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15th Amendment (1870): Prohibits the federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on "race,

color, or previous condition of servitude." This amendment was primarily aimed at ensuring that African American men could vote after the Civil War.

19th Amendment (1920): Grants women the right to vote. It prohibits any U.S. citizen from being denied the right to vote on the basis of sex, effectively enfranchising women across the United States.

24th Amendment (1964): Prohibits the use of poll taxes in federal elections. Poll taxes were fees charged to voters, which effectively disenfranchised many low-income citizens, particularly African Americans in the South. The 24th Amendment made it unconstitutional to require a tax payment as a condition for voting in federal elections.

26th Amendment (1971): Lowers the voting age from 21 to 18. This amendment was adopted in response to arguments that those old enough to be drafted for military service should also have the right to vote.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 说智商太敏感。改成:选民必须有起码的素质,同意否? +3
    • 不能定性和衡量的事你说个毛啊。 +1
      • 至少高中毕业,不离谱吧?
        • 所以说高学历等于高素质?博士一票相当于硕士2票,本科3票,高中生4票?
          • 只是一个门槛而已,没说成比例
        • 世界上没有任何一个国家会剥夺一个文盲的投票权。 +2
          • 1960年代的时候呢?
          • 纳税的应该有投票权,选出团队管理自己的税银。
            • 15th Amendment (1870): Prohibits the federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on "race,
              color, or previous condition of servitude." This amendment was primarily aimed at ensuring that African American men could vote after the Civil War.

              19th Amendment (1920): Grants women the right to vote. It prohibits any U.S. citizen from being denied the right to vote on the basis of sex, effectively enfranchising women across the United States.

              24th Amendment (1964): Prohibits the use of poll taxes in federal elections. Poll taxes were fees charged to voters, which effectively disenfranchised many low-income citizens, particularly African Americans in the South. The 24th Amendment made it unconstitutional to require a tax payment as a condition for voting in federal elections.

              26th Amendment (1971): Lowers the voting age from 21 to 18. This amendment was adopted in response to arguments that those old enough to be drafted for military service should also have the right to vote.
              • So, using education as a vote requirement does not violate the constitution.
                • The voting right act of 1965 prohibits the administering of literacy test to determine a citizen ‘s eligibility of voting. So yes such a requirement is against the law and unconstitutional
                  • 所以嘛,1965以后的美国开始走下坡路了
    • 谁来定义“起码的素质”?最高法院?你?
      • 美国有的州要求是小学毕业
    • 还是那句老话,选票是给那些挣不到钞票的人的。
      • 古罗马只有贵族才有选票
        • 所以人们进行了锲而不舍的抗争以争取平等的权力 +2
          • 对。Lydon Johnson的传记里面有过类似的描述, 讲当时白人欺负黑人识字少, 非要让他们被章程, 错一个字都不行。
        • 不是有选举人团吗
          • 古罗马就有吗?
    • 如果那样要求选民,你们的川总恐怕没希望选上了。
      • 所以您同意?
    • 现在的规定就挺合适,只要严格执行就行了 +1
    • 智商真是堪忧,根本不知道选票的意义 +4
    • 你说的这个事还真的不能这么做。 早年白人至上主义者就是用这个方式阻止黑人投票的。
      • 从政治正确的角度,我们不能说某族裔是低素质,对不对?
        • 好像这个论坛上,经常有人说,中国人,中国大陆人,华人,是低素质的。
    • 选举就是忽悠屁民们别闹事,用手里的选票改变世界。越是没素质的越是要有选票,否则这世界就更不太平了。 +1