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Deduction and remittance of union dues

47 (1) Except in the construction industry and subject to section 52, where a trade union that is the bargaining agent for employees in a bargaining unit so requests, there shall be included in the collective agreement between the trade union and the employer of the employees a provision requiring the employer to deduct from the wages of each employee in the unit affected by the collective agreement, whether or not the employee is a member of the union, the amount of the regular union dues and to remit the amount to the trade union, forthwith.


(2) In subsection (1),

“regular union dues” means,

(a) in the case of an employee who is a member of the trade union, the dues uniformly and regularly paid by a member of the trade union in accordance with the constitution and by-laws of the trade union, and

(b) in the case of an employee who is not a member of the trade union, the dues referred to in clause (a), excluding any amount in respect of pension, superannuation, sickness insurance or any other benefit available only to members of the trade union. 1995, c. 1, Sched. A, s. 47.

Religious objections

52 (1) Where the Board is satisfied that an employee because of his or her religious conviction or belief,

(a) objects to joining a trade union; or

(b) objects to the paying of dues or other assessments to a trade union,

the Board may order that the provisions of a collective agreement of the type mentioned in clause 51 (1) (a) do not apply to the employee and that the employee is not required to join the trade union, to be or continue to be a member of the trade union, or to pay any dues, fees or assessments to the trade union, provided that amounts equal to any initiation fees, dues or other assessments are paid by the employee to or are remitted by the employer to a charitable organization mutually agreed upon by the employee and the trade union, but if the employee and the trade union fail to so agree then to a charitable organization registered as a charitable organization in Canada under Part I of the Income Tax Act (Canada) that may be designated by the Board. 1995, c. 1, Sched. A, s. 52 (1); 2004, c. 16, Sched. D, Table.

Application of subs. (1)

(2) Subsection (1) applies to employees in the employ of an employer at the time a collective agreement containing a provision of the kind mentioned in subsection (1) is first entered into with that employer and only during the life of such collective agreement, and does not apply to employees whose employment commences after the entering into of the collective agreement. 1995, c. 1, Sched. A, s. 52 (2).


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 问个技术问题 -- ”大公会,很强势,有很多人,囊括几个行业,全是纳税人供养“,工会会费谁出?
    • 这都是胡说八道。只有天朝的中华全国总工会以及各省市行政级别的工会,才是纳税人供养。 +1
    • 工会会员出。不过政府部门及机构的员工工资是纳税人出。 +3
      • 这个也是会员出。不能从最终来源。否则,所有的最终来源,都是老百姓出,都是消费者出,那就没啥意义。 +1
      • 会员给工会交钱,工会代表会员向纳税人要钱 +3
        • 私人企业也有工会,他们没向纳税人要过钱。我的第一个工作在一个饭店里洗碗,有工会,私人的饭店。 +1
          • 我说的是楼主问的情况,同时反驳那个啥都不懂的主儿胡搅 +4
            • 大工会,比如Unifor 就是私营企业的。 +2
      • 嗯,别的地方不清楚,俺知道的政府厅级单位人数多到一定程度,会设有处级的工会部门,工会领导相对于处长.....其实大多数就是张罗节假日的员工福利,尤其是退休人员的娱乐活动...与西方的工会是两码事。
        • 对的,我以前工作的一家全国性股份制商业银行。工会主席是党委员,班子成员,副行长级别,薪酬也是副行长级别。但是,那个不叫工会。
          • 刘主席去安源搞的叫不叫工会?
    • 说的是,“几个行业”是纳税人供养 +2
      • 是的,谢谢帮我说清楚
    • 会费会员出,工会最上面的那些人拿高薪,都是会员的会费出的,所以工会希望他们的会员越多越好 +3
      • 这个和 non-profit 一样(还有那些同乡会),留不下 profits,所以就得全 spend 掉。 +1
        • 我理解应该可以留下做资金储备,否则罢工时给picket line上会员的补助哪里来? 他们就是贪婪,我记得某个工会头目工资几十万
          • 分饼肯定是有说法的。比如某annual fund + payrolls + G&A + long-turn urgency fund 之类的。
          • 那些补助是小儿科,大头在工会管理人员的工资和福利,union administration。罢工有罢工的Strike Funds, 每个月收的会费都分了一部分到Strike Funds, 不能挪用,还有 Reserve Funds 也不能随便挪用。他们有很多钱都放在海外避税港。 +1
            • 海外,是在个人名下?还是在工会名下?在工会名下,有什么机会可以用呢?
              • 在工会名下。 工会头头们每年都去海外 “开会”, 开完会回来一个个都晒的像红龙虾一样,吃喝玩乐,养猪,回来后一个个都肥肥胖胖的,嚷嚷要减肥。不知道那么多的钱有什么机会用, 但那些钱已经在那里几十年了,每年还在继续添加。 +3
                • LOL,避税+EFT 看涨幅,两头甜,不要太爽。“不打官司,会费都花不出去!” 😂😂
                  • 打官司也花不完,工会的律师是领固定工资的,不看业绩。 他们的工资不高,工会的劳工法和人权法律师年薪大约在10万到13万左右。 +1
                    • 确实,工会大了,就会有 in-house counsel 了。有没有 case 都得养着。
                      • 7万多人的工会每年有3千多个投诉案件 +1
                        • 4%-6% 投诉率的效果。
                          • 胜利的不多,很多都失败了,纯碎浪费资源。有些案件可以搞很多年,当事人都离开了还没完 +1
                            • 这些人关心的是自己有忙碌的表象,为了是自己涨工资升值的业绩 basis。具体 win loss 没人关心。 +2
    • 费用是 % 吗?还是 fix amount by time?
      • 按%。
        • 大概什么个 range?
          • 我参与组织的那家工会宣传单,我不是做广告,攻击我可以,但是没用哈


