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Review clinical data on the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19.

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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 蓝天同学居然还死抱着神药不放,还在拿印度北方邦来说事,那么请看看以下两篇文章。 +3

    Figure 1. Daily number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Uttar Pradesh between 4 March 2020 and 5 October 2021. Daily new confirmed cases are presented as the rolling 7-day average. Data and image from covid19india.org.


    印度北方邦在2020年八月就开始分发神药,2021年四月到五月是第二次感染峰值。你的神药要是有作用不应该有这个感染高峰吧?而且据说北方邦给5M人分发了神药,可是北方邦共有240 Million人口,这么小的比例,能说明 五月份之后的数字快速下降是你的神药的作用吗?


    “The Indian Council of Medical Research, funded by the government, recommended ivermectin for COVID-19 in May 2021, but reversed this recommendation in September, citing lack of evidence.


    • 你说的东西不值一驳,加拿大疫苗接种率高达80%的今年年初,疫情还远超没疫苗的时候呢,死亡人数还创新高呢。不是照样吹有效率90%多? +9
      • 说你的神药,别转移话题。你攻击疫苗没用就能证明你的神药有用了?典型的偷梁换柱,不敢回答问题? +2
        • 你贴的文章能证明IVM没用吗?一个记者大嘴一张就代表科学了? +5
          • 我贴的文章当然可以证明它没用,有用的话就不会在推广半年后还出现七八倍的感染高峰。真有用的话印度政府也不会从推荐名录里把它去掉。人家印度都不再建议使用了,你还天天在这里捧臭脚,不觉得很可笑吗? +2
            • 那今年年初疫苗高接种率国家为何疫情大爆发?死亡创新高?你的逻辑也可以证明疫苗没用。另外,你为啥把下面证明IVM有用的论文链接给删了?害怕真相吗? +6
              • 我不负责证明疫苗有用,只是你每次在这里鼓吹你的神药而又没可靠的证据,本着实事求是的精神希望你证明。现在说你的神药,谈疫苗可以另开话题。忘了说了匿名帖子一律删除,没看什么内容。要不你再发一遍?讨论问题又不是隐私为啥要匿名。 +3
    • 三期临床都过不了的玩意,但凡好使早就推广了 +4
      • 给个链接吧?哪家正儿八经的做过三期,数据,论文在哪儿。我发现“三期”做的最多的,不是记者,就是码农这类的门外汉。 +4
        • 这儿有,自己好好去看哦,全部都是英文的 +2
          Review clinical data on the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19.
        • 过不了懂吗?要是好使就过了。三期不是用来证明不好使的,是用来证明好使的。想说这种破玩意能治病,得拿出三期临床的数据来证明。只爱开车的门外汉,逻辑都不通 +2
    • Uttar Pradesh government says early use of Ivermectin helped to keep positivity, deaths low +2

      Written by Maulshree Seth
      Lucknow | May 12, 2021 10:02:08 am


      The state Health Department introduced Ivermectin as prophylaxis for close contacts of Covid patients, health workers as well as for the treatment of the patients themselves through a government order on August 6, 2020. (Wikimedia Commons)

      A year after the country’s first Covid-19 cluster, with 5 cases, was reported in Agra district, the Uttar Pradesh government has claimed that it was the first state to have introduced a large-scale “prophylactic and therapeutic” use of Ivermectin and added that the drug helped the state to maintain a lower fatality and positivity rate as compared to other states.

      Citing the results from Agra in the month of May and June last year, following which the use of Ivermectin, a medicine to treat parasitic ailments, along with Doxycycline was introduced as a protocol across the state for both prophylactic as well as treatment purposes, the state Health Department said it would conduct a controlled study once the second wave of the pandemic subsides.

      The state Health Department introduced Ivermectin as prophylaxis for close contacts of Covid patients, health workers as well as for the treatment of the patients themselves through a government order on August 6, 2020, after a committee headed by the Director General, Medical and Health Services, gave it the go ahead.

      “Uttar Pradesh was the first state in the country to introduce large-scale prophylactic and therapeutic use of Ivermectin. In May-June 2020, a team at Agra, led by Dr Anshul Pareek, administered Ivermectin to all RRT team members in the district on an experimental basis. It was observed that none of them developed Covid-19 despite being in daily contact with patients who had tested positive for the virus,” Uttar Pradesh State Surveillance Officer Vikssendu Agrawal said.


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      He added that based on the findings from Agra, the state government sanctioned the use of Ivermectin as a prophylactic for all the contacts of Covid patients and later cleared the administration of therapeutic doses for the treatment of such patients.

      Claiming that timely introduction of Ivermectin since the first wave has helped the state maintain a relatively low positivity rate despite its high population density, he said, “Despite being the state with the largest population base and a high population density, we have maintained a relatively low positivity rate and cases per million of population”.

