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FDA settles lawsuit over Ivermectin social media posts

The FDA said it will remove social-media posts that indicate ivermectin is for animals, not humans.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 伊维菌素胜利了,美国FDA败下阵来,代价是几百万人的生命。 +4


    • 强国新闻?美国人吓傻了,欧洲吓呆了,日本鬼子吓哭了。天朝取得了清零式节节胜利👍? +2
      • FDA settles lawsuit over Ivermectin social media posts +4
        The FDA said it will remove social-media posts that indicate ivermectin is for animals, not humans.
      • 喜马拉雅洛杉矶盘古农场
        • 我虽然没备用那个药,但清楚记得这个药背着“兽药”的帽子 +1
      • 从新冠病毒在美国流行开始,我们就不厌其烦告诉世界人民,伊维菌素等是治疗新冠病毒良药。4年过去了,美国FDA故意误导,欺骗全世界人民,罪孽深重。 +3