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Robert Fritz - "The Fundamentals of Structural Thinking" Started looking into structured thinking but have not taken any action yet

How to Improve your Clarity of Thought ("Writing is Thinking"): 


Robert Fritz - "The Fundamentals of Structural Thinking"
A training offered in cooperation with Heitger Consulting and especially suited for Senior Executives, Trainers, Executive Coaches, External and Internal Con...
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  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 请问大家做presentation 的口才都是怎么练出来的?发现有的同事说话逻辑条理清晰,语法正确,说话易于理解。自己说话即使用中文也是有些颠三倒四,用词和节奏都不够流畅,更别提是用英文了。 +1
    • 天生的 +1
      • This is classified as an ability. An ability can be gained through training +3
        • 👍 The King’s Speech +1
        • 要一个理科好文科差的人练到文科好是很难的
          • 比文科好的修车修炉子修房子还难?
            • 文科好的动手强很常见 +1
              • ?
          • Effective communication is not only for art people. Scientists need to be able to communicate accurately and logically.
            • 那就是难得的人才了
      • 看看林肯,天生都是瞎扯,都是练出来的,丘吉尔都说在房间里练习很多次准备很久才表现得那么自然,仿佛很拽的那种,都是熟能生巧而已
    • 千百次不懈的努力与坚持,反复练习超过一百遍 +4
      • 不开窍的会有进步,但准备了这个换了一个新题目又不行了
    • 首先要足够自信。 +2
      • 随着年龄的增长越来越发现自己的天赋平平,什么都需要勤奋来补缺。
        • 敢于直面平平的天赋,然后还能付诸行动提高已经很了不起了!为你加油!
    • 先练习写,如果能写明白了,才有可能说明白。 +1
      • 如果是写,能够反复润色修改,可是说话不一样,说出去的就不能修改了。
        • 那就努力练习一气呵成那种写。目的其实是用慢动作帮你理清你要说的话,练好了慢功,才可以快起来。
    • 取决于大脑语言方面的运算速度。 +2
    • 我们每年开管理会,在大股东出席的正式会议之前,都要完完整整地走一次rehearsal,一个presentation 都不拉, 就和别人婚礼彩排一样。好的presentation, 都是基于好的rehearsal, 即使当场灵性发挥,也是基于此。 +1
      • 据说好多名人演说家每次演说前都会在家里镜子前面练习无数遍。 +2
    • 先练习写 ppt -- 归纳,总结,逻辑能力可以体现在 ppt 里面。然后才是 presentation --- 那个是如何 deliver 的能力。脑子里没有好的 ppt 直接想做好 presentation,那就得纯靠天赋了 --- 差不多得是脱口秀级别的了。
    • follow me 😂 +2

      讲话 写作 语言都是相同的 得从小培养 最大的要求是 脸皮厚 胆子大
      • 你的成功不能复制啊,楼主已经不是小孩了,所以从小培养这条肯定不适合;脸皮厚和胆子大也只能鼓励多说,但是具体怎么能说好呢? +1
        • 最重要是自信,绝对的自信,横扫天下的自信。具体办法是,写提纲,背句型,多看脱口秀,多看短篇SPEECH,从简单的开始, 我推荐一个油管频道, +1

          Grant Cardone



          • 有道理👍
            • 长发哥一方面让你可以拷贝他,另一方面又会强调天才不可复制。这个好难啊。每个人天赋各有长短,不必强自己所难,如果做不了逗哏,做个捧哏也不错。但是无论捧哏还是逗哏,长发蝈强调的自信这一点是颠扑不破的真理。
            • 嘴皮子,笔杆子,我天天练,副作用就是麻秆腿,😄 +1
    • 肯定要练,天生的脑子快是锦上添花。 +4
    • 你不孤单。
    • 这都是练出来的;也有各种文章教你怎么说,不过还是要常练。多来论坛发言,试图把观点表达清楚明白,也是一种练习哦
    • 我相反,用英语条里清晰,语法正确,用中文反而颠三倒四,用词节奏不流畅,我也不知道为啥
      • 大猫
      • 英语和中文表达顺序和structure有差别,英语更适合边说边想,补充完整。例如英语中形容词甚至用长句来形容,可以放在名词的后面,中文用这种顺序就别扭。习惯了英语顺序和思路,换成中文如果按同样习惯,表达就不顺畅。
    • 首先要脸皮厚敢说不怕犯错,然后是多说多总结逐步提高 +1
    • In addition to using English as a second language, +2

      structured speech is an essential skill that can be acquired, provided you know the presentation material well enough. Coherence in speech can only be achieved in a profession setting if you truly understand what you are presenting as it is a natural reflection of your analytic thinking process.

      There are different purposes of presentation/speech - to inform, to persuade, to educate, to instruct, to brief, just name a few. - all requires a structure when you speak. Such structure, depending on the audience, may cover business areas, engineering practices, technical topics that back up your speech. You also include motivation, frustration, challenges, purpose of work etc. to make your presentation more personal and compelling.

      Structured speech must be preceded by structured thinking, the latter can be trained by making regular reflections, e.g., what have I done in last quarter, last month, last week? What're the highlights and accomplishment? What're the challenges? What's the purpose of work? You can practice the same literally at any level, for instance, what're the benefits of adopting Microservice architecture pattern? When this pattern should NOT be used? How this pattern can help my team? The more you practice, the more structure you build into thinking process, the more cohesive speech will become.

      • Very informative! Thank you!
      • Robert Fritz - "The Fundamentals of Structural Thinking" Started looking into structured thinking but have not taken any action yet +1

        How to Improve your Clarity of Thought ("Writing is Thinking"): 


        Robert Fritz - "The Fundamentals of Structural Thinking"
        A training offered in cooperation with Heitger Consulting and especially suited for Senior Executives, Trainers, Executive Coaches, External and Internal Con...
      • Thumbs Up Emoji 👍. Nice writing! Any learning links to share? Thanks.
    • 把Script写出来,online meeting可以照读,in person背熟 +2