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请问大家:小朋友如何申请OSAP? 小朋友和前任住,前任再婚,前任和其配偶约定财务一直独立分开。小朋友现在要求移走stepparent的报税收入,但要求提供再婚的婚前协议,约定不要求stepparent负责小朋友。

The Financial Aid Administrator (FAA) may administer reviews to allow an assessment without reference
to the step-parent’s financial information if the student’s situation meets all of the following criteria:
• The step-parent is refusing to support the student;
• The step-parent does not support the student directly or indirectly, and has not done so since the

Note: If the student resides in the parental home and the natural parent has minimal income, the stepparent may be deemed to have indirectly supported the student.

Documentation required:
• A letter from the student detailing the situation and their relationship with their step-parent.
• A letter from the natural parent providing the date of marriage or common law union, a description
of any prenuptial arrangements regarding the support of the children, and an explanation of how
the natural parent has supported the student since the union.
• A signed letter from the step-parent explaining the reason(s) why he or she will not support the
• A copy of the prenuptial agreement/marriage contract, if one exists.
• If prior year taxable income for the natural parent has not been verified (on the OSAP application),
a copy of the natural parent’s CRA Notice of Assessment for the prior year.

Additional documentation if the parent union occurred before the student turned 16 years of age:
• Evidence of formal arrangements/prenuptial agreements that show the step-parent is not directly or
indirectly contributing to the student’s expenses;
o The document must be signed by both parents, and witnessed by at least two individuals
and dated prior to the marriage;
o If signed by witnesses only and not notarized or done in consultation with a lawyer, the
name and address of witnesses and date of witness signatures must be included on the
• A family budget completed by the natural parent indicating their actual monthly gross and net
income, their expenses and the amount of support they provide to the student.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 请问大家:小朋友如何申请OSAP? 小朋友和前任住,前任再婚,前任和其配偶约定财务一直独立分开。小朋友现在要求移走stepparent的报税收入,但要求提供再婚的婚前协议,约定不要求stepparent负责小朋友。

    The Financial Aid Administrator (FAA) may administer reviews to allow an assessment without reference
    to the step-parent’s financial information if the student’s situation meets all of the following criteria:
    • The step-parent is refusing to support the student;
    • The step-parent does not support the student directly or indirectly, and has not done so since the

    Note: If the student resides in the parental home and the natural parent has minimal income, the stepparent may be deemed to have indirectly supported the student.

    Documentation required:
    • A letter from the student detailing the situation and their relationship with their step-parent.
    • A letter from the natural parent providing the date of marriage or common law union, a description
    of any prenuptial arrangements regarding the support of the children, and an explanation of how
    the natural parent has supported the student since the union.
    • A signed letter from the step-parent explaining the reason(s) why he or she will not support the
    • A copy of the prenuptial agreement/marriage contract, if one exists.
    • If prior year taxable income for the natural parent has not been verified (on the OSAP application),
    a copy of the natural parent’s CRA Notice of Assessment for the prior year.

    Additional documentation if the parent union occurred before the student turned 16 years of age:
    • Evidence of formal arrangements/prenuptial agreements that show the step-parent is not directly or
    indirectly contributing to the student’s expenses;
    o The document must be signed by both parents, and witnessed by at least two individuals
    and dated prior to the marriage;
    o If signed by witnesses only and not notarized or done in consultation with a lawyer, the
    name and address of witnesses and date of witness signatures must be included on the
    • A family budget completed by the natural parent indicating their actual monthly gross and net
    income, their expenses and the amount of support they provide to the student.

