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I don’t agree with you. ....

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I don’t agree with you. When I first knew the bad news about Canada’s economy, I felt frustrated too, and when I saw many people still trying to go there, I could not understand them and thought the same as what you said here--- they are just crazy and stupid. But actually, I didn’t change my mind either. I have my very personal reasons for going abroad, and of course I did consider seriously about the situation and make sure I can settle my life there. After taking myself as an example, I began to understand others. Everyone has his/her own different background and reasons for going abroad, and more importantly, they are not idiots just as you are not. They have been reading posts about the hard time of CA and sure they knew what is happening there. So those who still don’t change their minds are most probably well prepared.

In addition, you all neglect some facts. First, number of people applying for immigration has been reducing; second, some people having got their LPs delay their landing time. So, layoff era shows its effect already.

I am sure there are still some who haven’t got to know how hard layoff might be. So, the more such kind of posts there are, the better.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 各位准移民们, 都说经济形势差,也看到了很多人为生活挣扎, 这些信息对你们有什么影响? 是否还要来? 为什么? 心理负担有多重?有什么应对计划? JUST CURIOUS. 谢谢!
    • 箭在弦上,岂能不发?子弹上镗,难道还是臭子不成?
      • 哈哈, 你是不是杀人的DANIEL?怎么换了名, 那个名很好啊
        • 他们老是拿我的名字开玩笑也。只好换一个名。也不是换,因为我以前就叫熊咆龙吟。
          • haha, are you viceroy in bbs.mit.edu? You always sounded soooooooo serious over there therefore nobody dared to joke with you, hoho
            • do I? //hand
      • 你的名字。。。。?hahahaha...
    • 呵呵,我觉得你这个问题的前面最好能改成下面这样的字--"在国内已经有所成就的准移民...."。对于一个月只能挣500RMB的准移民来说,加拿大就是天堂。:X
      • 如果他不相信自己在国内可以找到每月挣5000的工作,他凭什么相信自己可以在加拿大找到工作(无论挣多少)?
        • There is a TD at the corner of University and Dundas, next to that on University is a Second Cup, let's meet there, 12:15ish, bring absolutely everything
          • no problem. see you then
            • 什么秘密活动?接头暗号商量好了没有?
            • Hunter, let's meet again at the same spot around 5:30, 老九行動, 正式開始
              • No problem
        • 这个问题很可笑。难道你不知道在中国不同的地方做同样的工作工资有可能差10倍的吗?!
          • 这个问题很可笑。难道你不知道在国内同一家单位的不同分支机构做同样的事情收入可以差10倍吗?
            • 不谈论这个问题了,没什么意思。我相信有60%以上的移民的动机是因为觉得自己在国内没有受到公平的待遇。
              • I agree
              • 在加拿大你就一定能受到公平的待遇?
              • 来了之后发现不公哪里都有,但能忍受这里的不公,不能忍受中国的不公。因为这里是洋人的天下,比我高那么一点点,情有可原。可国内那些鼠辈哪个比我强?可为什么他们拿的比我多!
              • 不敢同意你的说法,为什么是60%?天下哪有绝对的公平?而且在中国你也可以有很多选择,一样可以过的很开心.
    • 长时间找不到工作, 做labor? 如果是我, 我不会去的.
    • 人活一世,草木一秋。何不看看哪个世界更精彩!
    • 是不是觉得很得意啊?看别人在水深火热中?
      • 你这人怎么这么想别人? 谁不是从这个阶段过来的呀. 我只是好奇别人的想法而已, 因为我觉得换成我, 我会比较胆怯. 当初来的时候, 是啥都不知道就过来了. 你不会总是这样去揣度别人吧
        • 嘿嘿,你现在才发现这个中国人的品性?心思太多,贼溜溜的,幻想当人上人,自己上不去就把别人拉下来。
          • 你是哪国人?怎么不敢用真名?
        • 我不是新移民,过的也不比你差。但是我认为你你这番话根本不合时宜。除了给新来者制造恐慌。
    • 为什么不去?
      去年八月我就接到 visa, 当时没有一点高兴,全是担心。没有工作怎么办?能否去干labour,身体出问题怎么办,等等等等。在这出发前的10个月的煎熬中,可以说是度日如年,全家人都有些神经质了,寝食不安,甚至怀疑自己是否心脏有问题。之后又是一堆要担心的事:外汇携带、行李超重、找房等等。奇怪的是到了加拿大后却是彻底的放松了,能吃、能睡,什么都不管了。现在看虽然我国内的收入也很高,但我目前觉得来还是应该的。这里几乎所有的办事机构都对你笑脸相印,医疗有保障、失业后有救济,就是真的去打几天工也有何妨?所以根据我的经验,不要担心,充分准备行装,同时积极联系工作,尽早出发,把一切抛在脑后。
    • 这件事情不是想象的那么简单。加拿大经济不好,许多人就从一开始不考虑移民了。听说现在递交申请的人少了。对于已经在办的人来说,已经化了那么多精力,不会轻易决定放弃的。
    • 做母亲后,我总担心儿子被人拐骗,
      • 想出国的人什么理由都有,其实加拿大的孩子你根本没法管,听天由命
    • I believe many people don't know why they are here and how to live. They have a good time in China and almost forget life is tough.
      Now people come here with a lot of money. They bring a container instead of two suitcases. They know everything before they come. They don't want to do labor jobs but expect to find a decent job in a short time.
      A layoff will make them cry to death. They are rich in pocket, but poor in mind.
      • I knew you are implying me, Yes, after got layoff, I cried and want to death, but that doesn't mean I am poor in my mind and rich in my pocket.
        • 别那么SENSITIVE啊, 我感觉他只是在GENERALLY地说一些人,并不是针对你的。看了你写的东西,觉得你在女孩里已经算很坚强,很不错了,而且背景也好。LAYOFF根本算不了什么,我也在很多年前被LAYOFF过
      • I don’t agree with you. ....
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I don’t agree with you. When I first knew the bad news about Canada’s economy, I felt frustrated too, and when I saw many people still trying to go there, I could not understand them and thought the same as what you said here--- they are just crazy and stupid. But actually, I didn’t change my mind either. I have my very personal reasons for going abroad, and of course I did consider seriously about the situation and make sure I can settle my life there. After taking myself as an example, I began to understand others. Everyone has his/her own different background and reasons for going abroad, and more importantly, they are not idiots just as you are not. They have been reading posts about the hard time of CA and sure they knew what is happening there. So those who still don’t change their minds are most probably well prepared.

        In addition, you all neglect some facts. First, number of people applying for immigration has been reducing; second, some people having got their LPs delay their landing time. So, layoff era shows its effect already.

        I am sure there are still some who haven’t got to know how hard layoff might be. So, the more such kind of posts there are, the better.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我是第一次登此网站,请多关照。我也谈几句。



      • agree. esp. if you are single and young. Be couragous! What can you lose? Instead you will get a lot.