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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

ChatGPT 说出两个版本:1, It is important to note that the transfer of the RRSP to the spouse's RRSP is only possible if the spouse has enough contribution room to accommodate the transfer.

if I die, can my wife take my rrsp into hers and defer tax?

When a person dies, their registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) can be transferred to their spouse's RRSP on a tax-deferred basis if certain conditions are met. This transfer is commonly referred to as a spousal rollover.

To be eligible for a spousal rollover, the spouse must be the designated beneficiary of the RRSP. This means that the deceased must have named their spouse as the beneficiary in their RRSP contract or will.

If the spouse is the designated beneficiary, the value of the RRSP is transferred to their RRSP tax-free, and it becomes part of the spouse's RRSP. The spouse can then defer tax on the RRSP until they withdraw the funds.

It is important to note that the transfer of the RRSP to the spouse's RRSP is only possible if the spouse has enough contribution room to accommodate the transfer. If the spouse does not have enough contribution room, the excess amount will be taxed as income in the year it is received.

Also, if the spouse decides to withdraw funds from the RRSP before the age of 71, they will be subject to the same withholding taxes and penalties as they would if it were their own RRSP.

Therefore, it is important to consult a financial or tax advisor to understand the tax implications and ensure that the transfer is done correctly.

are you sure about this? "It is important to note that the transfer of the RRSP to the spouse's RRSP is only possible if the spouse has enough contribution room to accommodate the transfer. If the spouse does not have enough contribution room, the excess amount will be taxed as income in the year it is received"

I apologize for any confusion my previous response may have caused. The transfer of a deceased individual's RRSP to their spouse's RRSP does not depend on the spouse's available contribution room. The transfer is done on a tax-deferred basis, meaning the funds are not taxed when they are transferred to the spouse's RRSP.

However, once the funds are in the spouse's RRSP, any withdrawals will be subject to the same tax rules as any other RRSP withdrawal. For example, withdrawals will be considered taxable income and may be subject to withholding taxes. The amount of contribution room available to the spouse will also be affected by the transfer.

I hope this clarifies any confusion, and as always, it is important to consult a financial or tax advisor for specific guidance on individual situations.

ok, are you sure this time? what is your confident level in the percentage that this is correct? what is the percentage of correction for you previous statement?

Yes, I am confident that my corrected statement is accurate. The transfer of a deceased individual's RRSP to their spouse's RRSP is not dependent on the spouse's available contribution room.

My confidence level in the accuracy of my previous statement was lower, as it contained incorrect information. I apologize for any confusion it may have caused. My corrected statement reflects the accurate information on the topic.

As an AI language model, I strive to provide accurate and helpful information to the best of my abilities based on my training and knowledge. However, I am not infallible, and there may be cases where I may provide incorrect or incomplete information. In such cases, I rely on feedback and corrections from users to improve my responses and provide better assistance in the future.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 二十年来,RRSP投资的三重境界:从一开始工作,就买满RRSP,很踏实;几年后知道有朋友是Pension,退休无忧,听起来比RRSP好多了,很羡慕;现在到了第三重,RRSP涨幅太多,可能需要提前退休了。 +1
    • 我的基本白买,没太多收益 +10
      • 不会吧,我买的RRSP长期收益都是在每年10%左右。
    • 投资什么了?
    • rsp是最傻的投资,这些钱要是投到房子上就发财了 +1
      • 请教下,每年税前3万不到点,怎么把这钱投进房子呢
        • 你根本就不应该买rsp,给你省不了几个,只有高收入才有意义 +5
          • 我每年RRSP额度3万,这是怎么看出我这收入太低的? 我是针对你说的不要买RRSP而应该去买房来诚心请教的 +1
            • 吹牛要交税的,你不可能有3万额度的,好好打工去吧,呵呵 +1
              • 3万只要16万收入就可以了,你私信我,我给你看我NOA +1

                • 其实我也没明白“我每年RRSP额度3万”这话。截至到去年,RRSP每年最高额度都不到3万,更别说每年3万了。如果你是指以前没用完的额度+新的额度,所以每年NOA上有3万RRSP额度,那就很正常了。每年10万都有可能。
                  • 2023年limit是$30,780,以前大概是3万不到一点的样子。我想问的是后半句-每年这笔钱怎么投房地产,不要纠结准确额度了
                    • 2023年3万出头的的limit,只有2024年才能在NOA上看到。没有纠结,只是觉得好奇罢了。既然没人回答你的后半句,学习一下REITs 对你有帮助。
                      • REITs也是基金,他们投商业地产收租金的。跟自己直接投房子还是有区别的。而且REITS收益比标普啥的还好吗
                        • 就算可以在RRSP里直接买卖房子,投资眼光不行也会亏得一塌糊涂。谁知道你会不会鼠标一点,就把Detroit, Flint 的房子买下来了。你的投资能力决定收益,无论是直接投资房子,还是REITs。
            • 3万额度为什么是税前?看不太懂。 +1
              • RRSP是税前的钱,那么就按照等同的原则,拿税前的来算
      • 这是事后诸葛亮,要是房子是唯一能赚钱的方式,那就没有任何人做任何其他的投资,全世界所有有点钱的人都会只投房产。那些投到其他产业的都不如你们有眼光👍,不知会不会盛极而衰。 +3
      • 投资效益如何取决于你投资了什么品种(股票基金等),和是什么类型的账户没太大关系, 如果你在RRSP中投资的效益不好, 你在其他账户(TFSA,非注册投资账户等)做同样的投资效益也不会好。所以账户无好坏之分。
    • 印象中雇员那部分每年的pension 投入,没有退税? +1

