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V叔最有发言权吧,Capital Markets (CM) and Investment Banking (IB) are related with different focuses.

Investment Banking and Capital Markets have a harmonious relationship in helping companies raise capital when required. Investment Banking assists companies in making financial decisions like the price of the deals and the timing when a deal should be made. They help in deciding how the company’s finances can be designed and offer advice related to finance. They keep themselves updated with the changing trends and rules and always make sure that the company follows those rules. When the company wants to trade stocks, and bonds (financial products) these investment banks get paired up and work along with Capital Markets. They bring these securities to shareholders in the primary market. As we have seen, these capital markets have primary and secondary markets that pose as a platform for buying and selling these securities.

In these Primary Markets, Investment Banking plays the role of an underwriter and makes sure that the securities are sold smoothly. The secondary market is where used securities are traded. They help in the fluidity of the transaction between the parties involved. To put it simply. Investment Banking and Capital Markets get along together to maintain harmony in the financial environment by ensuring the perfect capital flow and growth of the company’s economy


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 在加拿大,所谓的投行是六大行的capital market. 是不是?
    • 应该和美国一样贝街也会有精品小投行。
      • 投行帮助发行IPOs. 但是capital market 不做IPOs? 在加拿大,什么机构 帮助发行IPOs?
        • 谁告诉你capital market 不做IPOs? +1
          • 我不知道才问的
      • 我们公司的bond 是六大行的 capital market 帮助发行的。
        • capital market 包括两帮人,一帮人做债,一帮人做股。天朝的第一大券商——中信证券他爹,王东明就是在加帝的丰业银行学了,回去把中信证券搞起来的。 +1
    • 美欧大行在加拿大也有分部 +1
    • 应该不是一回事儿,投行算capital market的其中一块。
      • Haha. 压力山大🤣。哪位大侠给解释一下银行的 debt services 和 investment banking 的具体职能?🤔 和一些 Chinese wall 的介绍。🙏
        • 自己放狗就知道
        • 天朝的券商,股和债,一级发行,都是放在投行。二级市场交易,如果是自营,都属于自营部门。如果是资管,就是资管。代客交易,就是经纪业务。天朝基本都是抄美帝加帝的,估计差不到哪里去。 +1
      • 反了,capital market是投行一部分
    • 美国因为曾经有法案要求分离投行和商业银行,才有专门“投行”一说。美国现在或其他国家无此要求,银行或非银行都可做投行业务
      • chinese wall 拆了?🤣
        • 墙还在,有监管要求
        • 此墙非彼墙,这是防范利益冲突,英帝和美帝的基本要求,不可能拆
      • 是不同的财务实体
    • V叔最有发言权吧,Capital Markets (CM) and Investment Banking (IB) are related with different focuses. +2

      Investment Banking and Capital Markets have a harmonious relationship in helping companies raise capital when required. Investment Banking assists companies in making financial decisions like the price of the deals and the timing when a deal should be made. They help in deciding how the company’s finances can be designed and offer advice related to finance. They keep themselves updated with the changing trends and rules and always make sure that the company follows those rules. When the company wants to trade stocks, and bonds (financial products) these investment banks get paired up and work along with Capital Markets. They bring these securities to shareholders in the primary market. As we have seen, these capital markets have primary and secondary markets that pose as a platform for buying and selling these securities.

      In these Primary Markets, Investment Banking plays the role of an underwriter and makes sure that the securities are sold smoothly. The secondary market is where used securities are traded. They help in the fluidity of the transaction between the parties involved. To put it simply. Investment Banking and Capital Markets get along together to maintain harmony in the financial environment by ensuring the perfect capital flow and growth of the company’s economy

      • 道理是这样,但加拿大银行的投行业务一般归在CM,CM和资产管理,零售属第一层分支
        • 请解释一下资产管理,属于什么类型的业务。先谢谢啦。
          • 各类基金(互惠基金,退休基金)的投资管理
            • 做这行的人怎么说才能让普通人明白?比如我说在银行做资产管理,别人就会接着问管理哪些房地产。
              • 我觉得翻译成财富管理(wealth management)更准确,而不是资产管理 +1
                • asset management 和 wealth management 是两个不同名字,代表的行业不是一回事。
          • 受人之托,
          • 好么,原来有两个不同版本的vicky,乍一看还以为是自问自答呢.... +2
    • capital market 就是市场,做交易的地方。银行是管钱的地方,投行是负责投资的银行或银行部门。银行和投行和一些公司可以做些金融产品,拿到capital market 上去卖,别家银行或投行可以买,如果没人买就自己留着。。
      • 还有另外一种区分,资本市场是相对于货币市场:资本市场的投资,一年以上;货币市场是一年以内。所以有所谓的货币市场基金,以及普通的投资基金。资本市场,比较典型的投融资工具,就是股和债券。货币市场,比较典型的是短期债券,一年以内的,比如高盛起家的商业票据。 +1
        • 👍 美国的纽约和芝加哥有好多种market, 交易各种各样的金融产品,加拿大没这么多。比如次贷,加拿大自己就没有,但是如果加拿大的基金买了美国的次贷产品,而我们买了这个加拿大基金,我们就都会被次贷影响。
          • 次贷哪都有,只是加拿大监管严格所以次贷比例小
          • 以投资期限来分, +1
            • 次贷就是信用差的人拿到的non-prime贷款,衍生品是另外一回事,你这是拿了一堆词却不知道什么意思混乱堆砌
              • 我不懂装懂嘛,感谢您指出来,哈哈
              • 是,加拿大的房贷都是找银行,银行出真金白银帮你买房。美国则不一定,贷款公司并不一定有钱,他们拿到你的贷款合同,到capital market 上卖掉,才有钱给你买房,所以贷款公司必须aggressive 操作,尺寸难掌握。
                • 银行也会打包卖贷款,
                  • 你谦虚了,差不多吧。现在啥知识谷歌上都有,能找到和理解就是本事👍 感觉他们就是把简单的东西搞复杂,让人看不懂然後糊里糊涂地掏钱😀 能空手套白狼就是本事,赚了是他们的,赔了是你的
                    • 把产品卖出去也不容易,各行各业都一样销售是核心生产力,所以销售赚的多
    • 不全是,投行有不同功能和类型,一大部门是投行部IBD,交易企业或筹集资金等,属于竞争最激烈的部门,工作强度大,平均收入也相对高