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楼上说的没错。欧美到现在还要放任俄国人对乌克兰狂轰滥炸而不去帮助乌克兰重创纸老虎才是令人费解。看 FoxNews 上一位看客对普京和平诉求的评论:

You do not declare wars against armies. Wars are declared against nations. Russia has no qualms about hitting Ukrainian infrastructure, the Ukraines need to be allowed to take the gloves off and hit back at any and every factory, pipeline, refinery, bridge, airport and train line used by the Russians for the war effort, whether it produces munitions, energy, food or boots. As things stand, the best Ukraine can hope for is a stalemate with a loss of territory to the Russians and a promise of more to come when the Russians rearm in a decade or two。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / 欧洲还有人买俄国的天然气吗?
    Moscow is ready to resume gas supplies to Europe through the Yamal-Europe Pipeline, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak told state TASS news agency.
    • 乌克兰应该不停地对俄罗斯的油管气管下手,那些管子几千里长,太好炸了。 +2
      • 好久不见,乌粉都堕落成恐怖主义分子了吗?油气管是民用设施。 +6
        • 楼上说的没错。欧美到现在还要放任俄国人对乌克兰狂轰滥炸而不去帮助乌克兰重创纸老虎才是令人费解。看 FoxNews 上一位看客对普京和平诉求的评论:
          You do not declare wars against armies. Wars are declared against nations. Russia has no qualms about hitting Ukrainian infrastructure, the Ukraines need to be allowed to take the gloves off and hit back at any and every factory, pipeline, refinery, bridge, airport and train line used by the Russians for the war effort, whether it produces munitions, energy, food or boots. As things stand, the best Ukraine can hope for is a stalemate with a loss of territory to the Russians and a promise of more to come when the Russians rearm in a decade or two。
          • 要记住对北溪管道的破坏是西方某国首先动手对基础设施的恐怖袭击。你不会相信俄国人有能力在北约重兵腹地炸毁管道吧? +5
            • 是俄罗斯的管道内部清洁机器人炸的。 +3
              • 匪夷所思的一点也不好笑 +3
                • “俄罗斯天然气公司能轻松将技术人员口中的‘管道猪’送入管道,它是一种能进入管道的机器人,而且很容易就能送到特定点并让它爆炸。” +3
                  • 然后走了上千公里,精准定位在瑞典近海,从俄国人的武器水平来看,走那么远机器人会迷路吧?电池续航够吗?🤭 这种劣质宣传太烧智商了 +4
                    • 还背着几百公斤炸药,不换肩吗?🤭🤭🤭
                    • 机器人就是干这个的,能走遍管道的每一个角落。你觉得是天方夜谭,说明需要多学习。 +1
                      • 不换肩吗?
                        • 不用。 +1
                          • 那得看炸药多重,200斤不换,不是200斤就换🤷‍♂️ +1
                    • 孤陋寡闻,不学无术,丢人啊。 +2
        • 油气已经沦为俄国的战略工具。
          • 欧洲不买不就完了?我对楼主帖子没评论。对皮革的恐怖主义叫嚣有评论。 +2
            • 叫嚣欧洲过不了冬的是俄国人和鹅粉。管道爆炸之前俄国已经停止了供气。 +3
            • 油和天然气已经成为俄国纳粹的武器。 +3
              • 既然俄国不想卖,管道不在送气,即使炸了也算不上恐怖主义,最多是损坏俄国财物,跟俄国损坏的乌克兰的东西比九牛一毛都算不上。
                • 乌克兰就是太仁义了,对待豺狼还将讲什么动物保护法?
        • 菜刀是民用工具,但在杀人犯手里就是凶器,就要被摧毁。
        • 这么说是先肯定了俄国是恐怖分子。 +1
    • 毛子送煤气罐上门
    • 不多了吧,普鸡都把主油管炸了