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To sum rows conditionally in Excel, you can use the SUMIF or SUMIFS function, depending on the complexity of your conditions. Here's a step-by-step guide using both functions:

### Using SUMIF:

1. **Syntax**:
=SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])

- `range`: This is the range of cells that you want to evaluate based on a condition.
- `criteria`: This is the condition or criteria that must be met for the corresponding values to be included in the sum.
- `sum_range` (optional): This is the range of cells you want to add together. If omitted, the `range` is used.

2. **Example**:
Let's say you have data in columns A and B, and you want to sum the values in column B where the corresponding values in column A are greater than 5.

- In an empty cell, you'd enter:
=SUMIF(A:A, ">5", B:B)

### Using SUMIFS:

1. **Syntax**:
=SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)

- `sum_range`: This is the range of cells you want to add together.
- `criteria_range1`: This is the range of cells that you want to evaluate based on the first condition.
- `criteria1`: This is the condition that must be met in `criteria_range1`.
- `criteria_range2, criteria2` (optional): Additional ranges and criteria pairs can be added for more complex conditions.

2. **Example**:
Let's say you have data in columns A, B, and C. You want to sum the values in column C where the corresponding values in column A are greater than 5 and the values in column B are less than 10.

- In an empty cell, you'd enter:
=SUMIFS(C:C, A:A, ">5", B:B, "<10")

These are basic examples, and you can customize the conditions based on your specific requirements. Remember to adjust the ranges and criteria to match your data.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 说到Excel, +1
    想起n年前被老板批评,当时做工资,年初核对前一年的工资和CPP EI,正确之后才能发T4, 老板就按last name首字母分成两部分给我和另外一个人,那个人用计算器一个一个算了好几天还加班,我用Excel 公式不到一个小时就干完了,下班就回家了。然后老板就说我工作态度不认真,年底performance没到优秀,只涨了1%工资
    • Was that in the public sector?
      • 一看就是私企 +1
    • excel 简单点的用鼠标拖一拖,复杂点的直接上.net调用api函数实现类似vlookup这样的功能,所以水平高点的程序员有可能真不懂啥是vlookup函数 +1
    • 那个人好厉害,用计算器算也不出错 +5
    • 你老板是不是认为计算器核对才是正常的?那样就简单了、你用function每次一个小时做完、剩下的可以刷网,到点交货、有准确又显示你任劳任怨 +2
    • 以后chatGpt自动完成怎们,你老板怎么办?😂 +1
      • 瞧您想这么多
        以后的以后 没有工资 没有CPP 没有货币 没有老板....不要担心🤭
      • 老板当年就老了,过了几年就退休了,我还参加她退休party送了礼物呢。虽然受了刁难,毕竟她给了我机会进到大公司,有向上走的机会。
    • 你老板和同事是对的,每个process 有既定的流程,你换一种新方法需要各种测试认证,这么重要的事儿哪能说变就变。你可以用老办法做完,然后跟老板建议新办法,有一年时间准备。
      • 用计算器还是EXCEL只关系到工作方法,跟流程有什么关系?出T4之前要校对一遍才叫流程。
        • 流程自然包括用啥工具。Excel用formula 计算,其实就是行简单的码,需要被verify 正确。正经公司都有规定,比如需要俩人同意。
          • 哈哈哈哈哈!你可真逗!!我服了!
      • 不跟她争辩哈,她求和都不用Excel 而是用计算器加完三遍结果相同再手动输入的,CPP EI几个公式对我来说不算事,当年我能把tax deduction都算准, 跟ADP 算出来的结果一样。这种不信任科学发展和不愿意接受新事物的人,要远离
        • 不在于你能做什么,在于怎么做,正常过程是请示-演示优越性--最后让老板做决定,而不是直接干了打老板的脸
    • 谁让你告诉你老板"做完了"的?如果是我做完了找人聊天玩去,到时间别人交差我也交差。有一天有人说到 Excel 时候或许我会告诉他她"我就是用 excel 做的"(說不說看情況) +2
    • 请教各位EXCEL 达人, 用excel 怎么能缓解眼睛疲劳?我用一会excel 眼睛就累的没法继续工作了。这问题困扰我很久了, 各位是怎么解决这个问题的? 谢谢。。
    • chat-gpt和excel的下一次合作就是允许用户在excel里面直接用自然语言操作,比如直接输入:把每一个sheet的前三个row里面所有小于12.3的数值加一下告诉我;类似这种骚操作除了懂vba的好像没其他方法
      • 程序员不懂excel的具体例子 +1

        To sum rows conditionally in Excel, you can use the SUMIF or SUMIFS function, depending on the complexity of your conditions. Here's a step-by-step guide using both functions:

        ### Using SUMIF:

        1. **Syntax**:
        =SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])

        - `range`: This is the range of cells that you want to evaluate based on a condition.
        - `criteria`: This is the condition or criteria that must be met for the corresponding values to be included in the sum.
        - `sum_range` (optional): This is the range of cells you want to add together. If omitted, the `range` is used.

        2. **Example**:
        Let's say you have data in columns A and B, and you want to sum the values in column B where the corresponding values in column A are greater than 5.

        - In an empty cell, you'd enter:
        =SUMIF(A:A, ">5", B:B)

        ### Using SUMIFS:

        1. **Syntax**:
        =SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)

        - `sum_range`: This is the range of cells you want to add together.
        - `criteria_range1`: This is the range of cells that you want to evaluate based on the first condition.
        - `criteria1`: This is the condition that must be met in `criteria_range1`.
        - `criteria_range2, criteria2` (optional): Additional ranges and criteria pairs can be added for more complex conditions.

        2. **Example**:
        Let's say you have data in columns A, B, and C. You want to sum the values in column C where the corresponding values in column A are greater than 5 and the values in column B are less than 10.

        - In an empty cell, you'd enter:
        =SUMIFS(C:C, A:A, ">5", B:B, "<10")

        These are basic examples, and you can customize the conditions based on your specific requirements. Remember to adjust the ranges and criteria to match your data.

      • 给你个结果你敢信吗?
        • 也是,最近用gpt生成的code有很多错误,经常一本正经的加入一些错误的代码;
    • 有一个聪明的老板很重要,否则明明有很快很好的方法,还让你用笨办法,你还不得不跟从,那是很痛苦的事情。 +1
      • 用 excel 当 work file , 结果给老板不就行了?
        • 公司员工的智商参差不齐,
          有些人你只需要说一下就一切了然,接下来你不用说,都是按时按要求给你需要的信息。有的人说多少次都不长记性,我们有一个还是经理,最喜欢给我发图片信息,我说给我excel data我可以process,说了多少遍,每次还是picture,每次需要索要excel,所以和聪明人打交道比较舒服。
          • 给我输入,我给你正确的输出(格式由你定),中间过程我作主。
      • 说来是当年自己不够强大,人家不信任和尊重。现在好多了,可以和老板商量怎么干,也能培训新同事
    • 我感觉是沟通问题,你直接做主用新方法不管好坏,但是没有先沟通请示,会让老板觉得她很stupid,职场大忌