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拜登说了we will defend American interests and values和你说的中文版本的不搭界啊。大家都这么扭扭捏捏,直接把内容都贴出来多好。

President Biden raised concerns about PRC practices in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong, and human rights more broadly...He raised U.S. objections to the PRC’s coercive and increasingly aggressive actions toward Taiwan, which undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and in the broader region,

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 拜登说美国尊重中国的体制,不寻求改变中国体制,不寻求新冷战,不寻求通过强化盟友关系反对中国,不支持“台湾独立”,也不支持“两个中国”“一中一台”,无意同中国发生冲突。但他没说不让台湾当炮灰。 +5
    • 这个糟老头子坏的很,坑完俄罗斯后,就开始坑大陆了。 +14
    • 他说美国反对任何一方单方面改变现状。 +3
      • 那就是说美国台湾也不能做出啥出格动作了 +1
        • 这不挺好吗。本来美国也不在乎台湾是不是名义上独立。 +1
        • 海玛斯部署金门,要求俄罗斯归还外蒙
    • 看这样子,台湾继续维持现状,不独不统。中共不武统,就不干涉。如果动武,就干涉 +8
    • 这是CCTV版的,应该还有习近平指出,习近平强调,习近平表示,习近平警告,这么重要的信息都给你漏了。 +15
      • 哈哈,很形象的说。看来大部分人的脑子还是好使的 +3
    • 很同意一句话:没有坏和平,好战争之说。两岸和平才是最期望的结果。俄乌战把土共打醒。 +4
    • 拜登通共实锤。 +3
    • Joe Biden once again tried to insist that he was not changing the US’s “One China” policy towards China and Taiwan even as he has repeatedly stated that the US would defend Taiwan if it were to be attacked.

      His latest comments came on Monday after a meeting with the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, who recently engineered the end of his own term limits, on the sidelines of the G20 meeting in Bali, Indonesia.

      According to a White House readout: “On Taiwan, he laid out in detail that our one China policy has not changed, the United States opposes any unilateral changes to the status quo by either side, and the world has an interest in the maintenance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. He raised U.S. objections to the PRC’s coercive and increasingly aggressive actions toward Taiwan, which undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and in the broader region, and jeopardize global prosperity.”
    • 这种话每次两人不管是视讯还是这次见面都会这么说。完了原来怎么样还是怎么样。这是双方的基本面决定的。只有一点美国人很清楚,就是不能爆发两国间的冲突,因为一打美国人就漏馅了。可中国没这顾忌,相反就是要耍耍美国人给亚洲人民看。 +5
      • 哈哈,拜登悄悄问大大,您看我当个村支书合格吗 ?
        • 大大环顾一下四周,小声的回复道,听说你们美村不少人都找你麻烦,你得多努力向中央靠拢
    • 川普以来都是开会该说啥说啥,会后该干啥干啥,白搭更是说的和做的反着来,现在的矛盾和平解决不了,只能一方破产
    • 中国收复台湾有自己的时间表美国人说什么无所谓, +2
      • 这个时间表在哪里?我怎么找了半天找不到?这是国家机密吗? +5
        • 这毫无疑问是国家机密,你们级别太低,肯定找不到。不过,1450可以猜测。 +1
        • 1001年大计,雄安建成了统一台湾 +2
    • 1450还在欢欣雀跃呢,这种地缘政治,大家都说着冠冕堂皇的官话,私下进行着肮脏的交易,中美之间一点风吹草动,都能引无数软蛋竞折腰
    • 只要钱给够,啥都好说。
    • 美国都这么害怕求饶了,明天还不赶紧拿下台湾?
    • 也没说灭了徐俊平。
    • 拜登说了we will defend American interests and values和你说的中文版本的不搭界啊。大家都这么扭扭捏捏,直接把内容都贴出来多好。 +1
      President Biden raised concerns about PRC practices in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong, and human rights more broadly...He raised U.S. objections to the PRC’s coercive and increasingly aggressive actions toward Taiwan, which undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and in the broader region,
    • 双方在下一部大棋,都在等对方先落子。