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SYDE的一些选修课比所有的ES课程都难。例如:SYDE AI课程中的模式识别,教授Dr. Alexander Wong (PhD, SMIEEE, PEng, FIET, FISDDE) is the Canada Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence and Medical Imaging. Dr. Wong is a leading expert

in artificial intelligence (particularly deep learning) and computational imaging (particularly in skin cancer, prostate cancer, and lung cancer imaging, cardiovascular imaging, and microscopy) and has published over 570 papers in leading journals and conferences, as well as holds over 30 patents and patent applications in these areas. Dr. Wong has received numerous research awards at conferences and organizations such as NeurIPS, CRV, CVIS, Society of Information Display, Ministry of Research and Innovation, and the Imaging Network of Ontario. 还有许多其他好教授好课程,我没时间列举。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / UW System design engineering vs. 多大engineering science- 选哪个?白杨回一下呗,你娃最终选的啥?咱家最后也要面临这个选择了。选啥好呢? +2
    • 顶一下,我也好奇 +2
    • 我选es +11
      • 我也劝娃,拿网上的评论讲网友说了多大ES好比北大;SDE好比师范大学。娃似乎更倾向SDE。我咋没看出有啥新鲜的专业方向呢? +8
        • 虽然SDE可以转,但是去任何一个行当都是个配角。还不如ES,最后细分到某专业。地位不一样的。而且两个都是苦逼的专业。赌一把 +11
          • 这个武断了吧,怎么确定去任何一个行当都是配角这个结论的? +5
          • 谢谢 +1
          • 就是. es 相比syde 发展空间大多了. es 读不下来最多转回regular的core 8. 这样也不比syde 差. 如和uw cs比较就另说. +10
            • 工科发展空间还真看个人为主 +3
            • 谢谢回复,家长就是这个想法
            • ES转到regular因为基础课程不够要求需要补修,是要晚毕业一年的。明显看出你对两个专业都不了解 +1
              • 对不起. 我对regular的真是一点都不了解. 但es 还是陪小孩去了两次open house活动. 小孩还请教了师姐(长达半小时交谈). 当然还与有小孩在读es的几个家长的交流的间接经验. +2
                • 尽扯淡,我刚才问了ES的实习生,他说第一年DROP ES的去工程专业可以直接读的不用多一年。大部分DROP的学生,是第一个学期就DROP了,其次是第二学期的。至于其它细节,我也不打算说了。猪一样的网友。 +1
                  • 🤦都是好意 表生气
                  • 建议你你写贴前先看看自己有没有应有的知识。落汤汁的贴是说ES学不下来的。每年是有一些ES学生在刚入校就要转,因为所有专业都刚开始,时间还没花出去,所以不用晚一年毕业。等到学了有学不下去时,例如大一结束时转,别的专业学生已学完大一课程,人家专业的大二课 +1
                    程是需要人家专业的大一课程的基础及前需条件,他们没学人家专业的大一课程就要先学那些大一课程,而且那些课程一年只开一次,所以要晚一年毕业。多大工学院不能4年按时毕业的人很多。另外落汤汁说的“ es 读不下来最多转回regular的core 8”也不对,读不下来一些不及格regualr工程专业也不要。
          • 你不懂不要胡说。 +2
            • 我的预言对的不少。你才不懂呢。你学过ES、SYDE类似的专业吗?你别自己没学过瞎说 +3
              • 没见过你那句预言对过。我说的话都是有根据的,不像你根本不懂就乱说。因揭出rolia假博士而告辞rolia的虾版主曾对你有一恰如其分结论。我现在把一些SYDE课程贴在此,用事实驳斥你关于只能成副手,级别低的胡言乱语。SYDE 522 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence +1

                The objective of this course is to introduce students to fundamental concepts of Artificial Intelligence. An overview of different learning schemes will be provided, including supervised and unsupervised algorithms. The focus of this course will be on dimensionality reduction, clustering, classification, deep and shallow artificial neural networks, and reinforcement learning. Ethical aspects of artificial intelligence will be discussed. [Offered: W]Prereq: One of BME 122, CS 240/240E, ECE 250, MSCI 240, MTE 140, SYDE 223 and Biomedical Engineering or SYDE or level at least 4A Management Engineering or Mechatronics Eng or Mechatronics Option or Computer Eng Option.Antireq:CS 480,486, ECE 457A,457B SYDE 531 LEC,TUT 0.50Course ID: 013383Design Optimization Under Probabilistic UncertaintyOptimization methods for real world problems have to deal with probabilistic uncertainty either due to data uncertainty or manufacturing uncertainty or both. Maximizing the expected value of the objective function subject to reliability (or risk) constraints is commonly used in such design or decision-making problems. Common methods used are stochastic programming, stochastic dynamic programming, chance-constraints, yield optimization and tolerance design. Example applications are selected from water management, energy systems, financial engineering, and manufacturing. [Offered: W]

