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earlier this year, when I misplaced my employee lunch box – the key to enjoying lunch discounts – the head of produce accompanied me to the Head of Administration Department, Patricia, whom I had never spoken to before, to purchase a replacement. Upon providing payment to Patricia, she warned me that if I were to lose the box again, I would no longer be entitled to the employee lunch discount. This statement deeply hurt me. However, at that time, I was unaware of the potential illegality of Patricia's actions under Ontario law, as my employer had not informed me about workplace harassment policies. As a new employee, I hesitated to speak out.

It wasn't until September of this year, based on the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), that I recognized the situation as workplace harassment. I formally complained about Patricia's actions to the HR representative of the store, via email on September 28th. Unfortunately, I did not receive any response, even after following up on October 11th.

On October 19th, I filed a third complaint about the harassment through Integrity Action Line, an initiative operated by Loblaw, the parent company of T&T. This time, T&T pledged to conduct an investigation promptly.

During this period, in a meeting unrelated to my complaint, the store manager, William Zhao, acknowledged being present when Patricia made inappropriate comments. However, he dismissed it as a joke, which was not accurate, as I had never engaged in conversation with her, and making jokes with strangers is uncommon. The meeting, conducted in Chinese as we all came from China, was recorded by HR representative . I informed T&T about the recording.

On November 19th, I shared information about workplace harassment laws and policies with my colleagues in the employee webchat group. In response, William Zhao threatened and removed me from the group, claiming my actions were illegal. I firmly believe that, in accordance with the constitution of Canada and Ontario law, I have the right to share such information with my colleagues. I filed a complaint about William Zhao's actions with the employer.

On November 20th, T&T provided me with a report on my complaint against Patricia but remained silent about the meeting recording, concluding that no harassment had occurred.

On November 22nd, I filed a complaint with the Ministry of Labour via email regarding the harassment. Subsequently, I shared the harassment incident on the York BBS on November 25th.

Around 10:30 AM on November 27th, HR representative, accompanied by the head of produce, requested that I delete the York BBS post, threatening termination if I refused. With my agreement, the hr recorded the meeting and later emailed the audio recording to me, reiterating the threat on behalf of T&T.

On November 28th, an inspector visited the Promenade store, informing the employer about my complaint and warning against retaliation. On the same day, the HR manager, whose name I don't know, dispatched the store manager and the head of produce to request a meeting. Suspecting it was another attempt to intimidate me, I declined.

On November 29th, the HR manager negotiated with me about the upcoming meeting's time, place, and participants, which I eagerly anticipated.

On November 30th, T&T sent me two emails. One contained a termination letter, and the other, in Chinese, indicated restrictions on discussing Ontario laws and T&T policies on workplace harassment. Despite this, I firmly believe that, in accordance with the constitution of Canada and Ontario law, I have the right to share information about laws and policies with my colleagues. I find William Zhao's actions unacceptable and contest the legality of T&T's investigation outcome.

I have now requested the Ministry of Labour inspector to consider issuing an order for T&T to appoint an impartial investigator to examine both of my complaints.

Due to my application to join the union at the beginning of November and my active involvement in organizing union activities, T&T Supermarket is already aware of my unionization efforts. Consequently, the union believes that T&T Supermarket is also in violation of legal provisions by retaliating against my unionization. Therefore, on these grounds, the union has filed a complaint on my behalf with the Labour Relations Board. I believe that the union's complaint, in conjunction with my assertion that T&T Supermarket is retaliating against me for reporting to the labor department, is not contradictory and justifies initiating legal proceedings.

The union has already submitted an application to the Labour Relations Board on December 9th.

I have submitted evidence materials to the office of worker advise and applied for them to represent me in the lawsuit. Now, I am waiting for their response.​​​​​​​

