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In Ontario, it is illegal to lay off a woman because she is pregnant. The Ontario Human Rights Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act protect pregnant employees from discrimination. Employers have a duty to accommodate pregnant employees unless it would cause undue hardship.

However, it is important to note that an employer can still terminate a pregnant employee if the reason for termination is unrelated to the pregnancy4. For example, if there are legitimate performance issues or if the company is undergoing restructuring, the termination may be lawful.

If you or someone you know is facing such a situation, it might be helpful to consult with an employment lawyer to understand the specific circumstances and rights.
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  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 我女儿的同学在加州,在亚马逊工作好些年了,昨天说她们部门全部被裁了。可怜她挺着大肚子还要准备找工作 +2
    • 孕妇也没保护条例? +1
      • 部门没有了,没人能幸免。
        • 这什么破国家,难民都有福利,公民没有?需不需要介绍个对象,我认为这种情况只能不挑了。
          • 怎么没有,你可以拿EI,可以成立工会,可以打官司,有可能比难民挣的还多 +3
            • 说得轻巧,不比找工作轻松。这可是孕妇!
              • 到肉脸来学习之后容易得很 +1
          • 这你就不用操心了,孩子他爸要管的😄 +1
            • 早说呀,虾一跳。大肚子了这段时间还是不要找工作了
        • 可以继续上班,只是地点偏远,她肯定去不了了。之前有一同学在美国加州上班,部门关闭后给两个选择。一是拿补偿金自己再找工作,二是跨越美国到新泽西上班。最好同学拿钱走人
    • 工作这么多年应该有些积蓄,孕妇正好休息一下。如果高额贷款买房的就没办法了。 +2
    • 论工作环境,Amazon 的名声一向不好 +3
      • 昨天坐 lyft,小哥说以前做 amazon flex 两年多,结果 app 最近 mess up 了,整个 app 就结束了。光是附近就 8000 个 driver 受了影响。
    • 她这么多年吃香喝辣赚高工资的时候,你咋没来说他可怜呢。 +7
      • 楼主和你一样想法。这种有经验的,再找不难。
      • 也算是我看着长大的孩子啊
    • 做这一行的,被雷几次是很正常的。
    • 挺着大肚子正好休息备产,多好的机会。现在找工作一上班就休产假了,雇主雇员都没意思。 +2
    • 孕妇裁员要给补偿的,让她去找公司要,补一直到产期的钱,应该能要回来 +1
      • 估计够呛,属于部门取消,和其它人一样
        • 部门取消又不是公司取消,孕妇的补偿通常都比较好,而且可以要求休产假,甚至可以要求产假休完,公司在其他部门提供相应职位。 +2
          • 看看GPT是怎么说的: +2

            In Ontario, it is illegal to lay off a woman because she is pregnant. The Ontario Human Rights Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act protect pregnant employees from discrimination. Employers have a duty to accommodate pregnant employees unless it would cause undue hardship.

            However, it is important to note that an employer can still terminate a pregnant employee if the reason for termination is unrelated to the pregnancy4. For example, if there are legitimate performance issues or if the company is undergoing restructuring, the termination may be lawful.

            If you or someone you know is facing such a situation, it might be helpful to consult with an employment lawyer to understand the specific circumstances and rights.
            • 安省因为怀孕而被雷是违法... +1
              • 应该告!
    • 软件工作?
      • 不是
    • 加州不清楚。在安省多年前我工作的公司被收购的时候,方式是原公司就地解散,新公司雇佣了原公司不到1/3员工。另外那2/3里面有孕妇,据说合法,因为原公司不存在了。
      • 美国都没有法定产假 何况大肚子:肚子不是资本家给搞大的反正 +4
        • 即使加拿大 雇主只要不承认就因为肚子大而裁员 也没招儿 +3
    • 裁个孕妇算什么, 我们公司总经理都炒, 公司想提拔工程经理当总经理, 工程经理都不敢作, BUDGET 定的太高
    • 咋没找到新闻?