                SYDE 532 LEC,TUT 0.50Course ID: 013382Introduction to Complex SystemsThe overwhelming majority of societal and ecological issues of pressing importance are complex systems; nonlinear interacting systems poorly characterized by linear analyses and Gaussian statistics. This course introduces the mathematics needed to understand such interactions, including nonlinear dynamics, critical and bifurcation behaviours, large-scale systems, power-law distributions, and statistical inference. The mathematical methods will be motivated by a set of case studies comprised of pressing large-scale interconnected problems such as global warming, energy shortages, desertification, overpopulation, poverty, and economic instability, to be investigated from a systems engineering perspective that will connect the mathematical analyses to real-world examples. [Offered: W]Prereq: Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering or Level at least 3B Systems Design Engineering

                SYDE 533 LEC,TUT 0.50Course ID: 009003Conflict ResolutionFormal methods for studying engineering decision-making problems involving multiple participants and multiple objectives. Topics include the graph model for conflict resolution, normal game form, metagame analysis, games with misperceptions, preference elicitation, human behaviour under conflict, evolution of a conflict, decision-making under uncertainty, sensitivity analyses, multiple criteria decision analysis, group decision and negotiation, coalition analysis, decision support systems, and real-world applications of the foregoing concepts. [Offered: F]

                SYDE 542 LEC,TUT 0.50Course ID: 010067Interface DesignThis course focuses on the design of computer interfaces for simple to complex systems. Examples of applications are used to illustrate theoretical approaches. Main topics include forms of visual display; auditory display and soft controls; context, navigation, and layout; development techniques; design for engagement. [Offered: W]Prereq: One of BME 162, MSCI 343, SYDE 162, 348/548, 543; Biomedical Engineering or Systems Design Engineering or (level at least 4A Management Engineering or 4A Mechatronics Engineering) or Ergonomics and Injury Prevention Minor SYDE 543 LEC,TUT 0.50Course ID: 009006Cognitive ErgonomicsThis course focuses on the role engineering psychology research plays in design of the information displays and devices associated with simple and complex cognitive tasks. Main topics include signal detection and target location tasks, navigation tasks, training tasks, communication tasks, human error, stress and mental workload, supervisory control, and situational awareness. [Offered: F]Prereq: Biomedical Engineering or Systems Design Engineering or (Level at least 4A Mechatronics Engineering) or Biomechanics Option or Ergonomics and Injury Prevention Minor SYDE 544 LEC,TUT 0.50Course ID: 008988Biomedical Measurement and Signal ProcessingThis course develops an understanding of biomedical measurements through the examination of electromyographic (EMG), electroencephalographic (EEG), and electrocardiographic (ECG) signals. Measurement of human-body position, force, and pressure, and related instrumentation will also be presented. Signal processing techniques will be discussed in the context of extraction and application of useful biomedical signals. [Offered: W]Prereq: One of BIOL 273, BME 284, SYDE 384/584; Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering or Level at least 3B Systems Design Engineering or Level at least 3B Honours Life Physics (Biophysics Specialization)

                SYDE 548 LEC,TUT 0.50Course ID: 010066User Centred Design MethodsThis course approaches the design of tasks, tools, products, and systems from a user-centered design perspective. Emphasis is on the human factors and usability methods, and techniques that can and should be applied throughout the iterative design process. While design issues pertaining to human-computer interaction are discussed, the methods presented can be applied to the design of almost any user interface. Major topics include user research methods for usability and user experience, inspection methods, user testing, applied statistical analysis. [Offered: W]Prereq: (Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering) or (Level at least 3B Systems Design Engineering) or (Level at least 4A Mechatronics Engineering or Biomechanics Option or Ergonomics and Injury Prevention Minor).Antireq: CS 449, MSCI 343

                SYDE 552 LEC,TUT 0.50Course ID: 014290Computational NeuroscienceIntroduction to modelling and analysis of neurophysiological systems. Models of synaptic plasticity and learning, with focus on the similarities and differences between neuroscience and deep learning.[Note: For systems design engineering students: It is recommended that one of BIOL 273, 376, 377 or BME 284 or SYDE 384/584 be taken before or concurrently with SYDE 552. Offered: W]Prereq: Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering or Level at least 3B Systems Design Engineering(Cross-listed with BIOL 487)

                SYDE 553 LEC,TUT 0.50Course ID: 009010Advanced DynamicsNewtonian and Eulerian formulation of particle and rigid body kinematics and dynamics. Energy (Lagrangian and Hamiltonian) formulations of particle and rigid body dynamics; generalized co-ordinates, generalized forces, holonomic constraints, Lagrange multipliers. [Offered: F]Prereq: (Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering) or (Level at least 3B Systems Design Engineering) or (Level at least 4A Mechatronics Engineering) or Mechatronics Option or Biomechanics Option

