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“Hebrew is the cultural cement while the land is the material cement for the renewing nation” ( David Ben-Gurion) Heinäkuun alusta 2020 lukien Israelin pääministerillä on maan hallitussopimuksen ma…

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 已经有五次,巴勒斯坦拒绝了以色列抛出的橄榄枝。。 +4
    • 这是一个弱肉强食的社会, +4
      • 你有地契??那片地本来就是英国占领的,一些地面本就是犹太人的私产;当初的安排是给犹太人和穆斯林各分配了一些地盘,犹太人1948年就建国以色列,穆斯林等到1988年才摆摊叫做巴勒斯坦。。看看以色列周围的穆斯林国家的版图和人口,以色列在夹缝中生存毫无夸张 ​​​ +2
        • 以色列本来就是美国硬塞进去的,自找的。 +1
          • 以色列本来就是美国硬塞进去的-完全找不到reference,你自己现编的?
    • 以色列版图变迁。。。 +1


      • 这个地图从哪儿查出来的? 请给链接。 +1
        • 这个推特上有,另外,这个链接里也有,包括巴勒斯坦一方拿出的版本和这个版本的地图的对比。。
          “Hebrew is the cultural cement while the land is the material cement for the renewing nation” ( David Ben-Gurion) Heinäkuun alusta 2020 lukien Israelin pääministerillä on maan hallitussopimuksen ma…
        • 推特这个,两个版本的对比。。
          • 看了你提供的两个链接,又去看一下维基的巴以冲突的解释,维基的英文看得明白一点。根本问题就是犹太复国的法理依据是什么,过程中的文件很多,研读起来很费精力,而且还要辩别真伪。


            记得当年英国托管这个地区,英国政府和以色列复国组织签了协议,其中有每年控制几千人的犹太人移民。忘了为什么以色列复国组织对英国政府也不满,炸了英国托管机构入住的酒店,这是中东的第一次terrorism attack.

    • 以色列与周围的穆斯林国家版图对比。。阿拉伯国家人口47350万,以色列人口950万。。。

      • 是的,穆斯林是非常能扩张的,而且扩张到哪里,哪里就倒霉,给搞得一团糟,当地人要不强迫加入伊斯兰教,要不搬走。 +1
        • 几千年居无定所的犹太人谁也不敢要,只能与同类阿拉伯兄弟一起相爱相杀了 +2
        • 马来西亚也是伊斯兰教,没人强迫你入教,不要把政教合一的国家政体和宗教混为一谈,要说扩张,基督教恐怕是最能扩张的,如果太平天国不是被曾国藩绞杀,估计中国也会是政教合一的国家 +2
          • 马来西亚的伊斯兰教,一样是有强迫的。
            • 这是你的文章"Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions can be practiced safely and peacefully in all parts of the Federation."
              • The state banishes and sanctions non-Muslim proselytism,
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛but encourages conversions to Islam[28] and remunerates them in order to facilitate the reduction of the non-Muslim population within the nation. Among the new rights provided to converts, if they have child/children, they have the right to convert their children by force to Islam,[29][30] without having to consider the approval of his spouse.[31]

                In March 2015, unrest erupted in Miri, Sarawak, when a 13-year-old Dayak schoolgirl complained to the police, along with her parents, after being sequestrated at her school by two of her teachers who wanted to convert her to Islam by forcing her to recite Shahada. The latter then rewarded his conversion by donating 250 ringgit. In order to ease interfaith tensions, the two teachers were subsequently fired and transferred out of the state of Sarawak.[32]

                On 4 December 2015, Malaysian feminist and human rights activist, Shafiqah Othman Hamzah said, "What we are living in Malaysia is almost no different from apartheid. While segregation was racial in South Africa, in our country we live in religious segregation."[33]

                Melaka Chinese Mosque in Malacca
                On 9 February 2016,[34] the Putrajaya Federal Court ruled on a scandal termed the "S Deepa Affair" dating back to 4 September 2013, involving forced conversions of children to Islam in a Hindu couple married since 2003. In this case, the father N. Viran converted to Islam in November 2012 under the name of Izwan Abdullah decided to impose his conversion to his two children, his son Mithran and his daughter Sharmila. Shortly after that, the children had their names changed to Nabil for the son and Nurul Nabila for the girl. Becoming the only person judged capable of raising them, he had obtained from the Shari'a court of Seremban their sole custody and through this the dissolution of his marriage.[35]

                Their marriage, which had been celebrated according to the Hindu rites and subsequently registered in the civil registers, was thus dissolved by the Shari'a court on the sole ground of the conversion to Islam by the husband, making it immediately obsolete. However, the Seremban High Court ruled that the annulment of the marriage was illegal and decided to return the custody of the children to the mother on 7 April 2014.[36]

                However, two days later Izwan kidnapped his son during a home visit by his ex-wife.[37] Deepa quickly requested the High Court for police aid in getting her son back. Izwan decided to appeal the decision by the Seremban High Court and sought the help from the Shari'a court to assert his rights. The Court of Appeal rejected both appeals in December 2014. Child custody in February 2016 was finally divided by the Court of Appeal.[38] The guard of the son was entrusted to the father, in this case, Izwan and the guard of the daughter to the mother, S Deepa.[39] Asked by the media at the announcement of the verdict, she announced in tears: "This is injustice, I am upset. It was my last hope that the court would return my two children, but it was not so. Only my daughter was given to me."[40]更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                • 上面第一句就是鼓励而已,这种有争议的就不要当成主流了,华人在马来不信伊斯兰一点问题没有,不要再造谣了
                  • 英文翻译成中文是马来西亚不允许穆斯林改变宗教(也就是加入了就不许退出),但是鼓励非穆斯林变成穆斯林。而且如果有孩子的话,可以强迫孩子加入伊斯兰教,不需要配偶同意。这不是我说的,你去告Wikipedia吧,不过我看人家说写这些也是有引用也就是根据的。
                    • 马来西亚也是伊斯兰教,没人强迫你入教,华人在马来不信伊斯兰一点问题没有,不要再造谣了
                      • Among the new rights provided to converts, if they have child/children, they have the right to convert their children by force to Islam,[29][30] without having to consider the approval of his spouse.[31] 摘自Wikipedia 你可以去告Wikipedia 造谣。
          • 是的,基督教以前也很野蛮,尤其文艺复兴之前。但是现在可没有再这样了,而穆斯林还在继续。
            • 马来西亚也是伊斯兰教,没人强迫你入教,那里有30%的华人,大部分都不是伊斯兰教 +1
              • 华人在马来西亚和印尼都没什么地位。
                • 那是你说的,华人有当总理的,华人掌握了马来大部分的经济,你要怎么有地位?是像以色列那样可以随意烧杀吗?
                  • 哪位是马来西亚的华人总理?
            • 他们的改革机会被扼杀了,因为发现石油了。石油带给他们恶运。 +1
        • 它们的“先知”传教几十年,从者了了,后来发狠用刀传教。。不信就死。。这招很有效
          • 被逼疯了。
    • Unfortunately UN is an organized crime organization . 想想当年的中华民国。。。😔 +1
    • 和平了就没权利了,没有背后金主们支持哈马斯大佬们就只能吭哧吭哧劳动挣钱。那多傻呀。至于底层哈马斯和普通巴勒斯坦人,早让人给忽悠瘸了。