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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!





二是可能构成对大统华的defamation。对此,我专门去图书馆借了如图的加拿大侵权法,并专门学习了chapter 15:Defamation.这篇读书笔记,提到的所有资料,基本上都来自于这一部分,包括相关的案例,我没有读原文,读的也是这本书里面的摘录。



2.1 freedom of expression

Irwin Toy Ltd.v.Quebec(1989)S.C.R案中提出S.2(b) of the Charter has three core rationales, or purposes:

(1) democratic discourse; 没有言论自由,我们无法批评政府,无非批评政府机构及其工作人员的工作,就没有民主。

(2) truth-finding;

(3) self-fulfillment。

2.2 the reputation of the individual



安省对于defamation的立法,就是Libel and Slander Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. L.12。

3.1 libel主要是指含有defamatory meaning的书面的材料,包括writing, signs, pictures, statues, films,甚至是conduct。

3.2 slander主要是指口头的表示。



4.1 the material was defamatory。但是,如何认定defamatory呢?

Wilson C.J.S.C.在Murphy LaMarsh ET AL.(1971)中这样说的:Such words are considered defamatory because they tend to bring the named, according to the classic definition, into hatred, contempt or ridicule. The more modern definition, given by Lord Atkin…to lower the plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking members of society generally.

4.2 the material referred to the plaintiff

能否认定为可能指向原告,是法律问题,由法官决定。如果回答是肯定的,则对于一个reasonable people,能否认定是指向原告的,则是一个事实问题,由jury决定。

4.3 the material must be published

在大部分案子中,不构成问题。但是,在极端案例中,这是个问题。Mcnichol v.Grandy (1932)S,C,R.695,(1932)1 D.L.R.225中,被告和原告在原告的药店吵架,当时屋内只有他们俩人,被告骂原告。但是,原告的一个员工,去隔壁房间换衣服,听到吵架声音,并通过房间的一个小孔偷听到了整个对话。结果,法院认为构成published。


5.1 truth:举证责任在被告。For in practice, it acts not only as a serious deterrent against dissemination of falsehood but…constitutes also a powerful brake on public debate and the flow of information by underscoring the wisdom of caution and self-censorship.

5.2 absolute privilege


the acts of high executive officers in the performance of their official duties. It applies to statements made during parliamentary proceedings and judicial proceeding also applies to communications between spouses.


5.3 qualified privilege

和前面不一样的是,如果表达人存在恶意(malice),就要承担责任。举证的顺序是,被告举证属于qualified privilege,然后原告举证存在malice。

In general terms, the protection of a qualified privilege extends to publications“fairly made by a person in the discharge of some public or private duty, whether legal moral, or in the conduct of his own affairs, in matters where his interest is concerned。”

The fundamental basis of all occasions of qualified privilege is the notion that the publisher had an interest or duty to convey the material to a person who had a reciprocal interest or duty to receive it.


(1)Protection of one’s own interest

比如,Pleau v. Simpsons-sears Ltd.(1976)中,原告钱包丢了,开始有伪造他签名的签支票出现。被告在收银处贴了个notice告知其员工,如果有原告名字的支票出现,就留住该持票人,并且叫保安。该通知,顾客也能看到。原告的朋友看到了,告知原告。原告起诉,陪审团认定没有构成defamation,上诉法院也认可。

(2)common interest or mutual concern

在Bereman v.Power publishing Co. supreme court of Colorado. (1933).所涉及到的是,在州工会出版物上的一篇文章,指责原告和其他两个人,从该市唯一的一家工会洗衣厂招聘工会的traitor,并且让这些traitor招揽之前的顾客来光顾,但是不告诉这些顾客,他们是为没有工会的雇主工作。这篇文章说,原告和其他两个人,为了钱而出卖人格。判决认为,该文章发表在工会出版物上,受众是工会成员,为了双方共同利益,有权告知这些情况,构成qualified privilege。