                SYDE 556 LEC,TUT 0.50Course ID: 012084Simulating Neurobiological SystemsThis course develops and applies a general framework for understanding neural computation in the context of recent advances in theoretical and experimental neuroscience. Particular emphasis is placed on understanding representation, nonlinear computation, and dynamics in real neurobiological systems. Students will apply signal processing, control theory, linear algebra, probability theory, and similar quantitative tools for the purpose of modelling sensory, motor, and cognitive systems. Topics covered include single neuron function, neural coding, neural dynamics, attractor networks, learning, statistical inference, locomotion, working memory, etc. Familiarity with neural systems is helpful but not essential. [Offered: F]Prereq: BME 252 or SYDE 252 SYDE 572 LEC,TUT 0.50Course ID: 008972Introduction to Pattern RecognitionPattern recognition as a process of data analysis. Pattern features as components in a random vector representation. Classification techniques; distance measures in feature space, probabilistic (Bayesian) decision theory, linear discriminants. Clustering and feature extraction. Applications; optical character recognition, speech recognition, industrial robot vision, medical diagnosis, remote sensing and satellite image analysis, fault detection and diagnosis in complex systems such as nuclear reactors. [Offered: W]Prereq: (Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering) or (Level at least 3B Systems Design Engineering) or (Level at least 4A Mechatronics Engineering) or Mechatronics Option or Biomechanics Option

                SYDE 575 LAB,LEC,TUT 0.50Course ID: 009016Image ProcessingBeginning with a discussion of quantitative models of imaging systems, this course moves on to apply methods of linear systems theory and signal processing to image processing. Simple spatial domain techniques as well as spatial frequency domain methods, and digital filter design for image enhancement and restoration are discussed. The key methods and problems are surveyed; edge detection, image denoising, image segmentation, image enhancement, image compression, image registration, and feature detection. Applications to machine vision, remote sensing, and medical imaging will be emphasized. [Offered: F]Prereq: BME 252 or SYDE 252; (Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering) or (Level at least 3B Systems Design Engineering) or (Level at least 4A Mechatronics Engineering) or Mechatronics Option or Biomechanics Option

                SYDE 584 LEC,TUT 0.50Course ID: 013384Physiological Systems and Biomedical DesignIn this course, students will become familiar with the physiology and anatomical structures of the human body. The structure, functions, and properties of major physiological systems (e.g., musculoskeletal, nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory) will be presented in relation to modelling physiological systems and the design of biomedical devices (imaging, assistive, and diagnostic). Various aspects of pathology and how they influence measurements will also be introduced. [Offered: F]Prereq: (Level at least 3B Engineering) or (Level at least 3B Honours Life Physics (Biophysics specialization)).Antireq: BIOL 273, BME 284

                SYDE 599 LEC,TUT 0.50Course ID: 016273Special Topics in Systems Design EngineeringThis course deals with selected topics at the undergraduate level in environmental and societal systems, mechatronics and physical systems, or human factors and ergonomics.[Note: For a current list of offerings, see the associate chair of undergraduate studies. Offered: F,W]Department Consent RequiredPrereq: Level at least 3A Engineering students

                • 我就是类似专业毕业的。全中国没有多少人。就算是多大CS专注AI的本科毕业生,都被我们这些业余自学AI也不用的看成菜鸟一个。就读了两门课而已。读系统设计的,又学管理,又学机电,又学AI,又学编程。样样都不行。几年后,将不会有人请SYDE的刚毕业的编程,除非走后门。 +4
                  • Again,你这贴又证明了你不懂,而且你的这次预言也同样会被证明是完全错误。我不认识多大CS专注AI的本科毕业生,但认识University of Waterloo CS专注AI的本科毕业生,绝对远远超过你, 也根本不是就读两门课。我现在没时间去具体讲解。 +2
                  • 你显然带有偏见,而且太武断, SYDE怎么就可能只成为副手了?怎么就不会编程呢?俺见过很多学机械的转码,学化学的也可以转码,而且做出的东西都不差。你如果学类似专业的,只能说明你也没学精 +2
                • 发上贴时间匆忙,格式有些乱,重发一次清楚的。

                  SYDE 522 LEC,TUT 0.50

                  Course ID: 008981

                  Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

                  The objective of this course is to introduce students to fundamental concepts of Artificial Intelligence. An overview of different learning schemes will be provided, including supervised and unsupervised algorithms. The focus of this course will be on dimensionality reduction, clustering, classification, deep and shallow artificial neural networks, and reinforcement learning. Ethical aspects of artificial intelligence will be discussed. [Offered: W]

                  Prereq: One of BME 122, CS 240/240E, ECE 250, MSCI 240, MTE 140, SYDE 223 and Biomedical Engineering or SYDE or level at least 4A Management Engineering or Mechatronics Eng or Mechatronics Option or Computer Eng Option.

