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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

这个解释是作为美国公民入境用美国护照 但楼主要以加拿大公民身份入美国 就用加拿大护照 相当于入境期间放弃美国公民的权益 比如入境只能待半年

You are correct. U.S. nationals, including U.S. dual nationals, are generally required to use a U.S. passport when entering and leaving the United States. This requirement is based on U.S. law.

However, U.S. dual nationals may also hold a passport from another country (such as Canada in the context of the original question). While entering or leaving the United States, they are allowed to use their U.S. passport. Still, they may be required by the country of their foreign nationality (e.g., Canada) to use that country's passport when entering and leaving that foreign country. This means that when traveling to Canada, for instance, a U.S. dual national should use their Canadian passport, and when traveling to the United States, they should use their U.S. passport.

Using the foreign passport to travel to or from a country other than the United States is generally not inconsistent with U.S. law. The key is to comply with the entry and exit requirements of both countries you are traveling to and from, using the respective passports as required by each country's laws and regulations. It's essential for dual nationals to be aware of the specific requirements of both countries to avoid any issues while traveling.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 护照签证 / 马上要出发去墨西哥玩儿,
    • 那是肯定不可以的。对美国海关来说,如果你是美国公民,你就只能用美国护照。
      • 美国海关怎么知道她是美国公民
        • 首先海关肯定是有办法知道的。即使当时没有发觉,她也需要冒险在出入境原因上撒谎。
          • 不需要撒谎 美国允许其他国籍入境
            • U.S. nationals, including U.S. dual nationals, must use a U.S. passport to enter and leave the United States.
              • 这个解释是作为美国公民入境用美国护照 但楼主要以加拿大公民身份入美国 就用加拿大护照 相当于入境期间放弃美国公民的权益 比如入境只能待半年

                You are correct. U.S. nationals, including U.S. dual nationals, are generally required to use a U.S. passport when entering and leaving the United States. This requirement is based on U.S. law.

                However, U.S. dual nationals may also hold a passport from another country (such as Canada in the context of the original question). While entering or leaving the United States, they are allowed to use their U.S. passport. Still, they may be required by the country of their foreign nationality (e.g., Canada) to use that country's passport when entering and leaving that foreign country. This means that when traveling to Canada, for instance, a U.S. dual national should use their Canadian passport, and when traveling to the United States, they should use their U.S. passport.

                Using the foreign passport to travel to or from a country other than the United States is generally not inconsistent with U.S. law. The key is to comply with the entry and exit requirements of both countries you are traveling to and from, using the respective passports as required by each country's laws and regulations. It's essential for dual nationals to be aware of the specific requirements of both countries to avoid any issues while traveling.

    • 可以

      美国加拿大双国籍 可以用加拿大护照入境美国么




      请注意,法律和规定可能会发生变化,因此在计划前往美国之前,最好查看美国国土安全部(Department of Homeland Security)或美国驻加拿大大使馆的官方网站,以获取最新的入境要求和信息。此外,你还可以联系加拿大外交事务部(Global Affairs Canada)以获取相关建议和指导。

      • 加拿大护照入境美国不是有一次入境时间不能超过几个月的要求吗?是不是要看L Z在美国境内呆了多久了?
        • 是用加拿大护照入境有限制半年 如果她以前用美国身份居住 不算在加拿大护照的居住时间
          • 哦,不是很明白。海关怎么知道TA按哪个身份在美国居住。
            • 入境记录
              • 上次入美国是2019年 绿卡身份 这都在入境记录里吗?从美国去加拿大从来都没有任何记录 海关都不知道你什么时候曾经出境
                • 从美国加拿大之间入境 几秒网上就有 早就信息共享
      • chatGPT管啥用?难道比上面美国国务院的网站更权威?美国公民必须使用美国护照进入美国,而且美国不承认双重国籍 ,美国公民谎称其它国家公民进入美国属于违法。
        • 网站是权威 但解释不全面 双国籍不是谎称 是事实 楼主以加拿大公民入境美国不等于撒谎 因为他是双国籍 楼上官网也说了 双国籍是允许存在的 但在美国境内不能同时享受双国籍待遇而已

          You are correct. U.S. nationals, including U.S. dual nationals, are generally required to use a U.S. passport when entering and leaving the United States. This requirement is based on U.S. law.

