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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!





Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / March 21,2003开始,三年时间会有巨变。end of the old, beginning of the new ZT Conversation with Magenta Pixie about New Earth +1
    Conversation with Magenta Pixie about New Earth
    Magenta Pixie lives in the south of England. She is a channel for the higher dimensional, divine intelligence known as 'The White Winged Collective Conscious...
    • 大事件,大事件,大事件|Kat Anonup更新 Future proves past


      Feb 26, 2019 2019年2月26日
      Within the next 21 days 在接下来的21天内
      BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS 大事/件,大事/件,大事/件
      are going to take place.将会发生。

      Feb 26, 20192019年2月26日
      The Armor of God上帝的盔甲
      Finally, be strong in the Lord最后,要在主里坚强
      and in his mighty power.用他强大的力量。
      Put on the full armor of God,穿上上帝的全副盔甲,
      wo that you can take your stand我希望你能坚持自己的立场
      against the devil’s schemes.对抗魔鬼的阴谋。

      Feb 26, 2020

      # 3890 Feb 26,20202020年2月26日。

      AGENT A1

      • 天下本无事,庸人自扰之。;-) +3
        • 这些被疫苗打死的三万多人里也有些人认为‘一切安好’。安心打针,结果把命打没了。还有六万多人打成了终身残废,其它各种各样的伤害就更多了
        • 很多人还没有开始治疗疫苗伤害。等他们知道真相,想治疗的时候很可能已经错过了最佳治疗时机。 ZT 27岁加拿大冰球运动员,比赛后发生大面积心梗
      • 回溯三萬年,這三萬年來,我們白光勢力的力量就是越來越小,因為地球進入靠近黑暗宇宙區的軌道,地球上被籠罩的反面作用力比較強大,所以我們白光勢力這一邊能夠運用的白光力量比較小。现在改变开始了,可运用的白光力量多了,大的改变也要开始了。



        • 人类在想象中创造出某种与神相提并论的力量,以便解释神的旨意受到阻挠的原因。人类神话中那个叫”魔鬼“的东西就是这么来的。人类甚至还幻想神与这个东西之间发生了战争(以为神解决问题的方法和人类一样)。最后人类还居然幻想神有可能输掉这场战争。
          • 有不同层次的真相。在一个层次,这些DARK ENTITY是真实存在的。另外,SYNCHRONICITY,这是我最近在另一个话题里的答复。ZT 这本书里有答案。ZT《与神对话》全集——你一生等待的书 -nazacalines(游戏改变者); 2-26 {167922} (#15229197@0)
    • 摘自主贴:时间在加速,意识造物的速度也越来越快。三月底,四月初,会有一个人类集体意识的提升。没提在物质/3维层面会发生什么
    • Two VISIONS about the 22 March EVENT explained by 2 higher dimensional guides. Perspectives.
      Two VISIONS about the 22 March EVENT explained by 2 higher dimensional guides. Perspectives.
      FREE ASCENSION CONSULTATIONS (one free consultation/person)If you book a Free Consultation, Please:✔ Put a reminder for this call in your calendar. Keep the ...
      • it was said that it will be felt by each individual soul differently, and how it is felt will depend on how open you are to allowing the Light to see into every facet of your Soul!I have learned with the many predictions
        that have been foretold in the truther community in the recent years and months to allow what ever comes to come without hanging onto a particular date and just to be open to receiving whatever is given! That way you won't be disappointed as I know that we are all ready for a boost and are pretty much done with this old way of living. Blessings of love, peace and abundance to all.