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The most Chinse are not familiar with Mississauga. I have lived in both Scarborough and Mississauga. Please read following pros and cons.

M=Mississauga and S=Scarborough

- S has more Chinese services (you can walk to Chinese stores
in the most places
- There are far more activities in Chinese community in S
- There are far more Chinese in S and you do not feel home alone
- You do not have to speak English in S.

- M has better street condition and easy to drive
- M is much more safy
- You can almost park anywhere in M for free
-M has better elementory school, kids speak better English
-M is easy commute to down town Toronto and US.
-M has much more manufacture jobs
-houses in M are cheaper (5-10%) with much better condition
-The most new houses (middle class) are close to aireport in M (cons)
-Better school areas are far from airport in M (pros)
-M has potential to increase house price in very near future
-M has potential to increase Chinses population
-M is a little bit of warm in winter

In general,
S is convenient for new immigrants. M is good for non new immmigrants
and middle class.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 住在Mississauga的朋友们看过来!
    • 不喜欢。。。 乡下。不得已才住这,离公司近。
      • 有的人挺喜欢,哭着喊着要搬过去。
      • 听说是工业区,污染严重,住房便宜得不得了,打工工资高,labour至少十几块1小时
        • 谁说住房便宜?房价也跟多伦多差不多了,只是房子相对新一点。
        • are you talking about hamilton?
          • even Hamilton is not like what he talked about. 估计那位仁兄自己还在吉林
        • 你听谁说的?“听说是工业区,污染严重,住房便宜得不得了”?
        • "听说是工业区,污染严重,住房便宜得不得了" - 井底之蛙,you know nothing about Mississauga.
      • 1. 市长是七老八十的女人, 坐公车上班. 2. 中小学选择太多, 纯法语, 半法语, 中文, 教会, 让人眼花缭乱. 2. 工资太低, 我淡季在家门口找零工, 还不到20/H. 3. 流星花园太少, 太冷清. 4. 公园太多. 5. 警察太利害. 6, 7, 8, 9
    • 交通: 自己要开车. 治安: 总体来说不错. 也有放枪杀人的.但一年也赶不上几回. 方便?: 只要开车就方便. 六个华人超市. 喜欢.
    • 交通:不方便,治安:好(经常忘记锁车,还有一次留锁匙在门上),小区建设: 满意,喜欢:离公司近,不喜欢:太远了,想去多伦多吃好吃的火锅的时候
    • 我挺喜欢的。你喜不喜欢,我不知道。:P
    • 应该是最好的地方了。道路宽广平整,即有大城市的繁华又有平坦的视野。交通是一流的。去哪都方便。去多伦多,半小时,去美国1小时,去飞机场20分钟。小区规划都很好。工作机会多多,华人市场,餐馆也不少。哪停车都不耍钱。
      • 既然有你说的那么好,为何华人都愿意挤在scarborough&markham,不愿一窝蜂往你那儿搬?
        • 因为scarborough and markham 由他们自己的好处。大家喜欢的并不完全一样。
        • The most Chinse are not familiar with Mississauga. I have lived in both Scarborough and Mississauga. Please read following pros and cons.
          M=Mississauga and S=Scarborough

          - S has more Chinese services (you can walk to Chinese stores
          in the most places
          - There are far more activities in Chinese community in S
          - There are far more Chinese in S and you do not feel home alone
          - You do not have to speak English in S.

          - M has better street condition and easy to drive
          - M is much more safy
          - You can almost park anywhere in M for free
          -M has better elementory school, kids speak better English
          -M is easy commute to down town Toronto and US.
          -M has much more manufacture jobs
          -houses in M are cheaper (5-10%) with much better condition
          -The most new houses (middle class) are close to aireport in M (cons)
          -Better school areas are far from airport in M (pros)
          -M has potential to increase house price in very near future
          -M has potential to increase Chinses population
          -M is a little bit of warm in winter

          In general,
          S is convenient for new immigrants. M is good for non new immmigrants
          and middle class.
          • 极力赞同。
          • Anybody lives in Derry Rd & Mclaughlin Rd area? I know it's close to the airport. There are some nice townhouse there and the price is just right. My only concern is the airport noise. Can anybody advise?
        • 1, 人在江湖,身不由己。2, 先入为主。3, 背景不同,喜好不同。
        • 井底之蛙, 你以为华人都挤在scarborough&markham 吗? 你以为出国就只有一个scarborough&markham 吗?
        • 井底之蛙, 你以为华人都挤在scarborough&markham 吗? 你以为出国就只有一个scarborough&markham 吗?
    • 住在Mississauga还不错,至少比多伦多的感觉要好.
      城市不大但很整洁有序, 规划得不错.(不然那个老太太也不会当了二十多年的市长). 公共交通不如Toronto方便,主要是车辆间隔时间比较长, 但如果有车的话就无所谓了. 这里总体的治安要好得多, 不象现在的scarboroug成天的出事. Mississauga是属于Peel Region, 而后者传统上是印巴人的集中地, 在Mississauga的也不少, 但主要集中于机场附近Malton地区. 许多人不喜欢这里,可能是觉得离机场太近,会很吵的, 其实不然.

