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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

该节日最主要的仪式是点燃九枝灯台. 光明节使用的灯台通常要摆放在窗帘拉开的窗台上,以便让外面的人能够看到。关于这个节我有个疑惑,七枝灯台怎么变成9枝的?

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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! +13

    Ever since I immigrated to Canada 20 years ago, I have been told during Christmas season not to say “Merry Christmas” for the sake of diversity and inclusion.

    So diversity and inclusion should exclude Christmas? Image a botanical garden that claims to welcome any flower and vegetation regardless of their color and origin refuses red rose from Europe.

    I say Merry Christmas during Christmas season, just like I say Happy Spring Festival during the Chinese New year, every year.

    This year, I work as a Federal contractor, so technically I work for Trudeau, who hates Christmas for the sake of the sick diversity and inclusion.

    Many people are taking vacation for Christmas during the last 2 weeks of the year. Last Friday my manager, who is from India, message the team: “Happy Holiday and Happy New Year”.

    I replied:” Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”.

    • 圣诞快乐!🙂 +3
    • Merry Christmas! +4
    • Happy Diwali; Merry Christmas and Happy New Year; Happy Lunar New Year; Happy Moon Festival. +4
    • 这么严重吗?老实说,我还没遇到听到【圣诞快乐】会不爽的人。
      • 就是白左在搞文化灭绝。 +4
    • Merry Christmas , and Happy New Year 🎄🎉 +4
    • I am a Christian and I have to see Merry Christmas to all I would meet during Christmas holiday seasons. +3
    • 几年前有个法官,移走了法庭里的圣诞树,说木木不喜欢,有木木就写文章骂:我们木木这么小肚鸡肠连个树都看不惯?,,,,,,,,,, +4
      • 其实木木心里在说。。这就对了嘛,其实我们也不喜欢你们不信阿拉的,都该死,不如自行了断了为好,免得我们麻烦。。 +1
    • 爱说啥说啥,对方不反感就好。
    • X推还没把酒捂热乎,你就要喝?X子还没把菜盛出锅,你就动筷?X姐还没把单子下了,你就要看现货?X发哥还没理完发,你就想看真人秀?太早了,还有好几天呢。
    • Merry Christmas! +2
    • 呵呵,的确20多年前就是如此,单位所有寄出的贺卡都不会提 Merry Christmas,因为业界有很多犹太人。很多年以来一直如此,为免踩雷。
      • 犹太人治理的以色列,是世界上宗教包容度最高的国家。 +2
        • 谨慎有礼是对自身的要求,当然包容度高的对冒失无礼会表现得不露痕迹。不过他们应该不会对咱说:Happy Hanukkah!
          • 该节日最主要的仪式是点燃九枝灯台. 光明节使用的灯台通常要摆放在窗帘拉开的窗台上,以便让外面的人能够看到。关于这个节我有个疑惑,七枝灯台怎么变成9枝的?
            • Menorah (7 Branches) vs Chanukiah (9 Branches): What’s the Difference? - Amen V'Amen
              What's the difference between a Menorah and a Chanukiah? Why do some Menorahs have 7 branches while others have 9? Let's find out...
        • 犹太人不喜欢merry Christmas, 遇到犹太人千万别这么说,其他人应该无所谓,犹太教最大的区别就是不承认耶稣,基督教认为耶稣是被犹太人杀死的,你如果知道他是犹太人还说merry Christmas,会认为你故意冒犯
    • 如果不要政治正确的话,不要教养宽容的话,那我应该可以说:拜托你还是写中文吧。这chinglish 让人笑话,太土啦。 +3
      • 楼主故意这么说主要是想冒犯一下穆斯林,可是他搞错了,穆斯林根本无所谓,因为耶稣是伊斯兰的先知,他们并不在乎有人崇拜耶稣,在真正不愿意听到merry chrismas是犹太人,因为这个节日把犹太人完全排除出去
        • 北美---多种族多文化的移民聚居地,种族,宗教,歧视,这么敏感的话题,在揉脸却可以肆无忌惮地畅聊。亏得是个中文网站,若像楼主那样用英文,就不是信用卡打官司那么简单了。