          However, U.S. dual nationals may also hold a passport from another country (such as Canada in the context of the original question). While entering or leaving the United States, they are allowed to use their U.S. passport. Still, they may be required by the country of their foreign nationality (e.g., Canada) to use that country's passport when entering and leaving that foreign country. This means that when traveling to Canada, for instance, a U.S. dual national should use their Canadian passport, and when traveling to the United States, they should use their U.S. passport.

          Using the foreign passport to travel to or from a country other than the United States is generally not inconsistent with U.S. law. The key is to comply with the entry and exit requirements of both countries you are traveling to and from, using the respective passports as required by each country's laws and regulations. It's essential for dual nationals to be aware of the specific requirements of both countries to avoid any issues while traveling.

          • 美国不承认双重国籍,是指只承认美国籍,不承认其它国籍,至于在美国以外怎么样美国政府不在乎。美国政府只承认美国公民身份,入境美国境内必须使用美国护照。楼主只能以美国公民身份进入美国,因为美国不承认他的加拿大国籍。


            U.S. nationals, including U.S. dual nationals, are generally required to use a U.S. passport when entering and leaving the United States. This requirement is based on U.S. law.

    • 你拿的美国绿卡,你就不是美国公民。过海关反而可能要注意,是否会被美国追税。
      • 人家说了是美国加拿大双国籍
        • 你确定?他说的美国绿卡过期了。公民有过期一说吗?美国公民过期了?
          • 对啊。她先说美国加拿大双国籍,然后又说没想过申请美国护照。自相矛盾了
            • 对,是你说的这种情况,这个不好说了,美国只承认美国国籍。看海关能不能查出来吧。
            • 入籍也可以不申请护照啊
              • 有道理,美国也加拿大一样也有公民卡吧。
                • 公民卡不是旅行证件
            • 公民不一定都有护照
      • 她说了 是美加双国籍 没有绿卡了
        • 还是你完全明白了我的意思,对,我是忘了申请美国护照,现在打算回美国的时候按照加拿大公民来美旅游入境,发怵是海关能不能输入名字生日发现我也有美国国籍就尴尬了😅,最坏情况是被请小黑屋教育一顿?

          Chatgpt 给的回答也太舒服了吧。我查网站看来看去都是说双国籍必须同时拿两边国家护照,进出美国要美国护照,不可用另一国的护照。另外,海关不会拒绝美国公民入境,但是怎么教育要看了。
          • 输入你的名字和出生年月,肯定知道你就是美国公民。老老实实加急办美国护照是正道,别搞这些小动作,耽误了旅行是大事。 +2
            • 嗯。我旅行就是后天。 你如何知道他们输入名字和生日就知道我是公民呢?是有朋友在海关工作吗?
              • 有你的指纹
                • 看下面的回复
              • 应该是不可能的。网上看到海关必须让人出具能证明公民身份的文件比如公民纸 才能相信 说明海关不能自己从系统查出来每个人是否公民身份
              • 后天就是9月21日。请问最终你是怎样做的?谢谢!
    • 我干脆直接说我是两国公民 不知道需要带美国护照 让他们关我小黑屋教育 我带上公民纸 社安号 各种证明居住Bill 等他们相信我的公民身份就可以放行了 最多就耽误几小时出关
      • 你到底住在哪里啊?
      • 请问最终你是怎样做的?谢谢!
        • enhanced driving license 里面国籍都有 海关也就是问你 电脑里面啥都有

          现在海关什么都知道 问你只是走过场了而已