                  Antireq:CS 480,486, ECE 457A,457B


                  AnchorSYDE 531 LEC,TUT 0.50

                  Course ID: 013383

                  Design Optimization Under Probabilistic Uncertainty

                  Optimization methods for real world problems have to deal with probabilistic uncertainty either due to data uncertainty or manufacturing uncertainty or both. Maximizing the expected value of the objective function subject to reliability (or risk) constraints is commonly used in such design or decision-making problems. Common methods used are stochastic programming, stochastic dynamic programming, chance-constraints, yield optimization and tolerance design. Example applications are selected from water management, energy systems, financial engineering, and manufacturing. [Offered: W]


                  AnchorSYDE 532 LEC,TUT 0.50

                  Course ID: 013382

                  Introduction to Complex Systems

                  The overwhelming majority of societal and ecological issues of pressing importance are complex systems; nonlinear interacting systems poorly characterized by linear analyses and Gaussian statistics. This course introduces the mathematics needed to understand such interactions, including nonlinear dynamics, critical and bifurcation behaviours, large-scale systems, power-law distributions, and statistical inference. The mathematical methods will be motivated by a set of case studies comprised of pressing large-scale interconnected problems such as global warming, energy shortages, desertification, overpopulation, poverty, and economic instability, to be investigated from a systems engineering perspective that will connect the mathematical analyses to real-world examples. [Offered: W]

                  Prereq: Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering or Level at least 3B Systems Design Engineering


                  AnchorSYDE 533 LEC,TUT 0.50

                  Course ID: 009003

                  Conflict Resolution

                  Formal methods for studying engineering decision-making problems involving multiple participants and multiple objectives. Topics include the graph model for conflict resolution, normal game form, metagame analysis, games with misperceptions, preference elicitation, human behaviour under conflict, evolution of a conflict, decision-making under uncertainty, sensitivity analyses, multiple criteria decision analysis, group decision and negotiation, coalition analysis, decision support systems, and real-world applications of the foregoing concepts. [Offered: F]


                  AnchorSYDE 542 LEC,TUT 0.50

                  Course ID: 010067

                  Interface Design

                  This course focuses on the design of computer interfaces for simple to complex systems. Examples of applications are used to illustrate theoretical approaches. Main topics include forms of visual display; auditory display and soft controls; context, navigation, and layout; development techniques; design for engagement. [Offered: W]

                  Prereq: One of BME 162, MSCI 343, SYDE 162, 348/548, 543; Biomedical Engineering or Systems Design Engineering or (level at least 4A Management Engineering or 4A Mechatronics Engineering) or Ergonomics and Injury Prevention Minor


                  AnchorSYDE 543 LEC,TUT 0.50

                  Course ID: 009006

                  Cognitive Ergonomics

                  This course focuses on the role engineering psychology research plays in design of the information displays and devices associated with simple and complex cognitive tasks. Main topics include signal detection and target location tasks, navigation tasks, training tasks, communication tasks, human error, stress and mental workload, supervisory control, and situational awareness. [Offered: F]

                  Prereq: Biomedical Engineering or Systems Design Engineering or (Level at least 4A Mechatronics Engineering) or Biomechanics Option or Ergonomics and Injury Prevention Minor


                  AnchorSYDE 544 LEC,TUT 0.50

                  Course ID: 008988

                  Biomedical Measurement and Signal Processing

                  This course develops an understanding of biomedical measurements through the examination of electromyographic (EMG), electroencephalographic (EEG), and electrocardiographic (ECG) signals. Measurement of human-body position, force, and pressure, and related instrumentation will also be presented. Signal processing techniques will be discussed in the context of extraction and application of useful biomedical signals. [Offered: W]

                  Prereq: One of BIOL 273, BME 284, SYDE 384/584; Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering or Level at least 3B Systems Design Engineering or Level at least 3B Honours Life Physics (Biophysics Specialization)


                  AnchorSYDE 548 LEC,TUT 0.50

                  Course ID: 010066

                  User Centred Design Methods

                  This course approaches the design of tasks, tools, products, and systems from a user-centered design perspective. Emphasis is on the human factors and usability methods, and techniques that can and should be applied throughout the iterative design process. While design issues pertaining to human-computer interaction are discussed, the methods presented can be applied to the design of almost any user interface. Major topics include user research methods for usability and user experience, inspection methods, user testing, applied statistical analysis. [Offered: W]

                  Prereq: (Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering) or (Level at least 3B Systems Design Engineering) or (Level at least 4A Mechatronics Engineering or Biomechanics Option or Ergonomics and Injury Prevention Minor).

                  Antireq: CS 449, MSCI 343


                  AnchorSYDE 552 LEC,TUT 0.50

                  Course ID: 014290

                  Computational Neuroscience

                  Introduction to modelling and analysis of neurophysiological systems. Models of synaptic plasticity and learning, with focus on the similarities and differences between neuroscience and deep learning.

