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Do not count 老人金 for your wealthy retirement living!

Old Age Security (老人金)is in a nature of welfare which is designed to compensate those whose retirement income is under minimum living standard. The amount will diminish as your income goes up.

Currently, $1500/month is minimum living standard for senior couple. A couple with no retirement income, no CPP, no RRSP, no savings, no investment or any other source of income, will receive $1500 per month from Old Age Security. When couting assets, the value of owner-occupied residence under certain conditions is excluded.
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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 看看自己到退休时能攒多少退休金养老?根据Ipsos-Reid最近一项调查,按加拿大人到退休时能攒下的退休金分布如下:
    $10 万以下 20%
    $10 万- $25 万 15%
    $25万 - $50万 10%
    $50万 - $100万 13%
    $100万 13%


    • 推薦.
    • 看来, 在哪里俺都是个平头百姓.
    • The RRSP money should be invested. Assume the annual return is 8%.
      • 按你这样的算法, 我们移民要累死了,要买车买房, 老了没有钱就少花少玩, 年轻时候那末节约,老了有钱也玩不动了。
        • 绝对赞成!老了好吃的咬不动,好玩的玩不动,还遭小的嫌弃,积攒那么多干啥!享受要趁年轻,不然一辈子都是苦。再说还可以把房子卖了,好多人就这么打算的。
      • tell me which RRSP portfolio can give u an annual return of 8%?
    • 有没有自己的房子要比多少退休金要重要吧,如果有房子租给别人还能有稳定收入。
      • 你要家里开了旅馆, 你做看门老大爷,下班负责烧水打杂, 门口来个传达室, 老了更有钱!
        • 还不寂寞,特滋润。:))
      • 房子付清, 你还可以反贷款, 和贷款一样, 最后房子是贷款公司的.
    • you did not count in the growth of the money
      • How fast can your money grow? Do not forget 2 factors when calculating: inflation rate ranging between 2% - 5% in the past 10 years; earnings outside of RRSP shelter are subject to income tax! What's left?
        • look like you have no idear about investment, do you know rule of 72?
    • According to your data, only 71% 加拿大人 are counted in. How about other 29%, are they no saving at all? You did not count in CPP money and 老人金, these two parts are about 1500/month/person now.
      • 最后不要想着靠这些东西。要是20年后政府破产了,没有RRSP的结余,会死的很难看的。
        • 60年代末, 70年代初, 就有人提出"20年后政府破产了,没有RRSP的结余,会死的很难看的" 讲法了.
          • 所以现在这批BABYBOOMER过的很好呀,就是因为他们为最坏的结局作了准备:-P。财务上作最坏的打算没有坏处。过去没有发生,不定将来就不会发生:)
            • 黑黑,政府是最靠不住的东西,要象看贼一样盯紧他们,其实他们就是贼,只是制度约束无法肆无忌惮的偷罢了。还记得当年MP给自己涨工资的事吗?
      • You are right. I just copied from the newspaper. The source is Torstar News Service.
      • Do not count 老人金 for your wealthy retirement living!
        Old Age Security (老人金)is in a nature of welfare which is designed to compensate those whose retirement income is under minimum living standard. The amount will diminish as your income goes up.

        Currently, $1500/month is minimum living standard for senior couple. A couple with no retirement income, no CPP, no RRSP, no savings, no investment or any other source of income, will receive $1500 per month from Old Age Security. When couting assets, the value of owner-occupied residence under certain conditions is excluded.
        • Plus the provincal fund, It's 1500 per couple in Alberta now.
        • So the best way is at the year your turns into 65, your RRSP account SHOWS 0$, you can get max fund from Fed and Provinve goverment.
          • There are people (Chinese!) who hold their life time savings in cash and stuff undernearth the mattress in order to qualify more for OAS.
    • 你忘了计算投资利息了,收益好十年可以翻一番.
      • What if 收益不好?People become more conservative as they get older. Currently any investment that can yield GUARANTEED 5% annually is considered as high return.
    • CPP 都白交了?
    • 不要打击大家了,很多人可都是翘首以待指望着CCP养老呢。我个人认为,那些钱是能够让辛苦生存了一辈子的新移民拿着最低生活费在加拿大继续生存的。
      • 这些数字应该是包括了RRSP的,因为那也是你自己随时掌握的存款,只是不准动用而已。
        • 我想说的是CPP, 结果写成RRSP了。 很多新移民来到加拿大就是想着加拿大无与伦比的退休福利制度来的,目前忍辱负重就是等着退休拿CPP。你却说每个人都要存钱才能有钱退休,有人会想不开的。
          • I believe the survey refers to total assets at retirement age, including both CPP and RRSP. The problem is we don't know how to calculate CPP. Perhaps nobody knows.
            CPP works this way: what we are paying know is used to take care of old generation - current retirees. The size of pension receipients and the size of current work force are constantly changing. There is no direct formular with which we can calculate what we are paying for CPP and what we will get some 20 years after.

            We are experiencing pension short fall right know, and our CPP deduction rate has kept going up in the last few years. Last year was 4.5% for example. This year (2004) we will pay 4.95% for CPP. This increase does not necessarily means that we will get a penny more in our pension payment when we retire.

            CPP is a problem, and if mismanaged can go bankrupt. That is why the government encourage ourselves to buy RRSP to save as our person pension.
    • 基本上说每年要是能买1万的RRSP到退休有个5,60万应该是没问题的,(按定期GIC的利息算). 而且退休后也不是一笔取光,加上CPP和其他的储蓄应该是很充足的. 不过每年省一万可是比较艰巨的任务... 想省两万大概就得活得象难民了.
      • 问题是想存1万去RRSP都不是一件容易的事,那要55555年薪.大多数移民每年的额度也不过几千而以.
    • 听说如果RRSP帐户里有很多钱的老人,政府发养老金时给的就要比一般人少.不知是不是真的.
      • 是真的. #1590471
    • 如果你有一个好的计划,你可以轻易达到Top1/4。玩儿命攒钱的寓公精神是不可取的。大家也别幻想依靠政府的补助了,
    • 你的算法是单利,而RRSP其实是复利(利滚利)计息的,所以如果要在30年内攒够60万,每年应该存的钱一定少于2万,具体多少要复杂计算才行。
      • got it by a financial calculator: 30 years, if investment rate is 5% annually, future V 600k, then every year you need put into 9 k
        • 看到希望了!一年少于一万努一努力还许能做到。前提是保证5%的稳定回报。现在象GIC, Money Market, Treasure Bill之类的只有2-3%。
        • 另外你的计算是完全基于RRSP养老。其实还应该包括CPP 和Old Age Security.老人收入在7万以下的还会有少许的OAS的。这样算下来所需的RRSP就更少了。还有,大部分人到65岁时还硬实着哪,接着干。 
        • 30万的房子,30年付清,年利5.5, 月付$1,700
          • Good point, If I got money, first thing first, pay off the mortgage! forget about other things
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