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特亮铺今天上了NBC的Meet the Press节目

Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’
In this full, unedited interview with Meet the Press, former President Trump discusses his views on the 2020 election, abortion rights, foreign policy and mo...
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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 特亮铺今天上了NBC的Meet the Press节目 +9

    Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’
    In this full, unedited interview with Meet the Press, former President Trump discusses his views on the 2020 election, abortion rights, foreign policy and mo...
    • The NBC host is nasty. +7
      • 提的问题都是管理层要求的,特凉普也需要在蓝营媒体曝光,上一次特凉普接受CNN访问后因为反响正面效果出奇地好导致CNN的CEO被恼羞成怒的CNN管理层解雇 +6
        Chris Licht is out at CNN after leading the news network for a little more than a year.
        • 惨了,NBC的CEO连夜赶到城隍庙求保佑。 +3
          • CNN管理层除了踢走CEO,把涉事女主持人换岗,把节目也下架了。幸好,还能在这里看到 +6
            CNN Town Hall With Donald Trump (FULL)

            On May 10, 2023, CNN hosted a town hall forum with former President Donald Trump in New Hampshire.01 The event was the first major TV event of the 2024 presidential campaign, and the moderator, Kaitlan Collins, had to juggle questions from an audience of Republican primary voters, her own follow-ups, and the need to fact-check false statements.0 One of the jarring moments occurred when Collins asked Trump why he held on to classified documents when he left the White House, which the FBI later recovered from Mar a Lago by executing a search warrant.3 Trump took questions from New Hampshire Republicans and undeclared voters who plan to vote in the 2024 GOP presidential primary about a wide range of issues.1 However, Trump's lies and name-calling resumed during the event, signaling to voters that criminal investigations, a jury holding him liable for sexual abuse, and ongoing struggles with swing voters have not changed him a bi

          • 看评论笑死了。 +3
    • 不喜欢老川如果当选,否则美国的难民又得乌泱乌泱地往加拿大跑,圣母婊又得逼俺们政治正确,高喊打开家门欢迎难民。 +3
      • 传佩氏洛西准备重新参选参议员了
      • 大巴车这一年送来不少,不是川普也送啊,据说回去了比少嫌冷 +3
        • 都去加州了
      • trump当选不确定性太大,乌克兰纳粹被消灭了,美国纳粹可能会出现这也是为什么trump落选的原因之一,反正欧洲人是怕怕的
    • 大家说说谁是加拿大的特朗普?
      • 加拿大不会出现川普。美加的社会形成有非常大的不同,某些方面甚至是特别建立在对方的对立面上。这种比喻只是有人想把任何反除痘的人,带上个大帽子的把戏而已。 +1
        • 如果trump当选,加拿大一定会出现trump
          • 就是大家都受不了woke的那一套,选上来一个非woke的党派而已,很自然的,跟川普还是海普没什么直接关系。跟极左的走火入魔有直接关系。他们落选的原因不是川普,是他们自己。 +5
            • 佩洛西也准备重新出山了
              • 对她的印象有二。一,手撕川普讲话稿。二,下跪之后艰难的起身。 +5
                • 明年又是动荡年
                • 她老公买股票买啥啥涨。 +3
      • 罗渣士?
      • 马克西姆•卞聂耳?
    • God bless trump!God bless America!God bless Canada! +19
      • 见证神迹~ +4
        • 🙏🙏🙏(⊙o⊙) +4
          • 感天动地 +1
        • 师爷,老川上台对咱们这些加拿大小老百姓能又啥好处?到时候不光难民呼呼跑过来,还得逼着咱们提高军费,掏钱肉疼。
          • 内需外需一起拉,金币银币落钱袋 +1
          • 土豆下台,保守党上台,难民潮会得到控制,但加拿大立国就开始慷慨收难民,曾经搭救了越南华人一把,一根难民不进是不可能的。川普上台,俄乌战争有望很快结束,加拿大也不用主动被动往乌克兰撒军费了 +3
    • 特朗普上台对加拿大的能源行业还是有好处的。当年特朗普上台签的第一个总统令就是批准Keystone XL pipeline +10
      • 也出现过负油价