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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

同样的文章也发表在牛津大学的网站上,这是链接 COPCOV trial, could chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine prevent COVID-19?

There are currently no proven vaccines or drugs for prevention of COVID-19. Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, drugs that have been used to treat malaria and a variety of rheumatological conditions have shown initial promise. Funded by the COVID-19 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome and Mastercard Therapeutics Accelerator grant, the COPCOV study will enroll 40,000+ vital frontline health care workers and staff who have close contact with COVID-19 patients to determine whether chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine are effective in preventing COVID-19.
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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 牛津大学研究:羟氯喹是治疗新冠病毒的“安全有效”方法 +2
    Scientists at the world-renowned Oxford University in England have just confirmed that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is "safe and effective" when used to treat COVID-19.
    • 打着牛津的名号,其实是泰国缅甸的机构,总部在泰国。
      • 著名对她们很重要,因为常理不在握,忽悠是必须的 +1
        • 我倒没有断言这个研究一定是忽悠,但是补充点儿信息提供给读者也挺重要的。
          • 我断言的名号响就是忽悠的起始表现,与文章内容无关 +1
            • completely false -“Scientists at the world-renowned Oxford University in England have just confirmed that… ”
      • The headquarters of the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU) is in Thailand with sister units in Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
      • Big deal. Covid was Fauci's product but was created in China. +4
        • Your comment is a perfect match with the article, well done. +1
    • 同样的文章也发表在牛津大学的网站上,这是链接 COPCOV trial, could chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine prevent COVID-19? +1
      There are currently no proven vaccines or drugs for prevention of COVID-19. Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, drugs that have been used to treat malaria and a variety of rheumatological conditions have shown initial promise. Funded by the COVID-19 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome and Mastercard Therapeutics Accelerator grant, the COPCOV study will enroll 40,000+ vital frontline health care workers and staff who have close contact with COVID-19 patients to determine whether chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine are effective in preventing COVID-19.
      • 牛津大学的网站上的文章都是牛津大学的研究
        • 在这个网页,也有一个牛津大学的教授给这个研究做的简短介绍。
          • 名家导言
            • :-)这项研究的领导者Dr. William H. K. Schilling,也是牛津大学的人
              • 1个专门研究羟氯喹的人
                • 不只这些,这个人的TITLE不小 “Chair of the Wellcome Trust- Oxford Asia Research Units”。 Professor Sir Nick White, COPCOV study co-Principal Investigator (PI), and Chair of the Wellcome Trust- Oxford Asia Research Units.
                  • 钻进这条死胡同,就不会有什么作为了
              • 原来你把牛津的毕业生,当作牛津的 人, 不过人家也说了 “Thankfully, there is no need to take hydroxychloroquine today to prevent COVID-19….”翻译出来就是谢天谢地,我们今天用不着用羟氯喹预防covid。
          • 不要理会这些疫苗自干五鸵鸟们,我们只管传播真相等着验证就好。新冠没有结束,不是来自自然的就不会自然结束,好在我们有羟氯喹和伊维菌素可以预防和早期治疗,相信疫苗的就一针针地打下去吧 +2
      • 这个研究机构MORU有很长历史,1979年由牛津大学,Mahidol University,UK's Wellcome Trust/OXFORD Asia Research Unit合办
        Established in 1979 as a research collaboration between Mahidol University (Thailand), Oxford University (UK) and the UK's Wellcome Trust, the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU) conducts targeted clinical trials and public health research that aim to discover and develop appropriate, affordable interventions that measurably improve the health of people living in resource-limited parts of the world.
        • 研究羟氯喹的人凤毛麟角
        • 这不恰恰说明主贴说的-研究是英国牛津做的是误导吗?
          • 牛津大学网站直接称这项研究是牛津大学的研究
            • 你给的链接不是牛津大学的网站,而是一个和牛津有合作关系的泰国机构,而且网页也没有说这是牛津的研究,而是泰国研究机构的成果。 +1
              • 您太列害了。上文给的链接是 XXX.ox.ac.uk,那是牛津大学的网站 LOL。您自己玩吧,不奉陪了 +1
    • 牛津大学也称这项研究是牛津大学的研究。牛津大学出的资 +2
      • 抗疟?
        • 文章列在了LATEST NEWS
      • 然后这个论坛的有些人还拼命说这不是牛津大学的研究。LOL +2
        • LOL,一朝被蛇咬,三年怕井绳 +1
    • 俺反对疫苗,但疫情已经过去,打的和没打的也都安好,让时间去验证就好了,真没必要还在疫情疫苗上论个输赢。
      • 显然政府的检察官不这么想。有了犯罪行为,就要起诉。ZT已经发生了。上周,堪萨斯州成为第一个对辉瑞公司采取行动的五个州。在下面的视频中,你可以看到堪萨斯州司法部长 Kris Kovack 指控辉瑞公司虚假和误导性的疫苗营销。 +1
        • 他起诉他的,我打我的疫苗,你服你的羟氯喹,事情不是这么简单吗? +1
          • 您老打了几针了? +1
            • 你吃过几颗兽药了?
              • 据说小嘴嘴上总是称IVM为“兽药”,但是试图偷偷获取IVM呀 LOL +2
                • 响亮且好记的名字,且不影响疗效
                  • 看样子小嘴在攻击IVM的同时,确实在存IVM备用啊,您老还知道疗效好,是不是已经吃了几颗了?不过不知道其他攻击IVM是否也象‘小嘴’这么聪明,知道存IVM备用 LOL +1
                    • 这也能刺激到你?
            • 小嘴巴说打了10针你难道就信了?他肯定是没打啊,要不怎么还活到现在。
        • 只有一个州起诉?还以为五个了呢。他们发现疫苗里面有纳米机器人了吗?如果没有,欢迎检察官来论坛里取经
      • If we don't learn from the history, the same things will come back in the future. +1
      • 这就好像说,贼已经偷走了你的车,人家没有再偷你了,保险也赔了,你根本没有损失,还天天吵着要警察抓人家就没意义了。
    • 羟氯喹是治疗新冠病毒的“安全有效”方法=“Thanks to the research we now know hydroxychloroquine might have been able to do some good,”
    • 笑死, “Thankfully, there is no need to take hydroxychloroquine today to prevent COVID-19….” said Dr Will Dr. William H. K. Schilling, who led the study.
      • Nick White is a Professor of Tropical Medicine at Mahidol University Thailand and at the University of Oxford, and a consultant physician in acute general medicine at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK. +1
      • He is a DPhil student at the University of Oxford. +1