            • 大概是 1.6%。
              • 按照我在大统华的工资算,差不多。对我来说,值得。
          • 我算了一下我的大概1.3%.
            • 谢谢简美。
      • 有些工会是fix amount, 有些是 %。 工会的会费普遍都太高,都花不完,一般会员都不过问工会的财务问题。 +1
        • 谢谢。主要还是看羊群的数量,和羊有多老实。
        • 会员得再成立个工会监督工会,哈哈哈 +1
    • 这是给大家挖坑吗 :)
      • 完全
        • 我在一个大约7万人的工会,每个会员每个月交大约$130会费, $130 x 70000, 你看看工会每月的固定收入。 7万人的工会有不到200人的工会行政人员和头头。工会大楼是用会费建造的,地皮也是用会费买下的, 不用交房租。 +2
          • 教会还没强制收费呢。LOL。
            • 对了,工会的会费收入是免税的。 +1
              • sales 没税,expenses 也没税,进出都是 tax exempted。肯定正当小头目,也每年晒得红红的。
                • 看看这个, 工会的头头自己给自己发钱, +2
                  The Ontario Public Service Employees Union is suing three former executives for more than $6 million, alleging they enriched themselves unjustly using the union's money and assets.
                  • 作为参与人员,找个大树好乘凉,付出小小的费用,划算。但是本意是好的,肥了头头们,算是工会(AKA 江湖)的弊病。不知道 benefits 是 >50% 还是 <50%。除去头头,得到实惠的,肯定是少数,多数人就是会费换个保险。
                    • You got it. 其实头头也是凭本事被一级级选上去的,先参选本分单位的,然后整个公司的,然后地区的,然后全国的。他们都很能说会道了。 +1
                      • 就是合法的黑帮嘛。复习一下《教父》最后一集,麦克想洗白,没想到被反杀。估计在有工会势力的环境里,不入工会,就会被挤兑,要么入会,要么走人。
                        • 可以不入会,但是也得交会费。工会的理由是非会员享受的福利待遇也是工会谈判而来的,除非你自己有能力单独和资方谈条件。 +1
                          • 这就流氓了。入不入会都得交费。费用是一样的吗?
                            • 好像一样,我没研究过。我的宗旨就是干我的活对得起我拿到的钱,不去和能人比较。所以很少关心别人不干活拿钱,干不好活也不被fired之类的事情。
                              • 有时候不是你想不想关心的问题,是被影响了只能被迫关心。我刚进这个公司的时候遇见几个干了30来年的老家伙,他们自己不干活就算了,其他人做什么他们都要插一杠子,还经常到管理层那里到小报告说别人做的怎么怎么不对



                                • 看来你们那里还真是人浮于事,省政府有节约开支的空间。LOL +1
                                  • 都说华人hardworking, 现在看就是一个错误的stereotype,我遇见好多个华人混混,老头居多。
                                • 我们那里工会员工不出活,管理层只好请顾问公司来处理问题,顾问公司来看了后跟CEO说要开除整个部门让他们来干,CEO说请你们来的目的是完成这个项目,不是来开除人。顾问公司的经理跟我们说的,他说你们真幸运。 +1
                                  • 好在工会里还有我们这些有职业精神的人在认真努力工作。我们也有不少的consultants,水平也是什么样的都有,最近我和同事想把一个水平巨差的consultant 赶走,年轻的manager居然说会影响到下一年的budget之类的,好吧那就养着啥也不干等着他合同到期走人。
                            • 是一样
                            • 在安省,


                              Deduction and remittance of union dues

                              47 (1) Except in the construction industry and subject to section 52, where a trade union that is the bargaining agent for employees in a bargaining unit so requests, there shall be included in the collective agreement between the trade union and the employer of the employees a provision requiring the employer to deduct from the wages of each employee in the unit affected by the collective agreement, whether or not the employee is a member of the union, the amount of the regular union dues and to remit the amount to the trade union, forthwith.


