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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Graduates of DBDA (Global Business and Digital Arts) programs possess a unique skill set that equips them for various career paths in today's digital-centric business landscape. Here are some common career paths for DBDA graduates:

1. **Digital Marketing Specialist/Manager**: With a strong understanding of both business principles and digital media technologies, DBDA graduates are well-suited for roles in digital marketing. They may be responsible for developing and executing digital marketing strategies, managing social media campaigns, analyzing data analytics, and optimizing online presence to drive business growth.

2. **E-commerce Manager**: DBDA graduates may work in e-commerce roles, overseeing online sales platforms, optimizing user experience, managing product listings, implementing digital marketing tactics to drive sales, and analyzing e-commerce metrics to inform decision-making.

3. **Digital Content Producer/Manager**: Graduates may pursue careers in content creation and management, working for agencies, media companies, or in-house marketing teams. They may be involved in creating digital content such as videos, graphics, blogs, and social media posts, as well as managing content calendars, distribution channels, and engagement metrics.

4. **User Experience (UX) Designer**: UX design is a critical aspect of digital product development. DBDA graduates with a background in design may work as UX designers, focusing on creating intuitive and user-friendly digital experiences for websites, apps, and other digital platforms, conducting user research, wireframing, prototyping, and collaborating with developers and stakeholders.

5. **Digital Business Analyst**: Graduates may pursue careers as business analysts, leveraging their understanding of business processes and digital technologies to analyze data, identify trends, and provide insights that inform strategic decision-making within organizations. They may specialize in areas such as market research, competitive analysis, or performance optimization.

6. **Entrepreneur/Startup Founder**: Some DBDA graduates may choose to start their own ventures, leveraging their interdisciplinary skills to launch digital businesses or startups. They may develop innovative products or services, create digital content, or provide consulting services in areas such as digital marketing, design, or technology.

7. **Consultant**: Graduates may work as consultants for firms specializing in digital transformation, providing expertise on how businesses can leverage digital technologies to enhance their operations, improve customer engagement, and drive growth. They may offer strategic advice, conduct audits, and develop customized solutions for clients across various industries.

8. **Project Manager**: With their interdisciplinary background, DBDA graduates may excel in project management roles, overseeing digital projects from conception to implementation. They may coordinate cross-functional teams, manage budgets and timelines, and ensure that projects meet business objectives and quality standards.

These are just a few examples of the many career paths available to DBDA graduates. The versatility of their skills allows them to adapt to diverse roles and industries where digital expertise is increasingly in demand. Additionally, as technology continues to evolve, new career opportunities may emerge for professionals with expertise in both business and digital arts.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 群里有熟悉Media production 行业的吗?前景如何?孩子有两个大学offer, 一个是TMU的Media production, 一个是UW 的 DBDA(global business and digital arts), 不知选哪个好。
    • open AI Sora 横空出世,以后media production 这个行业会被颠覆 +1
      • 还是需要懂得使用AI制作media的人
    • 现在有做自媒体频道吗?家里可以帮忙安排相关工作吗?都没有的话,要好好考虑一下就业出路
      • 家里没人做相关工作。直觉media production 圈子较小,人脉会很重要。沒人脉毕业后可能连那个圈子都进不去 +1
    • 看看机器人的回答,还是有不少职业选择的

      Graduates of DBDA (Global Business and Digital Arts) programs possess a unique skill set that equips them for various career paths in today's digital-centric business landscape. Here are some common career paths for DBDA graduates:

      1. **Digital Marketing Specialist/Manager**: With a strong understanding of both business principles and digital media technologies, DBDA graduates are well-suited for roles in digital marketing. They may be responsible for developing and executing digital marketing strategies, managing social media campaigns, analyzing data analytics, and optimizing online presence to drive business growth.

      2. **E-commerce Manager**: DBDA graduates may work in e-commerce roles, overseeing online sales platforms, optimizing user experience, managing product listings, implementing digital marketing tactics to drive sales, and analyzing e-commerce metrics to inform decision-making.

      3. **Digital Content Producer/Manager**: Graduates may pursue careers in content creation and management, working for agencies, media companies, or in-house marketing teams. They may be involved in creating digital content such as videos, graphics, blogs, and social media posts, as well as managing content calendars, distribution channels, and engagement metrics.

      4. **User Experience (UX) Designer**: UX design is a critical aspect of digital product development. DBDA graduates with a background in design may work as UX designers, focusing on creating intuitive and user-friendly digital experiences for websites, apps, and other digital platforms, conducting user research, wireframing, prototyping, and collaborating with developers and stakeholders.

      5. **Digital Business Analyst**: Graduates may pursue careers as business analysts, leveraging their understanding of business processes and digital technologies to analyze data, identify trends, and provide insights that inform strategic decision-making within organizations. They may specialize in areas such as market research, competitive analysis, or performance optimization.

      6. **Entrepreneur/Startup Founder**: Some DBDA graduates may choose to start their own ventures, leveraging their interdisciplinary skills to launch digital businesses or startups. They may develop innovative products or services, create digital content, or provide consulting services in areas such as digital marketing, design, or technology.

      7. **Consultant**: Graduates may work as consultants for firms specializing in digital transformation, providing expertise on how businesses can leverage digital technologies to enhance their operations, improve customer engagement, and drive growth. They may offer strategic advice, conduct audits, and develop customized solutions for clients across various industries.

      8. **Project Manager**: With their interdisciplinary background, DBDA graduates may excel in project management roles, overseeing digital projects from conception to implementation. They may coordinate cross-functional teams, manage budgets and timelines, and ensure that projects meet business objectives and quality standards.

      These are just a few examples of the many career paths available to DBDA graduates. The versatility of their skills allows them to adapt to diverse roles and industries where digital expertise is increasingly in demand. Additionally, as technology continues to evolve, new career opportunities may emerge for professionals with expertise in both business and digital arts.

    • 谢谢大家,GBDA 将来选择看来更多些。Media production 更专一些,职业主要在entertainment 行业
    • 孩子能听你的吗?
      • 她那不定主意,我想帮她收集些信息供参考
    • 选择大学专业需要考虑多个因素, +1

      TMU的Media Production:



      UW的DBDA (Global Business and Digital Arts):



      • 谢谢详细答复
    • 我儿子学的也是游戏动画,媒体…基本没毕业就失业了
      • 游戏制作也不好找工作吗?
      • 此一时,彼一时,我高中毕业,高考落第,很快当上了亚洲最大得动画片场制片人 +1
        • 长发哥 我好奇 你为啥18般武艺 样样都知道呢?电影制片 焊接 卡车叉车 写码 DBA 网络 服务器 管子工 电工 。。。 +2
          • 我性格比较幼稚,对新鲜事物充满了好奇,看到啥都忍不住要试一试,你如果听到我家里跟我老婆发嗲说的那些话,就明白了,其实就是小毛孩没长大。。。 +1
          • 一辈子换了无数工种,终于发现最擅长的瞎掰。 +4
          • 制片长发哥以前说干过,好像说他的处蓝就是在那没了。😂😂 +1
            • 👍,
          • 还有,父亲!
      • 游戏动画和媒体是连在一起的, 还是分开的. 这个会引起歧义. 有个朋友孩子学动画, 没好意思问他孩子的情况.
    • 如果除了专业,孩子倾向于UW, 因为她可以住校。离家有点距离,但又不太远。
    • UW 的 DBDA好像从二年级开始在Brantford校区
      • 是Stratford, 从主校区开车要45分钟
    • GBDA以前review 不好,不知道现在有没有改进。