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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

从你描述的来看,RENTAL OFFICE是合理的。





3,PARKING SPACE是LANDLORD的财产,他当然有权安排。你没有车,给你一个地上车位那太合理不过了。你的旧合约在这里不生效。而且听你的口气,如果将来有车,他们会给回一个地下车位,对吗?


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 他们应该不应该去投诉?
    前一阵子,我sublease我的apartment. 正好有在rolia认识的朋友夫妇刚从北京移民过来,所以他们就续租了我们的房子。没想到rental office百般刁难,其他的也就罢了。可是这对朋友明明没有车,却让他们多交每个月parking$50,理由是因为以前我们租房子的时候就是交了这个钱。朋友百般无奈只能交了这个钱,可是
    大家说这是不是不合理亚?不知道遇到这种问题到哪里去投诉比较好呢?会不会得罪那个rental office, 以至他们以后要修理东西就遭到报复呢??
    • for all of us, being strong is very important, no need to think other things, if u think your rights are abused, complain, if 他们以后要修理东西就报复, complain again, to apts' upper manager
      • If they really disobey the contract, u can call 1-888-3323234 or 1-800-3323234. It is Ontario rental housing tribunal.
    • you need check your contract
      1. is your rental include parking fee? If include, then even you don't have car, you have to pay. When I rented my previour apt., I got the same case, my parking lot was empty for almost one year, and I have to pay it with my rental.

      2. Yes, like I said, in my old contact, they didn't specify which parking lot is mine, they just said they would give me when I get my car, maybe indoor, maybe outdoor. So CHECK YOUR CONTRACT!
      • O? really? 他们太不像话拉!这些人明明是欺负我们呢:<<
        • I don't think so.
          It depends on the managment company. Some of them separate the parking, hydro, water and rental, some of them combine them together as one fee. You have to ask them BEFORE you sign your contract.

          I searched a lot of buildings before, I met all the cases.
    • nobody can answer my question?
    • sue the bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      • calm down!
        If her friend contiune use her contract, then they should get indoor parking, if they re-sign a new contract, of cause the rental office can give them another parking lot. That's why I ask them to check the contract.
        • i think they are continuing my lease since they only signed for eight month.
        • i think they are continuing my lease since they only signed for eight month.
          • I think, if they signed,
            that means they got a new contract, so they should check all the conditions on that paper. It doesn't matter how long for this contract.
            Otherwise, they just use your old contract and didn't change the tenant name.
        • no! even if it is a continuing lease, rentee still have the rights to terminate parking lot rental provided inform the landlord 2 months earlier. I.E. the parking can be terminated 2 months later if inform today.
          on the other hand, the landlord is contradicting to itself in many places. Sue teh landlord.
          • that's why I say it depends...
            some of rental office never separate the parking fee and the rental, if you rent this apt., then you have to get apt. and parking together, you may sublease your parking lot to other tenants, but the office doesn't.
    • 我7月1日搬进来的,到今天(7月25日)餐厅的吊灯还没有配好,为了不致在黑暗吃饭时把菜送错地方(哈哈),只好自己买了落地灯;还有,都快一个月了,还没让我们签合同,说是合同纸没从管理部门送来。撑船的不急,坐船
      • 记得那俗语是“皇帝不急...."
    • luboyang is 100% correct. 1st, check the contract , it is the agreement, it is the law.
    • 租你房子的人我认识,我觉得应该跟他们态度强硬,要收钱可以,以前什么样现在就该什么样,要改就不交钱!
      • 我倒是觉得一般Rental Office都是照章办事的,也没有什么必要故意为难你。我住的两个地方的Rental Office的人都挺好相处的,照章办事,但又不会不通人情。你态度强硬没什么好处,有道理的话可以讲道理的。
        • 我也就是说按规矩来啊
      • If they really disobey the contract, u can call 1-888-3323234 or 1-800-3323234. It is Ontario rental housing tribunal
    • 从你描述的来看,RENTAL OFFICE是合理的。




      3,PARKING SPACE是LANDLORD的财产,他当然有权安排。你没有车,给你一个地上车位那太合理不过了。你的旧合约在这里不生效。而且听你的口气,如果将来有车,他们会给回一个地下车位,对吗?