                  [Note: For systems design engineering students: It is recommended that one of BIOL 273, 376, 377 or BME 284 or SYDE 384/584 be taken before or concurrently with SYDE 552. Offered: W]

                  Prereq: Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering or Level at least 3B Systems Design Engineering

                  (Cross-listed with BIOL 487)


                  AnchorSYDE 553 LEC,TUT 0.50

                  Course ID: 009010

                  Advanced Dynamics

                  Newtonian and Eulerian formulation of particle and rigid body kinematics and dynamics. Energy (Lagrangian and Hamiltonian) formulations of particle and rigid body dynamics; generalized co-ordinates, generalized forces, holonomic constraints, Lagrange multipliers. [Offered: F]

                  Prereq: (Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering) or (Level at least 3B Systems Design Engineering) or (Level at least 4A Mechatronics Engineering) or Mechatronics Option or Biomechanics Option


                  AnchorSYDE 556 LEC,TUT 0.50

                  Course ID: 012084

                  Simulating Neurobiological Systems

                  This course develops and applies a general framework for understanding neural computation in the context of recent advances in theoretical and experimental neuroscience. Particular emphasis is placed on understanding representation, nonlinear computation, and dynamics in real neurobiological systems. Students will apply signal processing, control theory, linear algebra, probability theory, and similar quantitative tools for the purpose of modelling sensory, motor, and cognitive systems. Topics covered include single neuron function, neural coding, neural dynamics, attractor networks, learning, statistical inference, locomotion, working memory, etc. Familiarity with neural systems is helpful but not essential. [Offered: F]

                  Prereq: BME 252 or SYDE 252


                  AnchorSYDE 572 LEC,TUT 0.50

                  Course ID: 008972

                  Introduction to Pattern Recognition

                  Pattern recognition as a process of data analysis. Pattern features as components in a random vector representation. Classification techniques; distance measures in feature space, probabilistic (Bayesian) decision theory, linear discriminants. Clustering and feature extraction. Applications; optical character recognition, speech recognition, industrial robot vision, medical diagnosis, remote sensing and satellite image analysis, fault detection and diagnosis in complex systems such as nuclear reactors. [Offered: W]

                  Prereq: (Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering) or (Level at least 3B Systems Design Engineering) or (Level at least 4A Mechatronics Engineering) or Mechatronics Option or Biomechanics Option


                  AnchorSYDE 575 LAB,LEC,TUT 0.50

                  Course ID: 009016

                  Image Processing

                  Beginning with a discussion of quantitative models of imaging systems, this course moves on to apply methods of linear systems theory and signal processing to image processing. Simple spatial domain techniques as well as spatial frequency domain methods, and digital filter design for image enhancement and restoration are discussed. The key methods and problems are surveyed; edge detection, image denoising, image segmentation, image enhancement, image compression, image registration, and feature detection. Applications to machine vision, remote sensing, and medical imaging will be emphasized. [Offered: F]

                  Prereq: BME 252 or SYDE 252; (Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering) or (Level at least 3B Systems Design Engineering) or (Level at least 4A Mechatronics Engineering) or Mechatronics Option or Biomechanics Option


                  AnchorSYDE 584 LEC,TUT 0.50

                  Course ID: 013384

                  Physiological Systems and Biomedical Design

                  In this course, students will become familiar with the physiology and anatomical structures of the human body. The structure, functions, and properties of major physiological systems (e.g., musculoskeletal, nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory) will be presented in relation to modelling physiological systems and the design of biomedical devices (imaging, assistive, and diagnostic). Various aspects of pathology and how they influence measurements will also be introduced. [Offered: F]

                  Prereq: (Level at least 3B Engineering) or (Level at least 3B Honours Life Physics (Biophysics specialization)).

                  Antireq: BIOL 273, BME 284


                  AnchorSYDE 599 LEC,TUT 0.50

                  Course ID: 016273

                  Special Topics in Systems Design Engineering

                  This course deals with selected topics at the undergraduate level in environmental and societal systems, mechatronics and physical systems, or human factors and ergonomics.

                  [Note: For a current list of offerings, see the associate chair of undergraduate studies. Offered: F,W]

                  Department Consent Required

                  Prereq: Level at least 3A Engineering students

        • 这几周忙没关顾这里,一上来就看到这种贴,那位“网友”胡说八道!建议你了解一下两校生源质量。如你不想花时间,就翻看此坛近2个月的帖子即可。本坛最牛的娃们都去了UW !从家长们的帖子可看出,那些牛娃们自己的关于专业的知识已超过本坛绝大多数人。而且牛娃们也不是 +1
          • 谢谢仗义执言 +1
          • 直言,说得好!我娃一同学拿了滑CS都放弃了,家长做了很多劝服工作,孩子还是要选SYDE。孩子选完开心得不得了 +1
    • 我选SYDE,这个就是培养团队的头的,系统设计,比光做技术要高级 +7
      • 这听起来蛮好 +1
      • 读政治科学的有几个当上了总理? +4
        • 看来你正是ut水军,别人说一点UW的好,你就反驳 +3
    • 今年入es 家长微信群,还需要家长写一篇essay 么? +1
    • 个人认为ES跟TRACK 1类似, +5
      只是吧传统八大未定专业打包在TRACK 1, 然后把另外8个未定专业打包在ES(生物工程,能源工程,机器人工程...)。这些工程就跟好比康奈尔的生物工程,能源工程一样的。 所以只是给未定专业的人晚一点选专业,同时用一两年时间筛选人而已,如果自己方向能确定,建议直接选专业。SYDE是比较新的专业,前景不错,这里投SYDE一票,个人观点,不喜勿喷哈
      • 这两个不是同一个专业吗?

