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"Hip fracture rates for females in the non-dairy, West African tsetse belt nations of Nigeria and Cameroon average 3.0 hip fractures per 100 000 for women aged 50 years and older., Among these Bantu-speaking (Niger-Kordofanian) agriculturalists, the rate of lactase non-persistence is 90+ percent. Kenya, on the other hand, is located outside the tsetse zone. Dairy farming/pastoralism is prevalent, and the rate of post-menopausal hip fractures averaged 243 per 100 000.,"



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 喝牛奶很重要,否则老了会骨质疏松,尤其老人摔倒,极易骨折,看到过实例的 +1
    • 牛奶增肥 +1
    • 牛奶很多人不能吃,吃钙片一样 +1
    • 运动更重要,不运动身体认为不需要,吃下去也不吸收,吸收了也不存到骨头里去。 +4
      • 👍骨头最喜欢的就是锻炼,饮食只能为辅。
    • 没有太多直接关系 +2
    • 维他命D每天要服用 +3
      • 每天喝牛奶就不需要了,超市卖的牛奶都是加了VD的。 +1
        • 需要的,很多人维他命D缺乏的,验血时候加30元查一下 +1
          • 刚查,39加元. +1
          • 对。
      • side effects, urine problems and kidney problems +1
      • 👍👍太重要了。 +1
    • 那你说啥时候喝呢?是从小喝到老,还是骨质酥松了再喝?那玩意喝多了营养过剩咋办?骨质是实诚了,小肚也舔起来了。 +2
      • 蛋白质是存不住。缺一天影响一天。钙更是:补充就流失的慢,不补充流失的快
      • 就不能走走跑跑锻炼?一定得在家楼梯上拍着扶手等冬雪姑娘?😂
    • 直接吃D3不就行了。喝牛奶还可能不好消化或者乳糖不耐受。
      • D3只是帮助吸收钙,没有钙摄入,吃再多D3也没用啊。倒不一定要是牛奶,不过牛奶最容易吸收也最方便合乎大众口味。 +2
        • 我们平时吃的食物其实含钙量够多了,因为在加拿大很少晒太阳,所以吸收不好,需要补充D3。其实每天晒太阳是最好的,但半年多冬天捂得严严实实的,实在晒不到啊。 +2
      • 我从今年改成乳糖free的牛奶了,以前喝牛奶都没事,从去年发现老胀肚,猜测是开始乳糖不适了,换成 lactose free 的牛奶没事 +1
        • 我也是换了Lactose free 的牛奶,其实咱们亚洲人乳糖不耐受的很多,以前可能没太在意。不过我牛奶喝的不多。以前买袋装的,现在买盒的就行了。
          • 我觉得是年龄增长消化功能减弱了,我以前喝很多牛奶都没有问题,从去年开始就不行了,我妈也是老了才乳糖不适,我现在不单独喝,但是喝咖啡要放很多,至少三分之一,所以我去一次Costco都要拎三盒
      • 牛奶不仅仅是补钙,非常重要,奶制品替代不了。而且我只买organic whole milk
    • 牛奶里的蛋白质和gluten一样非常难消化,很多人承受不了是个大负担,现在农村街头坐着很多80-90岁的老人,其实以前农村也没有喝过多少牛奶,最近盒装的才多起来
    • 牛奶的补钙功效早就被行业资本夸大了,参见钻石。 +7
      • 👍绝对是。骨骼健康靠的是长期有效的锻炼。
    • 我喝牛奶或吃乳制品就脸上长痘痘,皮肤长湿疹。避开牛奶和乳制品就没事,皮肤光滑。 +1
    • 应该喝多少?
    • 安省OHIP免费查BMD,看有没有骨质疏松。真有的话喝牛奶不管用,至少得钙片加维D。关键是持续锻炼,比如负重走,健走,慢走,跑步等等。家里老人不喝牛奶(受不了那味儿)不吃钙片,
    • 現在真的還有人相信喝牛奶有助骨骼健康嗎? 事實與此正相反。喝的越多,得骨質疏鬆的概率越大。 +2

      "If milk, dairy foods, and calcium supplements prevent osteoporosis and its most catastrophic result, hip fractures, the countries that consume the most calcium should have the lowest hip fracture rates. But they don’t. They have the world’s highest rates."

      Four worldwide epidemiological surveys conducted by different research teams over twenty years agree that the countries that consume the most calcium (the U.S., Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand) have the highest rates of hip fracture. Meanwhile, countries that consume little or no milk, dairy, and calcium supplements (much of Asia and Africa) have fracture rates 50 to 70 percent lower than those in the U.S. "


    • 最重要是负重运动
    • 問題不是在於沒有證據,而是在於人們有選擇性的相信自己看到的東西。 +2

      "Hip fracture rates for females in the non-dairy, West African tsetse belt nations of Nigeria and Cameroon average 3.0 hip fractures per 100 000 for women aged 50 years and older., Among these Bantu-speaking (Niger-Kordofanian) agriculturalists, the rate of lactase non-persistence is 90+ percent. Kenya, on the other hand, is located outside the tsetse zone. Dairy farming/pastoralism is prevalent, and the rate of post-menopausal hip fractures averaged 243 per 100 000.,"
