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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the international community to respond to Ukrainian intelligence information about Russia's possible preparation of a terrorist attack on the occupied ZNPP: to impose sanctions on the Russian nuclear industry and

Source: Live: Ukraine
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the international community to respond to Ukrainian intelligence information about Russia's possible preparation of a terrorist attack on the occupied ZNPP: to impose sanctions on the Russian nuclear industry and military-industrial complex, and to recognize Russia as a terrorist state.

In his evening address, Zelensky said that it was necessary to completely de-occupy the Zaporizhzhia NPP to prevent a catastrophe that Russia could arrange


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 二毛疯了 - 乌克兰武装部队声称, +1
    俄军已经在4日将爆炸装置放到札波罗热核电厂(Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant)的第3、4号反应炉的屋顶上,核电厂在不久的将来可能会遭遇袭击。乌克兰总统泽伦斯基也证实,情报部门确实获得相关讯息,“也许是为了模拟攻击,也许是其他的行动。
    • ❗️❗️The Armed Forces of Ukraine officially inform about the possible preparation of provocations in the near future on the territory of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, occupied by Russian terrorists since March 4, 2022 +1
      Source: Live: Ukraine
      ❗️❗️The Armed Forces of Ukraine officially inform about the possible preparation of provocations in the near future on the territory of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, occupied by Russian terrorists since March 4, 2022

      According to operational information, today, foreign objects similar to explosive devices were placed on the outer roof of the third and fourth power units of ZNPP. Their detonation is not intended to damage the power units, but may create an image of shelling from Ukraine.

    • Some collaborators of ZNPP employees and Rosatom personnel left Enerhodar +1
      Source: Live: Ukraine
      Some collaborators of ZNPP employees and Rosatom personnel left Enerhodar

      According to Mayor Dmytro Orlov, some of the ZNPP collaborators who signed contracts with Rosatom have left Enerhodar. Also, some of the Rosatom personnel brought from Russian nuclear power plants - up to 100 specialists - left the city at the end of the previous week.

      Now there are about 5-6 thousand ZNPP employees who are actually hostages of the Russian army, the mayor noted. The occupation authorities do not allow them to leave the city. They are not allowed to go to work because they have blocked their passes unless they have signed a contract with Rosatom.

      Orlov also said that there are no shelters in case of an explosion at the ZNPP.

    • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the international community to respond to Ukrainian intelligence information about Russia's possible preparation of a terrorist attack on the occupied ZNPP: to impose sanctions on the Russian nuclear industry and +1
      Source: Live: Ukraine
      The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the international community to respond to Ukrainian intelligence information about Russia's possible preparation of a terrorist attack on the occupied ZNPP: to impose sanctions on the Russian nuclear industry and military-industrial complex, and to recognize Russia as a terrorist state.

      In his evening address, Zelensky said that it was necessary to completely de-occupy the Zaporizhzhia NPP to prevent a catastrophe that Russia could arrange

    • 这是典型把吃瓜群众当傻瓜的主流洗脑。越来越觉得乌克兰内战是盘大旗了。
    • 自杀式要求加入北约,拜登还是拒绝 +2
      PAYPAL 赞助联系邮箱:sasha20191003@gmail.com成为此频道的会员即可获享以下福利:第一频道:SHA SA 萨莎 Саша:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Ky...第二频道:萨莎-底层逻辑-shasa-Саша:https://www.youtube...
      • 你不是兼听则明吗?怎么总看傻傻的? +5
        • Reference only. 谁得益,谁就是轰炸者。上次被莫大妈拒绝,这次被拜登拒绝,唉,白白牺牲了那么多! +2
          • 希特勒得益了? +2
            • 要与时俱进!现在是普特勒对决司机特勒,呵呵😊 +1
    • 啥逻辑?大毛在反应堆装炸弹,为什么感叹二毛疯了? +6
      • 大毛2毛都疯了,唉! +1
        • 发帖的封了 +3
      • 去年大毛入侵二毛时,这些俄粉就感叹二毛为什么不投降? +5
        • 事实是投降就好了,现在玉石俱焚 +2
          • 就是,要是老蒋当年早点投降,喜迎大日本皇军,也就没有老毛钻空子的份了。搞得老王过了半个世纪还要重复大东亚共荣的话,要不是美国拱火,早共荣了。 +5
            • 赞👍有悟性!想当年,大部分国人支持汪精卫!就像炒股票的,能割肉也算英雄,硬挺,可能全输光! +1
              • 现在大部分国人精神分裂,看到普大帝侵略乌克兰就排卵,提到日本侵略中国就义愤填膺,老外一看:哇!这么好的收割智商税的商机,只要瓷牙咧嘴,瞪大双眼,竖起大拇指,大吼一声!中国太好啦!韭菜排着队来被割!现在有AI更好了,河南人贴个络腮胡也能冒充瓦格纳。 +3
              • 当时老蒋率众退守西南,大部分国土都在汪主席主持,徐徐图之,现在看思路还是蛮对的 +2
            • 这两场战争的重大区别:1. 被打的有没有可能打胜,2. 两国之间历史上的渊源。可惜愿意稍微动动脑的不多。
          • 人活的就是一个精神,就算真的玉石俱焚又如何?
            • 应该说人死的就是一个精神; +1
        • 要向厨子学习,秒怂!识时务者为俊杰! +1
          • 现在看来厨子的后台力量很强大
      • 逻辑?楼主不需要那东西。 +1
      • 这是二毛准备进攻/炸核电站的借口!连这点你都看不出来!!!难道留着核电站不动不行吗(主要是希望通过核电站事故引北约出手!)?难道是必经之路?如果你二毛厉害到在其他地方将大毛打的满地找牙投降了,核电站自然回来了! +2
        • 俄国在核电站上修碉堡装炸弹,就是让乌克兰投鼠忌器不敢进攻。
          • 难道核电站是必经之路?反正二毛厉害到在其他地方将大毛打的满地找牙投降了,核电站自然回来了! +1