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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

DEEP STATE很少被摄像机拍到。他们自己拥有的电视媒体,并没有给他们任何关注。他们也是亿万富翁。他们拥有银行系统。还有大多数的政客,大公司,媒体等等。种族、宗教和货币体系的结构是他们的发明。宗教是他们的发明,它实际上已经使人类远离真正的神圣造物主。




Greetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj. The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you.

你们好,朋友们!此时此刻,我们心心相印,我是 Kejraj。这里表达的信息是我的观点,我的观点。因为所有的真理都在你心中等待着你。调谐到你内在的光。

A new light from the Sun shines on Earth at this time. A new energy envelopes the Earth and all of her inhabitants. These are higher frequency light waves, which are bringing great change to life on Earth. One of these changes is the exposure of all the secrets. On a personal level, from family, to local, to federal government, and vast amounts of information kept secret for thousands of years by cults around the world.


The light is dissolving the veils and the lies used to enslave humanity for more than ten thousand years.


There is a group of entities, who work behind the scenes, they are rarely caught by cameras. The television media which they themselves own, do not give them any attention. These people, among many things, they are also trillionaires. They own the banking system. And the majority of the politicians, large corporations, media, and so on.


They can afford and do pay agents(their puppets) to go public with certain agendas, pushing societally destabilizing ideologies on the populace for the purpose of chaos, division, and ultimately control. While some of them are used to push larger agendas, such as climate change, vaccinations, wars between nations.

他们可以支付给代理人(他们的傀儡) ,让他们公开某些议程,把社会不稳定的意识形态推向民众,以达到混乱、分裂和最终控制的目的。其中一些被用来推动更大的议程,如气候变化、疫苗接种、国家之间的战争。

The aim of these entities who operate in the dark, has always been to destroy humanity. Particularly the nature and beauty of the family, and corrupting the peaceful nature of the human being.


For thousands of years the dark elites have manipulated and purposely mislead humanity into accepting their false ideologies in an attempt for total control and ownership of Earth.


The constructs of race, religion, and the monetary system are their invention. Religion, which has in fact stirred humanity further away from the true Divine Creator, is their invention.


Humanity has been taught to fear God, instead of to love God, and fear nothing. Humanity has been taught to seek God in certain buildings, which are disguised as places of peace, when in fact they are Satanic temples, as the very idea of sacrifice is Satanic itself, and that is all you hear about particularly in the Abrahamic religions.


A spark of God is in your heart. God’s word is in your heart and soul. Which is why today’s society is one huge distraction factory, so that you keep your focus on the outer world, and forget to go within.


God does not want to be feared. For Creator has pure, unconditional love for all of his children.


The one who wants to be feared is Satan. Here we do not speak of Satan in a religious sense. We speak of Satan as an extremely dark, power hungry, malevolent extraterrestrial entity.


It is this entity who is worshipped by its malevolent extraterrestrial minions, and the dark elites of Earth who have chosen that path. It is these ones who gave you religion, precisely the image of a fearful, punishing, vengeful God. That is who you are worshipping in your Christian, Judaic, and Islamic faiths.


This entity we speak of here, has been forced to relinquish not only control of Earth, but this entire sector of the galaxy. They are no longer permitted to pursue further destruction anywhere else.


The very idea of ritual(blood) sacrifice has been invented by these parasitic entities.


The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is nothing more than an energetical implant into the consciousness of the Human Collective as a ‘reminder’ that should one seek the true Divine Creator, should one seek to be of service to the Light, and deviate from the dark path and evil doing, and serving malevolent entities, you will face severe punishment.


Humanity has been doing a wonderful job of keeping their focus on the supposed suffering of Jeshua, instead of his times of joy and his actual teachings on enlightenment. Why? Simply because humans love the victim role, which once more is pushed by the dark ones. Please understand that the true Divine Creator does not sacrifice or punish anyone for anything. It is each Soul that chooses their own experiences in every lifetime, and pay their own ‘debt.’


A simple law of the Universe is that every being must experience that which they’ve created. So if you bring light, love, kindness to people, that is what you will attract more of. The same applies when one brings lower frequency experiences to others. You will experience that, in this lifetime, or choose to go through that experience in another lifetime.