      • 谢谢你的建议
    • 想读研,又不怕累的,se!想尽快出来工作的UW! +6
      • 咱家想出来工作。谢谢
      • 事实是es读博的寥寥无几,再花一大笔钱读研究生班而已,上其他大学,其它专业也都能做到。 +3
        • 你应该加上以前一直强调的学的是财政。 +4
    • 唉又是鱼和熊掌. 不过上次改作北大和杭州师专比较, 有人就不认同了. +2
      • 谢谢 +1
    • 如果喜欢IT,选SYDE可以, 非常好找工作,也不限制出路的广度和空间。ES学的杂、苦、累,最后也是选个具体专业,毕业出来也是生物工程,航天工程,电子工程,机器人等这些专业名称一样的 +2
      • 谢谢回复,我家SDE 已交钱了。这不发现了多大的offer静静地呆在系统里,家长的心就开始活泛起来了。 +1
        • 吃不到的葡萄是最甜的. +1
        • 我和你一样,Offer摆在那里,心里总是痒痒的。我估计娃会选择SYDE,好在也纠结不了几天了🤦 +1
        • 妥了,小孩自己选的才是最好的。遥想当年我们高考,很多同学都按父母的意愿报了一些专业,有很多看起来很好但是学生不喜欢的案例,最后都转行了。俺就是一样的案例,学的不喜欢,转行的时候付出也大。还是要自己选才是最合适的 +1
          • 我是不知道喜欢啥,就做了一行爱了一行。不太擅长,可20多年后似乎也变专家了。 +2
            • 哪是你个性好,我是有点犟,不喜欢的事就是不想干,干的很难受,然后就干不好,再然后就得换 +2
      • 老黄历了。以后连CS都吃不饱,就别说SYDE了。
    • 借贴问一下有多大家长微信群吗?
    • 娃今天刚参加了Waterloo的活动,明天去多大,助孩子择校最后一力
      • 娃今天也去了滑大,没准有碰到。明天多大有新生活动?几点?我家还没参观过多大。准确说,我们只看滑大。
        • 只看UW 还纠结个啥🤦 +4