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      He said that apart from aggressive contact tracing and surveillance, the lower positivity and fatality rates may be attributed to the large-scale use of Ivermectin use in the state, adding that the drug has recently been introduced in the National Protocol for Covid treatment and management. “Once the second wave subsides, we would conduct our own study as there has been an emerging body of evidence to substantiate our timely use of Ivermectin from the first wave itself,” Vikasendu told The Indian Express.

      Agra District Magistrate Prabhu N Singh also attributed the state’s relative success in keeping the Covid numbers down to the timely nod to the use of Ivermectin as a prophylactic. He added that government doctor Anshul Pareek had approached him last year citing use of the medicine abroad.

      “We reported the first Covid-19 cluster in the country after five members of a family, who had returned from Italy, tested positive. Soon, the virus spread, with a large number of police personnel getting affected. Doctor Pareek approached me with a request to introduce Ivermectin on an experimental basis. I was told there are no risks involved with the use of the drug,” Singh told The Indian Express.


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      He said the district administration had formed small groups of personnel from the same police station as well staffers at his office. “We introduced it (Ivermectin) for three days, 12 mg as advised in the national guidelines at the time, followed by tests on the fourth or fifth day. We introduced it in the jail as well and the results helped us reduce positivity to a great extent, following which Additional Chief Secretary Health Amit Mohan formed a committee to access its usage and it was finally introduced in the state’s Covid management protocol in 2020 itself,” Singh said.

      © The Indian Express (P) Ltd

      First published on: 12-05-2021 at 10:02:08 am

      Claiming that timely introduction of Ivermectin since the first wave has helped the state maintain a relatively low positivity rate despite in its high population density.
      • 你们除了这个链接,还有别的证据吗?跟你这个新闻类似的,网上一搜能搜出几千条“钟南山推荐莲花清瘟,治疗新冠有特效”的新闻。后续怎么样大家现在都知道了,你这个北方邦用神药后续结果呢?靠一条新闻就能吃一辈子吗? +1
        • 忘了说,我花时间找这个旧新闻,是给广大网友看,不是为了说服你的。 +3
          • 你这样的行为是有意误导。打个比方你只发强盗打劫了银行之后挥金如土的豪华生活的照片,而绝口不提被警察抓了之后关进监狱里判个十年二十年,你会误导观众以为抢银行是致富捷径而不会被惩罚。所以呢你的动机你自己心里明白。
    • 打什么疫苗都行就是别打mRNA, 其它的药都可以讨论,治疗大感冒药有很多,多喝水也有效 +9
      • 站着说话不腰疼,真是大感冒你看看开放半个月天朝现在的状况。别的什么疫苗都行吗?天朝灭活疫苗的效果你觉得很不错是吗? +4
        • 不好,WHO还批准?至少灭活是化石级技术,非常成熟,有什么副作用效果怎么样可以知道。至于说中国现在的状况,没有什么奇怪的,每个人都会得一遍而已,这里还有没得过的? +1
          • WHO批准了mRNA 疫苗
          • 楼上半月问的好,你说WHO批准的就是好的。那mRNA 不仅批准了还是被推荐的,你咋又喊着不能打,这么双标吗?
            • 我觉得灭活比mRNA危害小,即使是生理盐水都比mRNA好,我不反对愿意打的打,不愿意打疫苗的,不应该强制 +3
    • Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance.
      After COVID-19 emerged on U.S shores, providers began reviewing the emerging basic science, translational, and clinical data to identify potentially effective treatment options. In addition, a multitude of both novel and repurposed therapeutic agents ...
      • 这个文章抬头有一段话“ THIS ARTICLE HAS BEEN CORRECTED.See the correction in volume 28 on page 813”,没给link上。不过这里有一篇文章交代了一些背景。可以看看。似乎是base的数据有问题被retract了,这个杂志的编辑issue 了expression of concern
        没有retract 文章。 以上提到的correction应该是作者自己发的。你找找。
        • 排除掉其中一个有争议的研究,结果不变。we decided to redo the original meta-analyses excluding this study. The summary point estimates were largely unaffected when the study by Elgazzar et al was removed.
      • 拿一篇文章就能证明你的神药有用吗?不是应该看实际效果吗?你推崇的北方邦的例子,请你认真回答我的问题,不要推三阻四胡乱找文章来掩饰。
        • 你说IVM没用的逻辑,也可以用来说疫苗没用,你先让政府承认疫苗没用,再来要我承认IVM没用。
          • 你的逻辑很混乱,你的成功不是建立在别人的失败上的。你天天鼓吹神药,那你就应该证明它有用,你唯一的证据和案例被质疑了,你不应该赶紧去补救吗? +1