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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 亿万富翁Bill Ackman写公开信给Disney的CEO,认为ABC举报人的证词有可信度。证词称,ABC与哈里斯团队密切合作,分享问题实质内容,避开某些话题,就安排达成一致,承诺对川普而非哈里斯进行事实核查。 +4

    • Yesterday, ABC made a statement regarding the whistleblower affidavit. The only thing ABC said was that they did not give the questions or the topics to the Harris campaign. Well, nobody accused ABC of doing that. ABC has been accused of the following: +4

      1.) Giving the Harris campaign sample questions, similar to the actual questions that would be used for the debate.
      2.) Agreeing to give Harris a smaller podium and other arrangements to minimize the size differential between Harris and Trump.
      3.) Fact Checking would be done for Donald Trump and NOT Kamala Harris
      4.) Harris campaign gave questions to ABC that were not to be included in the debate. Including questions regarding her time as DA in SF and her time as California Attorney General.

      Out of all these accusations, the fact checking of Trump has been admitted to. The podium and split screen appearance to keep the height differential have already been proven, ABC did NOT deny communications with the Harris campaign without the Trump campaign being present and they will never deny that because they cannot. According to the whistleblower, ABC executives made numerous phone calls with the Harris campaign without including the Trump campaign on the call. Everything the whistleblower has submitted has been proven except for sample questions. There will be another tweet later today announcing action to be taken against ABC and the affiliates of ABC.

      • 坛里有川黑以哈里斯的检察官经历为荣,但哈里斯却要求ABC在辩论中不要问及她在加州当检察官的经历。好象是一个意外啊。😄 +6
        • 她做检察官的黑历史不能提,有个杀警察的杀人犯她坚持不判死刑,连民主党议员都公开谴责她。还有她拒绝起诉的人后来又杀了人,犯罪的非法移民她不让坐牢,让参加工作培训,等等,太多了。 +7
          • 怪不得她要求ABC在辩论中不能提问这个内容。 +3
            • 贺锦丽做检察官时起诉一位黑人母亲,让她丢了工作,因为她女儿生病住院没法上学。是的,子女不上学,父母会被起诉,这就是贺锦丽。 +1
              • 贺婆的power hungry写在脸上,难道还有人看不出?真心奇怪有人会愿意她做自己的总统,除了她家里人。 +3
      • 第二条真是太体贴了,怕哈里斯的讲台太大显得她hold 不住?🤣 +2
    • 2016年是CNN的嘉宾,把川普和希拉里的辩论问题泄露给希拉里团队,过往邮件后来被wiki leaks曝光,CNN随后解雇了这位嘉宾;这些左派媒体,只能说狗改不了吃屎 +5