    • 读了好几遍才看懂,刚开始还以为孩子的前任。这个不能随便移走吧,否则谁都可以说不要父母的支持自己申请OSAP了。 +6
      • 孩子就是跟前任生活,俺每月支付抚养费,没有任何虚假陈述,也不需要移走孩子住址,反正离家到外地上学去了。只是政府要求对方提供书面婚前协议,他们没有咋办?真实情况就是对方养父母从没有支持,但只是他们达成一致的口头协议。
        • 你是孩子的妈妈吧?那对方应该是孩子的爸爸和继母,而不是养父母。
          • 我的贴子其实只有一个问题:政府要求婚前协议不合理,孩子当时那么小,是无辜的。
            • 粗看了一下,貌似二选一,婚前协议或继母出示不支持的书面理由?如果这样,选后者不就可以了吗?
              • 孩子16岁前家长再婚,就需要家长婚前协议
                • 这个就需要孩子和学校管理Osap的头儿去确认,看看这是否是Osap的最update 的政策,如果是,在没有协议的情况下有无商榷的余地。
      • 假如孩子如果跟我生活,会有court order以及抚养费支付记录,这哪能随便造假。
    • 这婚前协议让律师看过吗?婚前协议管婚前不管婚后吧,假如你婚后把钱都给你娃付了学费,你现任能坐视让你饿死吗? +2
      • 这种协议政府不会允许吧?
    • 让孩子自己电邮大学负责分管OSAP的部门问清楚该怎么处理,这种special case坛子里很难会有准确答案。 +3
      • 我昨天给大学OSAP办公室打电话,工作人员竟然回答不出来。
        • 让孩子电邮跟学校约个时间面谈,把你们收集的信息和校方核对一下,商量一下该怎么处理,通常这个部门有个大头儿会对各种政策比较熟悉。 +1
    • 需要一个非家庭地址才可以申请的吧?搬出去住,把银行账单或者手机账单地址转新的地址
      • 太晚了,怎么也得提前一段时间就搬出去。
        • 不晚
        • 你们误解了。孩子不需要变更地址,一直和前任生活。
    • 你拷贝粘贴的说明写着 A copy of the prenuptial agreement/marriage contract, *if one exists.* 如果存在就提供,如果没有就作罢,要生(父母)和养(母父)分别写证明说明不提供原因 并签字。
      • 这么丢脸的事情养父母做的出来吗? +1
        • 孩子就是跟前任生活,没有任何虚假陈述,谈不上丢脸,只是他们没有准备书面协议。理论上要填写养父母+前任的收入,但养父母从没有提供经济支持,所以小孩要求不填养父母的报税收入。我这个biological 父母没有监护权,不要求填报税收入,只要填支付了多少抚养费。 +1
          • 你把大家说糊涂了,前任再婚的配偶是继父继母,不是养父母,我看贴的理解是你孩子认为继父/继母并没有出抚养费,不应该算在父母收入里,OSAP让提供你前任再婚时和现任之间的婚前协议,证明确实只有亲生父母出钱,是这个意思吗?
            • 谢谢,你的理解是对的,我表达不准确。
    • 没那么复杂的吧。我家夫妻俩收入,孩子肯定拿不到OSAP的。他不好好读书。我骂几句,他搬出去,跟同学租房住,就直接申请了OSAP。18+,可以选择是否需要父母的支持。
      • 孩子搬出去后靠啥生活,付租金?
      • 不是这么简单的,还是具体问问你家孩子是怎么个做法吧。如果这么简单,人人有机可趁。Osap和reddit 上是这么说的。




    • 孩子和生母继父可以各自在信里解释一下只有口头协议没书面协议,它其实是看一个overall的财务情况。如果生母的收入够多,外加你的抚养费,可以支持孩子的花费,应该他就会认定继父没有直接或间接抚养,如果钱太少,他会认定继父至少有间接抚养。 +1
    • 找个律师帮你
      • 律师也不可能要别人写婚前协议吧 +1
    • 谢谢大家的回复,问题解决了。大学的OSAP回复邮件给我,要求前任找律师做一个affidavit,说以前没有做婚前协议。对于我自己的孩子,一直由亲生父母支持,外加孩子高中自己打工,不会要求他人来抚养。 +1
      • 还是寻求相关专业人员解答最靠谱👍 +1
        • osap 能有多少不用还的呢? 还要花钱找律师。 😂 +3
          • 有的人能拿很多grant的,做个affidavit不贵。 +2
    • 看这个帖子,有点感叹,再婚的继父不提供任何经济支持,还是亲爹亲妈舍得给自己的孩子花钱。其实结不结婚,离不离婚,再不再婚的,有时候想想,婚姻也就那么回事儿。
      • 李克强都说了, 谁家孩子谁抱走. 想别人为你养娃? 有这种可能性吗? +1
      • 别感慨了,再婚的继(父或母)收入一定很高,有TA掺乎就没有 OSAP了,所以要撇清关系。孩子和继**在一个屋檐下生活,不可能一点光不沾。这只是申请策略而已 +11
        • 有理,完全不管真的不太现实,要不这日子咋过啊!好累 +1
          • 我和你一样,不知情况是否是真假,只能相信自己孩子的描述,和前任有10多年没有任何联系。
        • 我很惊讶,前任再婚几年了,我小孩从未和我提起,好像那人和ta无关一样。最近我才知道, 他们平时并没常住在一起,大部分时间各住自己以前买的房子,那人工资不高,而且要负担ta自己的几个小孩,我相信ta没有能力管别人的孩子。anyway,这是他们的安排,和我无关。
      • 如果是黑人可以理解 +1