One more thing invented by the dark ones is that you only live once. Then after ‘death’ it is the end. It is either eternal hell or heaven. Another attempt to minimize the magnificence of the human life and existence. You only live once, so go ahead and do harmful things to your own being, because the parasites feed off of your lower energies. Party like a rock star, and drink yourself to death. For the dark needs your energies of misery in order to sustain itself.


In truth there is no death. You are the Soul. Your physical vessel is a vehicle which You the Soul use to operate on a planetary body. The Soul chooses when it will transition to the next life cycle, and incarnate in a different body, after spending many lifetimes on one planet, dimension, you will incarnate on other planets and dimensions.


These are simple truths. All that is required is letting go of fear, and being open to new truths, and seeing things from a different perspective. Allowing the light of the Soul to shine through, and collapsing the illusory walls of the Artificial Matrix, which has convinced you that you are separate from the Divine Creator, that you need a middle man if you desire to communicate with the Divine Creator. That is like saying a child needs a nanny to communicate with its own mother or father, when he/she is present with them at all times.


No sacrifice is ever needed on anyone’s part to ‘please’ the Divine Creator.


The true Divine Creator does not need blood sacrifice or sacrifice of any kind. Only a weak and fragile entity pretending to be God needs to feed off of the energies of others, and demands worship and sacrifice in their name. This is why the dark elites create wars. For malevolent entities feed on the energies of fear and suffering emitted by humans. This is why the dark elites want to legalize world wide the sacrificing of children. Though things have not been going their way.


They call it abortion. Which more than anything, it is a Satanic ritual. They consume the child’s flesh and blood. They also use the cells of the aborted child to create clones of themselves and their top of the list members of their secret ‘clubs.’ This occurs particularly in the different rooms of the Vatican, Hollywood buildings, among many other places.


The Vatican, the birth place of Christianity, and of Islam, which were invented by the darkest group of entities. Who also composed the bloodiest books ever written, the Bible and Quran. Jeshua and Mohammed did not give you Christianity and Islam. This is truth, and only a person brainwashed and living in fear will deny it. Their teachings were manipulated. They were human, as you and I are. It is only that through unyielding commitment, they achieved enlightenment, connecting with their Soul Self, therefore, the Universe or God. They shared their experiences, and messages of love. You can do this too. Many on Earth at this time are on the same path as the ancient masters.


While the parasitic entities have been doing all they can to prevent people from achieving what a few ancient masters achieved. Creating distractions on the world stage, so people do not spend time in solitude, and allow the whispers of the Soul to come through. Simply understanding that love is the way. The same bloodline that gave you the evolution theory, and says Earth is the only habitable planet, also gave you precisely the Abrahamic religions(the church, mosque, synagogue). The same ones have been sacrificing human children for over five thousand years on Earth.


This is why around eight million children a year are kidnapped and trafficked world wide. The vast majority of these children ending up in the hands of the dark elites, politicians, celebrities.


One of the main reasons why they demonized Donald Trump 24/7 is because he was shutting down their food supply, again, children/child trafficking.

他们24小时妖魔化唐纳德 · 特朗普的主要原因之一是因为他关闭了他们的食品供应,再次,贩卖儿童。

The same entities have been pushing the transgender agenda, by paying certain people to go through sex changes and giving them media attention, thus manipulating confused people, who need healing, instead bringing them to hating the body their born into. It is the same ones who are trying to normalize pedophilia, and label it as a sexual preference.


These parasites refer to bacteria on Mars as “life.” While calling a child in the mother’s womb a “fetus.”


They pay scientists and doctors to push forward the climate change agenda, and for deadly vaccinations, when they know very well that they could not care any less about the well being of Mother Earth or her inhabitants.


After thousands of years of darkness in the world, it is all coming to an end. All their games are coming to a close. This is where we are at now. It is not the end of the world. It is the end of the darkness in the world. For with the higher frequency energies entering Earth from the Galactic Central Sun via our Sun, all that exists within the lower frequency bands is to be transmuted, integrating the higher light, or depart Earth altogether, continuing their journey of duality elsewhere. The dark knows this, so they think there’s something they can do to prevent this change from occurring. There is not. Nothing can stop this shift of Earth and humanity moving into the higher realms of light.


The dark elites of Earth would have to answer to non-human overlords for millennia. The vast majority of these overlords have departed Earth and abandoned their puppets in the 90’s. With the small remainder of them leaving in the last two decades.


