意的。是residential or commercial的区别 +8
      • 房东疯了吗主动交税?悄悄做点小生意搞点现金不好吗?可以考虑入个干股
        • 不是房东考虑交税,而是房客会报税。该处就成了商业地址,用于商业目的的房子CRA会让你按商业出租交税,出售时也按business income收税 +1
          • 我敢打包票,这个失业房客的生意是不交税的
            • 不是租客交不交税的事。租客不可以改变房屋用途,否则就是违约,应该赶走 +4
              • 租客请客你能怎么地吧?人家好好商量你能不能婉转点?
    • 改成 commercial lease agreement。
      • 那房东就输惨了,拿民房的租金,要付商业的税 +2
    • 你自己啥想法, 要是我, 就多收租子可解. +1
      • 实在人,慈悲为怀, 赞
    • 没那么简单,首先需要向政府申请licence,更需要征得房东同意。 +1
    • 房东当然可以直接拒绝。 +1
      • 怎样拒绝?拒绝了又怎样? +1
        • 这话问的。就和问”租客能不能把房子砸了,砸了又怎样?”一样。租客违反租约,赶走啊。 +1
          • 违反不违反,LTB说了算。
            • LTB也是要守法的。好像LTB真的就可以为了租客无法无天似的 +3
          • 现实摆在眼前,已经失业了,下面就是拖欠房租。。。
        • 婉拒是可以的,但很难不伤感情,除非能帮租客找到工作。
    • 租房合同里房子本来就是非商用,而且你的房屋保险也肯定是规定的非商用
      • 房屋保险不是必须的。不像车险,没有开车可能违法。
        • 屋主最大的风险是,如果托儿所的孩子在房子里摔伤了或触电了,家长就会要求claim伤害保险,租客的第三方责任险只管自己和访客,商业客户的伤害是不保的,家长就有可能找房东的保险公司赔,保额不够赔的房东赔。所以租客开托儿所必须有商业保险才行。 +4
          • 这种小生意就打的是访客差边球。较真就是启动冲突了
            • 出了事你以为保险公司是吃干饭的? +1
              • 这里有保险公司的,可以讲一讲嘛。(我估你不是)
                • 哈哈,看上去你就是想开daycare的租客吧?对不同意见那么抵触😂😂 +2
                  • 你代表保险公司,我不同意。保险公司要精算的,没数据直接喷是不专业的
    • 当然可以拒绝,因为如果小孩出啥事了找你不行还可以告房东。可以以此理由把你kick out。 +3
      • 拒绝的后果是啥?能取得肉联以外的同情吗?能取得LTB同情吗?
    • 不要来问网友, 这是很特殊的问题一般人没经验也缺乏法律知识。 去landlordselfhelp问。如果她纸面问你还好,留个证据。 如果只是口头问,以后出事了她如果说只是自己朋友孩子就很麻烦。如果真的开了你要录像留证据是daycare +2
      • 直接闹翻算了
    • ChatGPT回答了所有问题:1)租客违约;2)5个13岁以下不要license(包括自己4岁以下的孩子);3)要买保险(如果业主的房屋保险允许商业的话);4)业主对孩子伤害有可能会有责任。 +3

      As a landlord in Ontario, here are the answers to your questions regarding your tenant's desire to operate a home daycare:

      ### 1) **Does the tenant break the lease agreement that forbids business activities?**
      Yes, if the lease explicitly forbids the tenant from conducting business activities, operating a home daycare could be a violation of the lease agreement. A daycare is considered a business, even if it's a home-based one. You can address this violation by discussing the matter with the tenant or by enforcing the terms of the lease.

      ### 2) **Does the tenant need to apply for a license?**
      The tenant only needs a license if they plan to care for more than **5 children under the age of 13** (including their own children under age 4). If they care for **5 or fewer children**, no license is required under Ontario law. However, if they plan to care for more children, they must be licensed by the **Ministry of Education**.

      ### 3) **Is there any insurance the tenant needs to buy to operate a home daycare?**
      Yes, it is highly recommended for your tenant to purchase **home daycare liability insurance**. This policy typically covers:
      - Injuries or accidents involving the children.
      - Legal costs if a lawsuit arises from daycare activities.

      Additionally, you should review your own landlord insurance policy to ensure you're covered for business activities on your property.

      ### 4) **If there is no insurance or inadequate coverage and children are harmed, who is responsible? Is the landlord still liable?**
      If the tenant does not have adequate insurance, and a child is harmed, both the tenant and you as the landlord could potentially face liability, depending on the circumstances:
      - If the injury occurs due to a condition related to the property (e.g., poor maintenance, unsafe conditions), you could be held liable, especially if the tenant informed you of the issue and you did not address it.
      - If the injury is due to the tenant's negligence in running the daycare, they would primarily be liable.

      To protect yourself, you could require the tenant to provide proof of adequate insurance coverage and ensure that your own landlord insurance covers potential risks from operating a business on your property.

    • 私房出租不能用于商业用途,从这个角度,你可以维权。问题在于,租客失业无收入,你不准他搞托儿业务等于你拿不到房租,也赶不走,横竖都是你吃亏,自己衡量利弊吧
    • 直接赶走,忍一时之痛。在你房子里办幼儿园,后患无穷。出的事不是你损失几个月房租能对付过去的。不要被几个无赖影响,那样想以无赖的方式拿捏你的,就算你让他办了幼儿园,后面也不见得会不欠房租。结果你要受双重损失。 +3
      • 真出事了,房东是那个有米兜着的人,房客嘛,本来就没米了,还能榨出啥?要使劲也会用在有意义的地方。 +1
      • 能赶走当然是赶走,但问题是能赶走吗 +1
    • 如果房客没有告知房东,真出事了,房东还有个“不知情”的转圜。同样,如果房东没把这事告诉保险公司,到时一句“拒保”就甩干净了。房东可以问问保险公司要个答案。
      • 保险公司要你提供证据, 你拿出出租房合同转成商业。。一般性的问答会给你看政府链接