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  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 看大家这么开心,干脆把时间线捋一捋,不过是英文的(我用英文写,chatgpt改的,不好,怪这哥们姐们,别怪我),哈哈
    • 最后劝你两句: 第一要说实话, 不要故意隐藏对你不利的证据; 第二, 你不应该把对方的名字公开, 尤其是在公共网络上。 当然你听不进去。 +1
      • 本来你不让我跟你贴, +1
        • 你不是法官!违不违法没有任何法庭给出任何判决结果。 +1
          • 我在启动程序,请法官来回答。法官如果认为我不对,只要是生效判决,我服从法官的判决。因为这里是法治社会!每个人都应当服从法官的生效判决。我侵犯了ta人的隐私权/名誉权,我承担责任。这就是我的回答。但是,如果有人说我没钱,判了也赔不起,我无话可说。
            • 法盲, speechless again. +2
              • 尊重您的言论自由。我会通过法律程序,请权威的法官来回答。
                • 现在知道通过法律程序了?知道还有法官的存在?
                  • 我什么时候不知道有法官的存在了?你觉得,我不知道法官的存在,如果没有法治,我敢和加拿大第一华人超市硬刚吗?你们见过法官枉法裁判,草菅人命吗?我见过!!!! 抱歉,这个话题让我激动了!!!
                    • “对于违法行为,不能享有隐私权。这就是我的结论。” 哪位法官裁定行政人员的行为违法了?你不是法官,无权裁定他人违法,从而也无权曝露他人隐私,没有拿到具法律效力的最终裁定,你在社媒上的有关言论涉嫌👉Deformation. 你的确应该为你缺乏法律意识而大激特动。
                      • 我说过了,
                        • 你认定别人违法?1️⃣你是谁?你有什么资质裁定别人违法?2️⃣行政人员被convicted 了?还是处于Probation 期间,她/他的隐私权就被送菜律师, oh,no. 送菜法官给剥夺了?!还有,你公开写大统华花钱删帖,有证据吗? +1
                          • 我没有裁定,我认为。法律程序可以认为我错了,我服从生效判决。我怀疑大统华删帖。理由是,约克论坛没有任何动机去删除一个热帖。我给ceo发邮件,再删贴,我就去分店门口依法发传单。删帖没有再出现。如果法官认定我侵犯大统华的权利,我服从法官判决。
                            • 你原话:“ 对于违法行为,不能享有隐私权。这就是我的结论。”
                              • 对的,我现在仍然这么认为(当然是和违法行为适应的,比如我只是说了我举报人的名字,没有其他信息。我不能说人家的家庭住址,这个不行。但是光说名字可以)。等法官认定我不对,我会服从。但是现在法官还没有。
                                • 你公开了她的工作地点,job title等,还说她在大统华十多年怎样怎样,风评怎样怎样。口口声声 Charter rights , 仅供你享用吗?The Charter right protects a person's reasonable expectation of privacy. 拜托,增强点法律意识吧。
                                  • 对,我有证据,是事实,这种是违法行为,我认为不属于法律保护的隐私。法官可以反对我,但是现在还没有。我不是法官,您也不是。您可以表达您的观点,我也可以。这就叫做言论自由。
                                    • Charter rights 同样保护个人隐私信息的人权👉It also includes information that, if disclosed, would compromise their "dignity, integrity and autonomy。 学你维权维护不了权益反有成被告赔钱的极大可能性!坏榜样👎
    • lz这套做法,还是回天朝当访民比较合适。虽然是在网上,一哭二闹三上吊的传统还是浓浓的。有纠纷,上法庭解决不就得了。整天在这里闹啥? +4
      • 谁让你看的?你不会自己拉黑我,然后呼吁大家拉黑我吗?加拿大1982年宪法sec.2(b)言论自由不知道?不是老华人吗?英语比我还烂?法律意识比我还差? +1
        • 本来还是老大爷骂街,一下成了泼妇骂街!赞!顶!
          • 加拿大1982年宪法sec.2(b)条你读过吗?读没读过,我都觉得你能说出这话来。
      • 你傻啊 走法律程序不要钱不要打持久战啊 舆论战人民战争才是王道
        • 加拿大,主战场还是法律程序,花钱也是应该的。何况工会和the office of worker adviser不花钱。舆论,就是大家乐呵乐呵。
          • 乐呵呵才是人民群众喜闻乐见的
            • 嗐,网上嘛,就图一乐。但总有人扣帽子,打棍子,活成自己讨厌的人。
              • 😂就是 那帮人一本正经 毫无幽默感 自家娃都不愿多搭理
                • 其实,对同一个问题,大家各有看法,赞成反对,质疑,都是很正常。但是,明明都是因为反感那种戴帽子打棍子,才来到加拿大,为啥要戴帽子打棍子,愿意讲道理讲道理,不愿意,不说话,就这么难吗?
      • 挺好。
        要不肉联还真没 topic。都动动脑,看看 laws,总比刷韩剧浪费时间要稍好一丢丢。
    • 关键时候又整英文了,还是翻译的。