                              (2) In subsection (1),

                              “regular union dues” means,

                              (a) in the case of an employee who is a member of the trade union, the dues uniformly and regularly paid by a member of the trade union in accordance with the constitution and by-laws of the trade union, and

                              (b) in the case of an employee who is not a member of the trade union, the dues referred to in clause (a), excluding any amount in respect of pension, superannuation, sickness insurance or any other benefit available only to members of the trade union. 1995, c. 1, Sched. A, s. 47.

                              Religious objections

                              52 (1) Where the Board is satisfied that an employee because of his or her religious conviction or belief,

                              (a) objects to joining a trade union; or

                              (b) objects to the paying of dues or other assessments to a trade union,

                              the Board may order that the provisions of a collective agreement of the type mentioned in clause 51 (1) (a) do not apply to the employee and that the employee is not required to join the trade union, to be or continue to be a member of the trade union, or to pay any dues, fees or assessments to the trade union, provided that amounts equal to any initiation fees, dues or other assessments are paid by the employee to or are remitted by the employer to a charitable organization mutually agreed upon by the employee and the trade union, but if the employee and the trade union fail to so agree then to a charitable organization registered as a charitable organization in Canada under Part I of the Income Tax Act (Canada) that may be designated by the Board. 1995, c. 1, Sched. A, s. 52 (1); 2004, c. 16, Sched. D, Table.

                              Application of subs. (1)

                              (2) Subsection (1) applies to employees in the employ of an employer at the time a collective agreement containing a provision of the kind mentioned in subsection (1) is first entered into with that employer and only during the life of such collective agreement, and does not apply to employees whose employment commences after the entering into of the collective agreement. 1995, c. 1, Sched. A, s. 52 (2).

                      • 大部分是一级级选上去的,有些是委任的,有些是空降的。 没有人参加竞选那些职位上级工会就会委任或空降工会人员来执行任务,同时会培养接班人和骨干。 如果发现基层工会有贪污或财务一本糊涂账的时候上级工会会接管运作管理工作。President是选出来的,CEO是委任的。 +1
                        • 发现贪污?哈哈😄。 之前准备立法要工会公开财务和接收审计,那可是招致工会的狂风暴雨的公开抵制,最后不了了之. 这,就跟中国的官员财产公示一样,多少贪污腐败,挥霍浪费… +1
                    • 就是交保护费,但保护了多少具体到每个人身上还是有区别的。
                      • 工会内也有各种歧视 +1
                  • 工会头头们加工资不需要会员批准 +1
          • 俺每月259保护费😩
            • 那一定是年薪很高啦!
            • 太高了,你应该鼓动大家闹工会,要他们减少会费。你们是by %的吧? 你的收入高。
    • 不管是在美国还是加拿大,如果工会联合起来的话,那么他的力量,资金和人员,要比任何一个政党都强。所以各个工会是政党争取的主要目标。 +1
    • 工会领导应该是会员的会费供养
      • 会费是免税的,换句话说,普通老百姓是给他们pay 税款的.
        • 有道理,忘了会费免税这茬了。显然纳税人是工会的衣食父母之一。谢谢纠正👍👍😂😂
    • 其实工会会员也是工会高层的韭菜,不过这种韭菜嘛,就当的不清不白的…..
    • 工会每周从会员工资里扣会费, +1
      • 关于会员有权要求公布财务的安省劳动关系法规定

        Duty of union to furnish financial statement to members

        92 (1) Every trade union shall upon the request of any member furnish the member, without charge, with a copy of the audited financial statement of its affairs to the end of its last fiscal year certified by its treasurer or other officer responsible for the handling and administration of its funds to be a true copy, and, upon the complaint of any member that the trade union has failed to furnish such a statement, the Board may direct the trade union to file with the Registrar of the Board, within such time as the Board may determine, a copy of the audited financial statement of its affairs to the end of its last fiscal year verified by the affidavit of its treasurer or other officer responsible for the handling and administration of its funds and to furnish a copy of the statement to the members of the trade union that the Board in its discretion may direct, and the trade union shall comply with the direction according to its terms. 1995, c. 1, Sched. A, s. 92 (1).

        Complaint that financial statement inadequate

        (2) Where a member of a trade union complains that an audited financial statement is inadequate, the Board may inquire into the complaint and the Board may order the trade union to prepare another audited financial statement in a form and containing the particulars that the Board considers appropriate and the Board may further order that the audited financial statement, as rectified, be certified by a person licensed under the Public Accounting Act, 2004 or a firm whose partners are licensed under that Act. 1995, c. 1, Sched. A, s. 92 (2); 2004, c. 8, s. 46.

        • 工会的账很多都是做出来的,特别是给会员看的报表。 那些头头能说会道,忽悠会员只是小菜一碟。 +1
          • 需要经审计,注册会计师也看不出来啊,看来比虚假陈述的上市公司还厉害
            • 给审计公司看的是一个版本, +1
              • 这倒是个问题,会员利益不大,懒得管,不像上市公司,股民利益攸关。就像大统华,大家不爽,顶多不干,大部分人也不愿意硬刚。也类似于投票率低一样。