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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

It's a luxury not working, because all you ever think about is life. :-)) Hey, thank you so much for the link, wonderful, wonderful interview!

That is to develop your own philosophy. I always thought philosophy was one of the most useless subjects in the world. It's extremely important in how you perceive the world and your place in the world and what happens in the world. Is it luck? Is it fate? Is it coincidence? Is there a pattern to history? Do things repeat themselves? What in human nature is inherited versus self-determined? All of those things are so important in how you deal with the changes that happen in life -- how you deal with your successes, your failures, with love, with loss.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / AMY TAN的一篇访稿,很长,但很容易读。文中谈到的母女关系也许对家有孩子在这边长大的有启发。她谈到对生活和写作的领悟,语言平实,却很到位。
    • 看了有点“触目惊心”
      • 没有觉得“触目惊心”,不知你指的是什么。
        • 那种没有表扬鼓励,只有“严格要求”。小时候我也有那种感觉,一点“错误”天就要塌下来,我觉得她所表达的,确实很值得今天的父母好好体会一下。
          • 难怪我没有“触目惊心”,因为父母没有这样严格要求。一般没有作好,我自己先哭,他们就没折了。不过国内的教育制度还是最终让我MISS THE CALL。
    • I like this...
      You can look back on what's just happened and you make sense of it and grow, or you stagnate or you go back down, but it's your period of existence. The hurdles and conflicts are really momentary. You get over them and you see what happens afterwards.
      • 我在PERIOD OF EXISTENCE那也停了一会。最近在读CAMEAU,所以对"存在"这个词比较敏感:)。我喜欢这一段:
        When I was younger, I thought achievement had to do with gaining approval from other people -- my parents, my teachers, then higher-ups. It was a plateau at one level and then a continual climbing, always seeking higher and higher levels of approval. That was what achievement was: the plateaus you always had to maintain, the highest standards, the "A's." People would give you the feedback and tell you if you had done the achievement.

        I've learned that achievement is a sense, what -- more importantly -- is a sense of oneself and that it's never a feeling of self-satisfaction. ....
        • absolutely...I love this....
          "It was wonderful going to a country where suddenly the landscape, the geography, the history was relevant. That was enormously important to me.

          Today, I love history. I find it is absolutely relevant to everything that is going on. It's not just some philosophical babble of how things repeat themselves. You see the undercurrents of change and culture and that is history. It's those behaviors that are important. History really is a record of behaviors and intentions and actions and consequences."

          I hated history class the most...now I love history too.:-)
          • 同感多多的:). 我也是。
            Q:A lot of what you say rings true but it's so hard to come to grips with.

            A:It's a luxury being a writer, because all you ever think about is life.

            • It's a luxury not working, because all you ever think about is life. :-)) Hey, thank you so much for the link, wonderful, wonderful interview!
              That is to develop your own philosophy. I always thought philosophy was one of the most useless subjects in the world. It's extremely important in how you perceive the world and your place in the world and what happens in the world. Is it luck? Is it fate? Is it coincidence? Is there a pattern to history? Do things repeat themselves? What in human nature is inherited versus self-determined? All of those things are so important in how you deal with the changes that happen in life -- how you deal with your successes, your failures, with love, with loss.
              • You are welcome. I am glad you enjoy it. Thanks for shareing your favorate parts too. It is very very nice of you. :)
                • what about CAMEAU? Please recommend some good books too:)
                  • check your email. BTW, it is CAMUS not cameau. Sorry about it. I can never get French right. :)
                    • got it! No wonder couldn't get anything out of Amazon or Google. I replied your email, pls see if it sits in your junk folder again :-))
                      • Got it. Thanks:)
    • haha .. 2kinds sucks!
    • Joy luck club--在北京见过她和她的老外先生。当时400多号欧美人士都是冲着她的名声去赴这个600元孤儿捐献会,可是正值台海危机,很敏感的中美时刻,临了来了警察,取消了她的讲演,大家觉得很遗憾,只好纷纷跟
    • 刚读了段英文稿,很不错,存了起来,可以学好多单字:)她哥哥的ACCIDENT真的很是让人心疼。。。