What we have now on Earth are a few rulers who are in panic, lost without their masters, for they know their end has come.


In their last days, these beings are trying to bring about as much chaos as possible in order to keep Earth’s vibrational frequency low, in an attempt to delay the inevitable. They continue to fail, as the Human Collective rises in consciousness, more people are beginning to see the deceit. The dark’s plans and actions have lost their effect.


The rise in mass shootings in the recent years is a creation of these deranged beings, who have been repeatedly prevented by the Galactic Federation of Light to start a nuclear war, and anything that would lead to another world war. So they resort to lower scale damage in order to instill fear in hopes of having people surrender their freedoms.


Mass shootings are not carried out only by the one perpetrator you see on the news. These vulnerable individuals, who are on medication for various mental conditions, are targeted by your CIA and FBI agents. Who also use directed energy weapons to target the brain with different laser frequencies, which disrupt the normal function of neurons, leading to the individual’s confusion and breaking point.


The vast majority of people have started to question these events. And once again are beginning to understand that someone else is behind these carried out false flags.


It is truly time to question it everything. To question everything you have been taught. You must question every branch of the so called science. Release all of your fear. Question the exaggerated religious claims which have their origins at the Vatican and (ancient)Egypt. For what you’ve been told by the system is nothing more than a deviation from the real truth, which has been purposely kept hidden, so the dark has control over humanity. The more people awaken, the weaker the dark becomes.


I would say question your beliefs. However, over 90% of what you believe did not originate from within you. It was taught to you. It was placed in your mind by outside influencers as you developed from childhood. Particularly cultural customs, religion, and the education(indoctrination) system.

我会说质疑你的信仰。然而,超过90% 的你所相信的并不是来自于你自己。是别人教你的。当你从童年开始成长的时候,它就被外界的影响者放在你的脑海里。特别是文化习俗、宗教和教育(灌输)系统。

Now is the time to break the chains, and reclaim your freedom. End the cycles of old patterns. It is time to end the cycle of ignorance, and be open for new, higher truths. Go within, and seek the wisdom that is part of your very essence, of your Soul, which awaits your return to and within the Heart Center. It is there, within the heart that you will once again realize and feel the connection and Oneness with that which you call God, or All That Is.


The time has arrived, to snap out of the amnesia, unplug from the programming of the matrix, and awaken, for a new world is emerging. Awaken to the divinity within yourselves, to the divinity of the Universe, and rise as the spiritual beings that you are.


That is all for today!




A spark of God is in your heart. God’s word is in your heart and soul. Which is why today’s society is one huge distraction factory, so that you keep your focus on the outer world, and forget to go within.


God does not want to be feared. For Creator has pure, unconditional love for all of his children.


The one who wants to be feared is Satan. Here we do not speak of Satan in a religious sense. We speak of Satan as an extremely dark, power hungry, malevolent extraterrestrial entity.


The very idea of ritual(blood) sacrifice has been invented by these parasitic entities.


The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is nothing more than an energetical implant into the consciousness of the Human Collective as a ‘reminder’ that should one seek the true Divine Creator, should one seek to be of service to the Light, and deviate from the dark path and evil doing, and serving malevolent entities, you will face severe punishment.


A simple law of the Universe is that every being must experience that which they’ve created. So if you bring light, love, kindness to people, that is what you will attract more of. The same applies when one brings lower frequency experiences to others. You will experience that, in this lifetime, or choose to go through that experience in another lifetime.


One more thing invented by the dark ones is that you only live once. Then after ‘death’ it is the end. It is either eternal hell or heaven. Another attempt to minimize the magnificence of the human life and existence. You only live once, so go ahead and do harmful things to your own being, because the parasites feed off of your lower energies. Party like a rock star, and drink yourself to death. For the dark needs your energies of misery in order to sustain itself.


In truth there is no death. You are the Soul. Your physical vessel is a vehicle which You the Soul use to operate on a planetary body. The Soul chooses when it will transition to the next life cycle, and incarnate in a different body, after spending many lifetimes on one planet, dimension, you will incarnate on other planets and dimensions.


which awaits your return to and within the Heart Center. It is there, within the heart that you will once again realize and feel the connection and Oneness with that which you call God, or All That Is.


https://www.p fcchina.org/light-age-report/64516.html