(3)moral or legal duty to protect another’s interest

Courts are more inclined to find a qualified privilege where statements are made in response to specific inquiries than when they are volunteered. For example, if a previous employer gives a character reference regarding a discharged employee at the request of a prospective employer, the former employer is more likely to be protected than if volunteering the information. See Toogood v. Spying (1834)

An inquiry is not always required, however. Certain relationships generate a duty to inform even without any request to do so. For example, defamatory statements by a father to his daughter about a prospective husband are privileged because of his moral obligation as a father. See Bordeaux v. Jobs (1913)

(4) Public interest

5.4 responsible communication on a matter of public interest

Grant v. Torstar, supreme court of Canada (2009), McLachlin C.J.: I agree and would formulate the test as follows. First, the publication must be on a matter of public interest. Second, the defendant must show that publication was responsible, in that he or she was diligent in trying to verify the allegation, having regard to all the relevant circumstances

5.5 Fair comment

The comments cannot be presented so that they appear to be allegation of fact. The ordinary unprejudiced reader must take them to be comments based on facts for the defense to hold. See Clark v. Norton. (1910) Thus, if the “sting of the words complained of do not appear to be comment at all”, the defense will fail. Jones v. Bennett (1969). In other words, to say that someone did something dishonorable is a fact, whereas to say that someone did a particular thing and that was dishonorable is a statement of fact and a comment.

Unless that facts upon which the comment is based are true and undistorted, the comment cannot be “fair”. The truth of the facts, there, is essential, not to prove that the statements were justified, but that the comment was a fair one.

Although the comment must be fair, this does not necessarily mean that it must be reasonable. Even the unreasonable are allowed to express their views. The test for the jury is whether they might reasonably regard the opinion as one that no fair-minded person could possibly have promulgated. The jury must not substitute their own opinion on the subject. See McQuire v. Western Morning News Co. Ltd. (1903); Master v.Fox(1978), fair comment defense fails because no fair-minded person could draw the inference from the facts. In other words, as long as the comment represents a legitimate opinion honestly held, it will be protected.


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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 读书笔记:在社交媒体批评雇主,如何避免defamation +1
    • 菜哥,你要先找到下一个雇主,才能学以致用。 +1
      • 我还等着你们叫我回去呢,哈哈😊
        • 送菜容易,送神难。我猜大童话learned the lesson.
          • 你,不用猜猜吧,网友们都知道,哈哈 +1
        • 如果让你回去工作,你会回去吗?
          • 据说盒饭的诱惑力还是挺大的,,, +1
            • 冲冠一怒为饭盒。 +1
              • 段子愈来愈好。
                • 其实我和实话哥/姐是一个人两块牌子,互怼博关注,😄 +1
                  • 实在急眼了,
                    • 我们其实都是老大的人,赚流量的,😄 +1
    • 没有追剧,只是感觉太累。有这个精神头还不如学点啥找个更好的工作。此处不留爷...哎,太累 +4
      • 菜哥主打一个 +1
        • 叨逼叨叨逼叨的,大忌
        • 你不是也有点?投标不中就算了嘛,还告啥(我是赞同你告的,无他,这是你的权利耳),哈哈😄 +2
      • 难道就不允许别人把这个当个乐子?有些人还把劳动当成第一需要呢.
    • 你研究这些个都没用,公司的policy,你不是第一个,也不会是最后一个想要去挑战的,正儿八经找个律师,狮子大开口,看看能咬到点什么吧。 +1
      • 都到加拿大了,一点娱乐精神都没有,成天就是有用没用。。。。
      • 对,先咨询一下,看看有没有戏。再试试有没有可免费的
    • 送菜哥2024好。
      • 蔡哥2024也快度假回归了吧, 好些天没啥更新了!
        • 嗐,别说了,一个被开除的人,吃饭都困难,还度啥假啊,只不过除了坐等开庭,没啥可以絮叨的了
      • 新年好啊