          地址:Bahen Centre for Information Technology

          • 多谢了,家长高中后就没管娃,这不想发表个看法
            • 别客气!我们已经在路上了,你们去吗?可以认识下😄
              • 娃不去,光家长去有些怪怪的。应该是不去了。羊家长养熊娃了。回来分享一下你的所见所闻。亮点热点。 +1
                • 你家男娃女娃?能私信我娃名字吗?我女儿说昨天可能见到了😄
      • 那会喜欢上多大校园的,比较一下,漂亮太多了 +3
        • 以前去过,娃挺喜欢,现在也喜欢UW 🤦
    • 这个还用选吗?当然是多大ES了。 +13
      • UT es= mit engineering +13
        • 也够能吹的,如果真这两OFFER在手,谁会选ut,没可比性 +7
          • 再读帖发现前面读错题了。在多大和MIT间选,一定是无脑选MIT呀。 +6
        • 这话与说Seneca 数学 = MIT 数学一样,离谱到顶。 +7
          • 教学质量和生源资质方面真的没多大区别.
      • 也得擅长,娃好像专长不在此处。报时定了UW SYDE是第一专业选择。只是父母怀有期盼,学些硬件设计。
        • syde有学硬件,机电系统自动化系统都是很硬的。syde一半在做swe是因为计算机热门,你也可以选择做硬件。和我家阿宝同屋的一个syde女生就不喜欢编程,3个coop都是在机器设备制造公司做产品设计。Waterloo这个专业女生很多。据说是一个读了不会后悔的一个专业。 +3
          • 谢谢你的回复了。我早期以为SYDE有包括嵌入式系统开发设计,但了解到这个是属于ECE专业。我刚开始把机器设备制造看成机器人设计,是娃感兴趣的点;但若是传统机器设备制造,就会感觉很工厂化。科技感不足。 +1
          • 谢谢信息!我家就是喜欢设计,不喜欢计算机,所以第一志愿选了这个 +1
    • 小孩自己选的是最对的,投SYDE一票,不为别的,就为俺邻居小孩ES毕业还没找到工。当然可能是个例,但是也有,不喜勿喷 +4
      • 谢谢
    • 要名声去多大,要实习去uw。别多想什么职业发展,收入。那些都是要看孩子这几年成绩和实习体验才能有点眉目的。如果你要是好处都想占着的心理,那就追随自己第一感觉就好了 +6
      • 这两个专业哪个实习更好更容易找? +2
        • 不是冒犯,问哪个专业更好找,就有点不专业了,呵呵。可以找来这两个专业的课程对比一下就知道,有区别但差别不大,所以能否找到实习,看得是学校的支持平台,孩子成绩和实际动手能力,更关键的是否努力找了,而不是专业本身 +1
          • 我也不懂专业。知道的两个ES学生,都是朋友告诉的,他们的孩子,一个后来去了谷歌做AI方面的,一个去了亚马逊。都是靠自己的本事。 +3
            • 都大学了,就别看着别人家孩子了吧,又不是小学,幼儿园,别人家孩子有的,自家的也应该有。孩子能力各不相同,能得到什么肯定不一样了,自家孩子努力就是了 +1
      • 谢谢。咱娃第一意愿是实习;父母有些都想要的妄想。见谅。
        • 谈不上妄想,这里那些讨论的,基本都和你差不多的想法,要是能都占着当然好了,只是不太容易做到,要不也不那么纠结了。所以说,要是都想要,就最好按自己第一感觉,将来后悔少点,呵呵
          • 只是家长都想要,但大概率是从娃了。
    • 多大。能读出来都牛娃 +17
      • 同意
      • 任何大学,大专,以及职业培训班,能读出来的都是牛蛙。 +1
    • 一个是为迎合市场而推出的很新的专业,一个是经过时间锤炼的高难度专业。两个学校的风格,目的和社会定位也完全不同。哪个适合因人而异,况且还有读不读得出来的顾虑。让孩子自己选没错,孩子最了解自己。 +17
      • 读不读下来是正解,就从了娃的意愿了
        • 明智的家长 +1
      • SYDE的一些选修课比所有的ES课程都难。例如:SYDE AI课程中的模式识别,教授Dr. Alexander Wong (PhD, SMIEEE, PEng, FIET, FISDDE) is the Canada Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence and Medical Imaging. Dr. Wong is a leading expert +3
        in artificial intelligence (particularly deep learning) and computational imaging (particularly in skin cancer, prostate cancer, and lung cancer imaging, cardiovascular imaging, and microscopy) and has published over 570 papers in leading journals and conferences, as well as holds over 30 patents and patent applications in these areas. Dr. Wong has received numerous research awards at conferences and organizations such as NeurIPS, CRV, CVIS, Society of Information Display, Ministry of Research and Innovation, and the Imaging Network of Ontario. 还有许多其他好教授好课程,我没时间列举。
        • 这个看上去很是popular,很科技。哇,你娃也读这个专业?好懂!你提这个应该是娃最最感兴趣的学习方向。
          • 那是选修课,不是syde专业独有。AI 方向多大历史悠久,刚离开Google 的Geoffrey Hinton 坐阵几十年,桃李满天下,包括chatGPT 的首席科学家。 +7
            • 是SYDE 课程,其他专业的学生如满足前需条件也可以选,但这造成任何影响吗? Geoffrey Hinton 早已于6年前从多大退休,多大官网上都一直标明他是退休教授,而且他只在CS系工作过,没在ES工作过。无论如何,AI是飞速发展的学科,楼主孩子今年入学,与他无任何交集了。 +4
              • 多伦多大学的AI是一个大的团队和氛围,UW 完全没法比。何况比教授没有多少意思,本科生基本上都不太有机会跟着教授干。 +2
                • 看来你是个ut的水军,不说也罢 +6
    • 你家孩子自己喜欢和偏向哪个行业?如果偏向计算机类,去SDE,如果不太喜欢计算机类,去ES,第二年再决定方向。学啥真要考虑孩子自己的兴趣和擅长 +1
      • 谢谢,小孩喜欢计算机多些
        • “我刚开始把机器设备制造看成机器人设计,是娃感兴趣的点”如果是孩子的真实想法,ES有这个方向,孩子俱乐部的头儿(女孩子)就是读这个的,今年毕业。 +1
          • 谢谢分享。娃应该是考虑到专业的不确定性,我家是熊娃,有可能二年后读不到想读的专业。于是开始就选了一条似乎容易一点的路途。不管怎样,过了今天,应该就会彻底不纠结了。 +1
        • 如是这样,要是我孩子,我会建议他选SDE,最后决定让孩子定。 就是他选了ES也不会有大问题,估计就是多读两年书再工作 +1
          • 谢谢建议,大概率就这样选了。小孩调研后,也认为这个是偏软件工程的专业。应该学的没有CS/SE深,但涉列一些硬件设备的知识。我后来晓得主要是是宏观硬件,老实讲这个让我有些纠结。若也包括微电子硬件知识,我就会觉得更前沿一些。别申请不到大𠂆实习。 +1
            • 刚出来的实习就业统计数据并不乐观。如果不是特牛的话,还是先以能找到实习为目标 +3
              • 谢谢,非牛娃
        • 小孩对比过,然后自己选了,家长就听他们的就是了,小孩更了解自己,而且比你懂得更多,我这么说别不服 +3
          • 同意 +1
    • 幸福的烦恼 +2
    • ES累死个人,大牛娃,不怕苦的除外,大多奔着科学家去的。SYDE 实习找工作比率高,不想吃太多苦轻松点就选这个 +2
      • 谢谢,咱家想先工作
        • 要是毕业后想先工作,首选UW 😎
          • 谢谢,是的,娃想先工作
      • SYDE的有更多的学生是奔成为科学家的目的。
      • 单说生源资质,以我观察,ES和SYDE绝对没有谁更胜一筹,2边都有很牛和相对普通些的孩子
        • 比学校生源没意义。关注自己娃最重要。别人成功跟自己一毛钱的关系都没有 +3
          • 您说的对 我家娃正在列表比较2专业,大家给查漏补缺下?🙏