      • 那部分根本就没有缴税 +1
    • 目测楼主至少有200万RRSP
      • RRSP离200万还远。RRSP不应该是唯一的退休收入,但是RRSP很影响退休计划,因为RRSP的税太高了。
        • 你估计从来没有买过RRSP吧?买RRSP不但可以当年退税,增值部分不需要交税。你只有取出来才需要交税,按照你的收入交。一般人退休后收入肯定比退休前低,所以税率要低。总体而言减了不少税。
          • 楼主想说的可能是从RRSP取钱时,因为每一分钱都要交税,如果加上工资收入,要交的税就太高了的意思。估计楼主的年纪比较大了而且消费水平不高。否则离200万都还远的RRSP根本不用操心税务问题 +1
            比他/她RRSP金额高得多,每周还要加班的,Bay Street 的大楼里有一堆人。
    • 钱多的烦恼
    • 搭车问个问题:RRSP的钱如果夫妻一人去世,能否另一方免税继承并作为Ta的RRSP存款,以后取出时再交税,还是当作去世方当年的收入全部报税,然后再继承?这样的话税务差别还是挺大的。谢谢!
      • 配偶继承RRSP不交税 +1
        • ChatGPT 说出两个版本:1, It is important to note that the transfer of the RRSP to the spouse's RRSP is only possible if the spouse has enough contribution room to accommodate the transfer. +1

          if I die, can my wife take my rrsp into hers and defer tax?

          When a person dies, their registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) can be transferred to their spouse's RRSP on a tax-deferred basis if certain conditions are met. This transfer is commonly referred to as a spousal rollover.

          To be eligible for a spousal rollover, the spouse must be the designated beneficiary of the RRSP. This means that the deceased must have named their spouse as the beneficiary in their RRSP contract or will.

          If the spouse is the designated beneficiary, the value of the RRSP is transferred to their RRSP tax-free, and it becomes part of the spouse's RRSP. The spouse can then defer tax on the RRSP until they withdraw the funds.

          It is important to note that the transfer of the RRSP to the spouse's RRSP is only possible if the spouse has enough contribution room to accommodate the transfer. If the spouse does not have enough contribution room, the excess amount will be taxed as income in the year it is received.

          Also, if the spouse decides to withdraw funds from the RRSP before the age of 71, they will be subject to the same withholding taxes and penalties as they would if it were their own RRSP.

          Therefore, it is important to consult a financial or tax advisor to understand the tax implications and ensure that the transfer is done correctly.

          are you sure about this? "It is important to note that the transfer of the RRSP to the spouse's RRSP is only possible if the spouse has enough contribution room to accommodate the transfer. If the spouse does not have enough contribution room, the excess amount will be taxed as income in the year it is received"

          I apologize for any confusion my previous response may have caused. The transfer of a deceased individual's RRSP to their spouse's RRSP does not depend on the spouse's available contribution room. The transfer is done on a tax-deferred basis, meaning the funds are not taxed when they are transferred to the spouse's RRSP.

          However, once the funds are in the spouse's RRSP, any withdrawals will be subject to the same tax rules as any other RRSP withdrawal. For example, withdrawals will be considered taxable income and may be subject to withholding taxes. The amount of contribution room available to the spouse will also be affected by the transfer.

          I hope this clarifies any confusion, and as always, it is important to consult a financial or tax advisor for specific guidance on individual situations.

          ok, are you sure this time? what is your confident level in the percentage that this is correct? what is the percentage of correction for you previous statement?

          Yes, I am confident that my corrected statement is accurate. The transfer of a deceased individual's RRSP to their spouse's RRSP is not dependent on the spouse's available contribution room.

          My confidence level in the accuracy of my previous statement was lower, as it contained incorrect information. I apologize for any confusion it may have caused. My corrected statement reflects the accurate information on the topic.

          As an AI language model, I strive to provide accurate and helpful information to the best of my abilities based on my training and knowledge. However, I am not infallible, and there may be cases where I may provide incorrect or incomplete information. In such cases, I rely on feedback and corrections from users to improve my responses and provide better assistance in the future.

          • 这么说的话,到老了有几个有那么多room
            • 别信ChatGPT 3.5
          • 感觉chatgpt 也会一本正经的乱说
            • Haaaa
      • 基本不可能,除非继承方自己还有RRSP room可以放得下。否则,将作为死者的当年收入。
        • You are wrong. +9
      • 指定RRSP beneficiary就可以这么做
    • RRSP是难得的正常增长好计划