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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 川爷又赢了!最高法驳回DC法官对川爷在职期间行政豁免权的挑战,并判其赔偿川爷三千多美金! +3
    • 又一个把司法系统作为对付政敌的武器的阴谋失败了 +3
    • $3000 is not even enough for a meal for Justin Trudeau. +1
      • 我必须承认,我一开始看成了3000万。3000块钱似乎是对川爷的侮辱。 +1
        • 忍一忍吧,再打一枪不一定闪得掉了。
        • 川爷亿万身家,根本就不会在乎这点儿钱,他的目标是带领大家从Deep State手中夺回美国,这些缠讼迟早得偃旗息鼓,他早就在集会上告诉大家不用为这些诉讼担心,所以这点小事他不会在乎也无所谓侮辱。这才是真正的大统领风范。 +3
    • This was one month old news.
      After the Supreme Court ‘s ruling on presidential immunity, the DC case of election interference was sent back to the DC appeal court as shown in your post. Yesterday DC appeal court ordered the case be returned to the lower court, where Judge Chutkan retook the control of the case of election interference. This morning Chutkan ordered to hold a hearing on August 18 to determine what trump acts should be considered official. The show is back on. Better follow the news more closely.