            • 好孩子,总结得挺详细的。如果可能的话,帮孩子找些相关专业的孩子聊聊。 +1
              • 嗯嗯 好滴🌹
            • 你孩子不错啊,看列出来的,似乎想去UW的倾向性大一些😄
              • 是的 我也看出来了😄
        • SYDE和ES录取分数都差不多,都起码95+,甚至SYDE用学校factor筛选得更好,我同事小孩去年99.x分,女孩,North York 的高中,UW和多大最好的专业都给了OFFER,但最后选SYDE. 我当时以为她选错了,今年的COOP就在一个银行里面做软件开发岗,WFH每周去单位两天,她老妈老高兴 +1
          • 嗯嗯

            知道今年接了SYDE offer的孩子有UW CS和ES都录的,最后选了SYDE

            我女儿 IB 均分98,也是所有报的都给了offer 包括艺术院校😛

            • 现在大的公司做软件产品的时候,一般除了开发人员,通常还有一个产品TEAM或者产品部,里面都是产品经理,其实就是做系统设计,产品设计的。个人觉得SYDE刚开始做产品经理非常合适。前几年腾讯和阿里做产品经理/产品工程师的岗就很热门,比开发岗薪酬还高不少 +1
              • 谢谢!这些和娃的兴趣点很接近😊
                • 大家有没有觉得微信比什么whatsapp用的顺手,非常好用,其实就是产品经理/产品工程师的功劳,腾讯的产品团队出色是出了名的。苹果手机卖的好,不是说技术比别人好,而是产品设计系统设计牛,乔布斯其实就是顶级的产品经理 +2
                  • 这段一定给娃看看,她会非常开心的!🌹
                    • 现在系统设计,
                      • 谢谢!看来娃的选择是对的😊
    • 去了哪一个都差不了。孩子想选啥就是啥,千金难买乐意。遇到困难的时候,孩子自己选的就会自己扛。你选的就会埋怨你 +2
      • 是这个理
      • ES 小印杠杠的,ES 2016毕业,run startup company生产口罩,又读医学phd
        Engineering Science Undergraduate Program Programs » Engineering Programs Overview » Engineering Science One of the most distinguished engineering programs in the world, Engineering Science (EngSci) is designed for students who are looking for an intense academic challenge. In your first two years, you’ll be immersed in engineering, math, science, computing and humanities. In your last […]
        • ES是老牌好专业,出几个人才不稀奇。对于个体来说,孩子的兴趣最重要。
    • 几年前本坛有人贴过一位很优秀的ES毕业生的事迹,二十几岁就在本国一家大公司当了负责产品开发的director, 管着上万人。好像那个学生ES毕业后,去读了SYDE的研究生。搜索一下旧帖,说不定有参考价值。
      • 老大,什么公司上万人的研发队伍。 +1
        • 包括了生产部门,好像是机电设备行业的。纯粹根据脑部内存痕迹,没查原帖。。。但这件事肯定有人在这贴过
      • 这个思路对头喔。
        比较了一下 ES 和 SYDE 的本科课表,ES 难在什么都学,偏物理兼顾数化生计算机AI,门门硬课,能咬牙学完的都是牛娃,数理基础打牢了将来转啥都行,缺点就是求财的心不能太切;SYDE 一样是牛娃,课程设置是生物医学工程加系统工程的混合,很多课都是热门,但如果学生数理基础不牢的话,像上面有人提到的大牛教的模式识别课,很怀疑能取到多少真经。本科 ES 硕士 SYDE倒是互补了两边的优点。
        • 这个思路不对头。1)SYDE的数理基础比ES的扎实。 2)University of Waterloo 没有那种零基础的改行硕班,ES毕业去申请SYDE的研究生根本不会被录取。
    • 通报一下,我女儿确定了 读SYDE😄 +3
      • SYDE又来一才女啊,恭喜恭喜。 +1
        • 🤦谢谢!
      • SYDE经受住了考验。。。
        • 😄 刚过去的一周,和娃跑了3天2个学校,最后确定了下来,相信一定是经过深思熟虑的结果,下面就是要好好努力啦!🥱 +2
          • 参观多大,啥感受?多讲讲好的方面。
            • 其实真没啥,该知道的以前也都知道了。校园,交换生,1年实习…看下我👆帖子里娃列的表
      • 握手🤝
        • 🤝以后当同学啦
      • 恭喜,小孩选定的,就是最好的,顺
        • 是的 谢谢🌹