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ZT 人体的DNA自修复能力

摘自DOWNLOADS & PREDICTIONS BY Marina Jacobi。讲述了人体的(一种)DNA自我修复的能力。2/9/18
Galactic Family Connections

When your galactic families connect in physical contact with you all of you will restore your photon memory bank of who you are. So stay tuned because we will give live instantaneous download and knowing where you came from and what is your galactic family connections. Do not be fooled from false images in the sky. It is a plan from the negative agenda. But you must all know that that will never be allowed to continue. No chem trails will block any longer your genetic code DNA. It has been reactivated. The negatives do not know what is coming. Actually, the negatives helped us to see of who they are, with all their negativity right in the open. The humans are free now.
当你的星际家庭与你进行物理接触时,你们所有人都会恢复你的光子记忆库,了解你是谁。所以请继续关注,因为我们将提供实时即时下载,并知道你来自哪里以及你的银河家庭关系是什么。不要被天空中的虚假图像所迷惑。这是一个来自消极议程的计划。但你们都必须知道,这种情况永远不会被允许继续下去。没有任何化学痕迹会阻止你的遗传密码 DNA。它已被重新激活。负面实体不知道会发生什么。事实上,负面实体帮助我们看到了他们是谁,他们所有的消极面都是公开的。人类现在自由了。

Negatives do legitimately remove yourselves of the planet. We are taking it back in the name of humanity. It is over now. Stop the nonsense. Let that be your last warning.

To you Humans.
You have been reactivated in the cellular memory bank DNA. Let us just say that there was a back door so anyone that ties to destroy your physical vessel actually reactivated the DNA code to stop all this wrong doing to you. LOL - poor humans they say. And we say: Now you all stop and go back to your realities. You are no longer welcome here. Let humanity be. Your days are numbered. And is done.
你在细胞记忆库 DNA 中被重新激活。让我们只是说有一个后门,所以任何与破坏你的物理容器(身体)有关的人实际上都重新激活了 DNA 代码,以阻止对你做的所有这些错误行为。大声笑 - 他们说可怜的人类。我们说:现在你们都停下来,回到你们的现实。这里不再欢迎你。让人类成为他们本来面目。你的日子已经屈指可数了。并且完成了。

The Letorians

DOWNLOADS & PREDICTIONS BY Marina Jacobi'.里面讲述了人体的(一种)DNA自我修复的能力。所以我知道这次的疫苗最终结果是‘好’的,没什么可担心的。这篇文章也讲述了为什么这次的疫苗是一次‘向死而生’的体验,但是每个人除了提高意识水平,还要采取行动,才能创造他们的现实。我看了不少人在知道疫苗有害后,不采取什么积极的行动,还是CONSENT,一针针打下去。有的还口里喊着‘活在当下’。我只看到了他们创造了一个‘向死’的体验,不知道他们的‘而生’的体验能否创造得出来。再简单一点说,在我们这个3维世界创造现实,除了意愿还要行动。疫苗这个事并不复杂,如果已经知道了疫苗有害,修改了DNA,直接说不,坚决不打就行了。如果打了,就积极研究治疗方法,采取行动排毒。【以我当前的愚昧认知】
