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In March, defense lawyers sought to exclude a government ethics form that disclosed Trump's reimbursement to Cohen, as well as a series of tweets from 2018 that prosecutors alleged were part of a "pressure campaign" against Cohen.

"Under these appropriate standards, President Trump's social media posts and public statements -- while acting as President and viewed in context -- fell within the outer perimeter of his Presidential duty, to which communicating with the public on matters of public concern was central," Trump's lawyers wrote in the March motion that the judge rejected ahead of the trial.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 最高法院裁决总统豁免权后,川普要求撤销纽约封口费裁决。川普的律师表示,应该撤销封口费案裁决,因为陪审团在审判期间看到了他们认为应该受到总统豁免权保护的证据。辩方请求更多时间来辩论——此举可能会推迟川普的宣判,目前该判决原定于7月11日宣判。
    Hours after the Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling on presidential immunity, former President Trump moved to have his New York hush money conviction tossed out.
    • 总统豁免权就是个笑话,共和党和川普任命4名保守派大法官,算是在美国地基上挖了一大块 +2
      • 不要说笑话不笑活,在现存的体制中,获得利益最大化,无可厚非。说到笑话,手无缚鸡之力的人成为地球的主宰,才是最大的笑话。 +2
        • 人和动物的区别搞不懂?还来说什么笑话
      • 应该任命谁,是习大大的问题 +1
      • 其实总统豁免权从美国建国以来一直是惯例,在川普以前,从来没有总统面临刑事起诉。现在左派为了争夺权力、打击政敌而不择手段地破坏这一惯例,直接威胁共和国的根基,所以最高法院才需要明确作出裁决。 +9
        • 这个“惯例”是世界的灾难,要废除:美国之所以可以在世界上杀人放火/绑架暗杀的就是因为这个惯例有恃无恐 +2
        • Then why was Nixon forced to resign? Why did President Ford pardon Nixon if the later had the immunity?
          • 这个扯起来就多了,比如说,尼克松干的事情是否官方行为。
        • 根本不是惯例
          • 说话要有根据,不应该信口开河。关于这个惯例,见最高法院首席大法官Roberts的意见书 (#16162943@0) +2
            • 对啊 根本不是惯例。不要信口开河
      • Biden should use and enjoy his newly obtained absolute immunity for the sakes of saving the democracy.
        • 总统豁免权只保护官方行为,私人行为不受保护。腐败卖国不是官方行为,不受保护。 +4
          • Biden in theory can make the judgment that trump is a threat to the country and the democratic institutions and order the navy seal to kill Trump.
            This is actually argued by trumps own lawyers during the SCOTUS hearing. Trumps lawyer said this should be considered official act and should be protected by presidential immunity
            • 疯狂的左派净琢磨这些歪门邪道 +6
              • Trumps own lawyer made this argument in the scotus hearing
        • 拜登愿意,可以直接下令逮捕、杀害他的竞争对手。法官也是知道他不会这么没底线。所以说要脸的左派会输给不要脸的右派。
    • 高法的判决并没有改变什么。美国司法制度政治化已经越来越明显,老百姓最后只能靠元月六号来表达不满。。。下次就不是红脖们进国会转一圈这么简单了。 +1
      • 高法的判决可以保护总统正常地工作、而不必处处担心下台后受到政敌报复。司法系统武器化是拜登干的,需要被纠正。 +5
        • 同理, 拜登如果这次竞选败了,也可能如法炮制,用其现任总统豁免权叫其副总统拒绝签署新一届总统投票结果。如此,高法好像是为拜登背书啊
          • Exactly. Biden should enjoy this immunity
            • 绝对,而且占了便宜还要买乖踩trump两下
    • 美国高等法院的裁决,彻底粉碎了拜登“总统”当皇帝的美梦。拜登打铺盖,走人吧?对了,拜登棺材准备好没有? +1
    • 纽约的案子本来就已经骑虎难下了。川普缴不出罚金,纽约检察官又不敢扣押川普资产。前不久一幢纽约地标建筑因为所有人债务违约被拍卖,结果拍卖价打三折。如果川普资产被拍卖,那还不搞出个雷曼时刻?
    • 所以从今以后美国总统就可以随意杀人了,搞个跟中国六四式的镇压也名正言顺了呗,只要是官方行为就行。连封口费都可以是官方行为,钱是美国政府报销的?看着吧,川普真上台,那就是普京式独裁的开始,宪法也很快就会改了,总统无限期连任,之后儿女继承。 +5
      • 颠倒黑白的胡扯 +9
        • 那你说一下,封口费是官方行为吗?为什么受豁免权保护?
          • 看看主贴里的原文

            In March, defense lawyers sought to exclude a government ethics form that disclosed Trump's reimbursement to Cohen, as well as a series of tweets from 2018 that prosecutors alleged were part of a "pressure campaign" against Cohen.

            "Under these appropriate standards, President Trump's social media posts and public statements -- while acting as President and viewed in context -- fell within the outer perimeter of his Presidential duty, to which communicating with the public on matters of public concern was central," Trump's lawyers wrote in the March motion that the judge rejected ahead of the trial.

            • 这不是完全是律师的胡说八道吗?
      • 封口费案的场景是老川当总统以前,难逃呀
        • 以后川普嫖妓都是官方行为,由白宫预算报销。
      • 中国六四镇压原来真的是随便杀人
    • 法律如儿戏,有钱有权的人,判了也可撤销, +1
    • 高法的宣判一点儿错没有。人家是有条件的。不包括私家事,和个人有关的事儿
      • 如果现任总统以国家名义使用公权力量,包围逮捕反对他的仪员或反对党领袖,政治对手,可以豁免不?
        • 只要有正当理由,通过正当程序,不违法,当然可以豁免。
          • 跟俄罗斯看齐?
        • 区分法律责任和政治责任,法律责任豁免,但是政治责任,美帝那么多刁民的地方,就等着下台,他所在的党派,如果支持他,各种选举好不了
          • 只要把反对的都抓到监狱,总统候选人就一个,怎么样?