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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



Donald Trump inherited approximately $413 million from his father, Fred Trump, according to a 2018 New York Times report. To adjust this inheritance for inflation and determine its present-day value, we can use an inflation calculator.

The bulk of Trump’s inheritance came through transfers in the 1990s. If we take the 1990s as a reference period, we can calculate the inflation-adjusted value of $413 million in today's terms. Let's calculate the figure.

Donald Trump's inheritance of approximately $413 million in the mid-1990s would be worth around $845 million today, adjusted for an estimated average inflation rate of 2.5%.

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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 1975年的纽约复兴故事 +9







    • 特朗普?去除装饰用语,也就是一个28岁富二代开始下海抄底了。 +3
      • 对、他说让美国再次伟大,不是吹的、哪怕是抄底、他在纽约频临破产的时候出手、证明了他的战略眼光和办事能力,他的这一举动可以说是挽救了纽约,70年石油危机、全世界都陷入大衰退、东有日本崛起,如果没有人出售、将来的世界之都会是东京。 +5
        • 他显然不是一个平凡之辈 +4
        • 他破产好几次,按照他父亲留给他的遗产,去除通货膨胀,实际上他没赚到钱 +1
          • 又来造谣了,照ChatGPT,川普继承的遗产算上通货膨胀现在值8.4亿,而按照Forbes数据,川普在2016年资产就有45亿,4年总统做完后只剩21亿了。 +4


            Donald Trump inherited approximately $413 million from his father, Fred Trump, according to a 2018 New York Times report. To adjust this inheritance for inflation and determine its present-day value, we can use an inflation calculator.

            The bulk of Trump’s inheritance came through transfers in the 1990s. If we take the 1990s as a reference period, we can calculate the inflation-adjusted value of $413 million in today's terms. Let's calculate the figure.

            Donald Trump's inheritance of approximately $413 million in the mid-1990s would be worth around $845 million today, adjusted for an estimated average inflation rate of 2.5%.

            • 显然这是误导,只计算了1990年遗产,90年川普已经50了,难道川普之前是个穷光蛋,躺着啥也不做的富二代?实际上他3岁时候就已经从祖父母父母那里获得财产。有人计算过这些财产如果到现在,川普啥都没赚
              Trump is the beneficiary of several trust funds set up by his father and paternal grandmother beginning in 1949 when he was three years old
            • 所以说说川普是骗子的帆船人士需要好好想一下,克林顿,奥巴马,做总统前都是小律师,通过做总统实现了阶层跨越,挤进了富人俱乐部。只有川普干总统这个差事是越干越穷。谁是骗子,谁是为了人民福祉无私奉献,呕心沥血,鞠躬尽瘁的公仆一目了然。 +1
    • this very young man would later bankrupt multiple businesses including Trump Taj Mahal (1991), +1
      Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino (1992), Plaza Hotel (1992), Trump Castle Hotel and Casino (1992), Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (2004), and Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009).
      • 商场如战场、胜败乃兵家常事。失败是成功之母,川普几十年商海沉浮、积累了大量的实战经验。而且他是能说到做到的人、不像传统政客、台下一套台上一套。 +7
        • Bankruptcy 难道不是最好的说到做不到的例子? +1
          • 没风险的事只有一个、买GIC。从事商业活动肯定要面对风险、川普成功的项目更多、而且失败更加激励起他的斗志,这些都是一个强国领导人必须具备的人格气质、如果美国总统是只会笑的大姐、那美国在大国政治中只能沦落于被人玩弄于股掌之间。 +7
            • Talking about risk control, have you not heard of Trump Vodka, Trump Steak, Trump Airlines, Trump Magazine, Trump Mortgage, and Trump University? All failed.
              • then why is he still rich? +3
                • Good question. Tax fraud could be one of the reasons.
                  A Manhattan jury has found two Trump Organization companies guilty on multiple charges of criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records connected to a 15-year scheme to defraud tax authorities by failing to report and pay taxes on compensation for top executives.
                  • taxes are from income, right? why does he need to pay taxes for failed investment? common sense. +3
                    • You were asking me why Trump is rich.
                      He certainly has quite some successful businesses, for which he needs to pay taxes but he didn’t or didn’t pay enough according to the conviction. That may be the reason he is rich. In the previous posts we were talking about his entire business legacy which was not short of bankruptcies to say the least. So was he a successful businessman? Your call may be different than mine
                      • do you mean he wouldn't have been rich if he had paid enough taxes? +1
                        • Read my post. I said tax fraud could be one of the reasons (of being rich ). I was very careful and did not say he wouldn’t have been rich if he had paid enuf tax.
                          • it is exactly what I don't agree with. to pay taxes you need to make money first. no one should pay a lot of taxes before making a lot of money. +2
                            • Based on the lawsuit,
                              it certainly looks like that these alleged, and now convicted, tax frauds were committed by individual trump business entities, whose tax should be assessed and paid individually and chronologically. You cant lump sum tax in this case.
                              • I am asking how much the taxes he 'owes' would affects his richness? when you said it is a reason that he became rich, you implied that he won't be rich if he eventually pays the taxes. +2
                                • I am no tax lawyer or accountant.
                                  I am not able to quantify how his tax evading would affect his richness one way or another. And I do admit he is a very rich man and has some successful businesses. But he has a very long list of business failures , and his business has comitted tax frauds. In my opinion, I don’t think his business acumen would translate into national policy successes. And that’s what the original post in this thread is all about.
    • 川普?
      • 是的、这是他第一个项目、有这种决心和眼光、他的对手哈里斯有吗?我们看到的我除了她把边境问题搞砸、和大笑姐的人设以及见人说人话、见鬼说鬼话的见风使舵、没有其他。 +7
    • 划重点:【小伙临危授命,力挽狂澜、一战成名、用事实打了这些大佬的脸。让纽约再次复兴、成为世界之都。】 +4

      • 偷换概念、股市邀请这个华人移民去买股了吗?纽约当时是人见人嫌、市长已经黔驴技穷、川普的投资具有示范作用、不是一个酒店这么简单、而是改善了投资生态圈,让纽约进入良性循环。 +6
        • 性质有啥不同?我都不好意思吹,你那边已经开始封神了。 +4
          • 70年代的纽约是黑帮横行, 警察索贿的犯罪之都。 +2
      • 数字哥出手选总理吧,肉联人民支持你! +1
    • 一个川普就“让纽约再次复兴、成为世界之都"? 你这就太低估美国人的智慧了,包括这肉摊上的不少美国人。。。LOL。 +1
      • 还是应了那句话:星宿老仙,法力无边,神通广大,法驾中原
        • 你抄我的吧,我老说这里就是任我行的徒子徒孙满地
    • 👍和一个,东方红,太阳升,中国出了个啥东东,踏微人民某星副 +1
      • 如果你这一帖一字不改地在1966年抄出来被别人看到,你猜会是什么样? +1
        • 帖主死刑,水手无期
        • 和楼主相应徽章,意境相同
    • 点个赞,加个一,一样是房地产大佬富二代,王思聪跟川普没法比 +3
      • Hoho 你居然能想到这个对比法,这俩人之间差的不是一星半点好吗,一个在天上,一个在地下。为什么说在天上,因为他信神,有神的护佑,心系人民造福一方与人为善,为什么在地下,因为信的是魔鬼,在罗刹国只管自己花天酒地,毫无利他。
    • 就一故事,听听就行。