      青菜萝卜, 各有所爱, 要住过,比较过才知道.
    • Anybody can compare Mississauga with Markham? Thanks.
      • 一样空旷,一样荒凉.Mi多的是工厂,Ma多的是饭庄,Mi靠的是鸡场,Ma靠的是农庄
        • Chiken Farm? Where I whould Iike to buy some Chiken and eggs. I have been here for more than three years, I did know where is a chiken farm.
    • 尽管我还没住进Mississauga,但经过多方面考察。Mississauga有很多我喜欢的地方,下面列举优缺点。
      1、这里离湖边很近,很多美丽的湖边公园,举目可遥望CN Tower. 停车免费。
      2、有贯穿城市的Credit river, 每年9月后,大量三纹鱼逆流而上,非常壮观。可在城市享受钓鱼的乐趣。

      • 多伦多真的不怎么样,像上海~
    • 从密市市中心开车到downtown大约20分钟,到North York20-25分钟,到太古35分钟,没有想象中可怕。此外有南北两道GO Train线路,巴士在2小时内可以东西南北地坐,没有多伦多那样不可以往回坐的限制。
      如楼上介绍这里有6个华人超市,买中国食品反而比从前住的地方路近一些,去任何一家也就是5分钟开车。另外outlet mall和warehouse也很多。刚搬来的时候家具等等都专程跑到东边去买,后来发现,世家堡有的东西密西沙加也有,物价比多伦多还略便宜。我的感想是,早知道如此方便,应该更早一些搬过来。
      • 从密市市中心开车到downtown大约20分钟,到North York20-25分钟,到太古35分钟 ------ 一般应特指Sunday Morning or Midnight.
        • 当然前提是不堵车了,不过我很少在半夜或星期日早晨开车往这些地方去。
          • you are right. super good transportation in Mississauga.
      • 曾经有过从huontario区域开车去downtown,被赌3.5小时的经历。
        • 我们搬过来以后还没有碰到过。这种特殊的例子,哪里都有可能发生,不过偶然一次,不可以一概全。
    • 关键是交通,一但车子OUT OF ORDER,就会很惨很惨!看看BUS的时刻表就知道了。绿化好象不如十家饱。
      • 公交车不如世家堡,中国餐馆也不行,但是绿化条件自然环境比很多地方都好。
        • 井底之蛙也好,流星花园也罢,千好万好没有单位离家近好,人气旺,好赚钱才是硬道理,只要工资高,房子好出租,能趁年轻加紧积累财富就好,密市和多市就像100加元的正反面,差不多,加拿大处处是幸福的乐园
          • yes, yes, ...
    • 借问一下在mississauga有没有象toronto 这边公寓分租的,看了一下加国无忧,租房广告很少,而且比较贵。大家都是怎么找房子的呢?想多了解一下mississauga,谢谢。
      • 公寓分租很少,但有townhouse和house 分租的。
        • 谢:)
      • 请进
        • 多谢金字塔同学:P
      • My friends was shaering apartment, befor buying house in mississauga. Here you can do too.
    • Anybody lives in Derry Rd & Mclaughlin Rd area? I know it's close to the airport. There are some nice townhouse there and the price is just right. My only concern is the airport noise. Can anybody advise?
      • I like Mississauga.
      • go to north about 10-15 min, you will find more and more nice new house.
      • It is good that you can tell the differences between Airbus and Boeing. You will sleep well after living for a while.
      • 谢谢大家的回答,对Mississauga多了许多了解。我非常想办过来和大家作邻居。问题是。。。。
        • 去Mississauga Road and Dundas 看看
          • 那可是豪宅啊,要是没有500K 或1M,就只有欣赏一下了。
            • 再往东西方向扩展, 我房子的三年前$200K
        • Squre One 西边的房子,不会受到机场的噪音污染。
          • are there any new houses there (<=5 years)? Thanks
            • yes,near Erin mill park way
              • 独立房的价位如何?
          • 不太全面吧. 北边呢?
        • Someone living in the condo beside the Cooksville Go station? Give me some advice? thx & Merry X'mas!
        • I won't live there. 1. airport noise 2. shools are not good. Try to find a plance down to south of Mississauga.