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主贴视频还提到,1.新的流感疫苗也是mRNA疫苗,有和COVID VACCINE同样的副作用 2.'橡皮筋血栓'的形成原因


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 这个视频用简单易懂的科普语言讲述了打入身体的COVID 19疫苗究竟是什么:有独立意识的量子NANO机器人/A.I. 视频也讲述了所谓的疫苗是如何改变DNA的,有关的专利等 +3
    • 说身体消除石墨烯是不负责任的。我不怀疑它会在某种程度上消除它,身体从一开始就试图这样做,是的,会消除一部分,但不是全部,剩下的是已经适应并进入了细胞。而被身体检测到的剩余部分已经完成了它的工作。疫苗接种不是一种选择。 +2

      Graphene Does not Degrade - it Assimilates - Aneeka of Temmer

      Originally in Spanish

      Anéeka: We saw something about graphene. And it's a delicate subject.

      We found that there is an apparent degradation of active graphene in the body. But we don't know to what degree. According to other researchers that we saw, looking for reference to what we saw here in the computer model, at three months the graphene degrades, which is why they are pushing for more doses.

      The problem is that if people see this, they will say that getting vaccinated is not that bad, and the problem here is following (and this is information from our lab in Toleka, not from human sources):

      It's not that there is a degradation of graphene, as the terrestrial data indicates, where they even share a body mechanism by which it is removed (wrong by the way, according to our data). It is not a degradation of the injected graphene, but the material or the amount of graphene injected has been assimilated or has found its place among the tissues of the human body. So they need more doses to provoke the total change of the DNA in a more accelerated way and not with the normal process of cell duplication.

      So graphene is not degrading, it has only bound to the tissues and they need to give more to the people so that there is a saturation of the material in the cells.

      Then young people will have a better chance of being able to assimilate the genetic change and become remotely controlled, soulless biological robots. While older and weaker people or those with genetic or physical problems will be destined for extermination.

      With this, the type of biology or the type or human genetic variant that can assimilate the trans-humanist change is filtered. Filtering them from the rest of the human-Lyrian population.

      In other words, the vaccines are intended to find those who have certain genetic traits that are useful to the controllers. And those are the ones who have affinity with the Reptilian races and Maitre, among other variants, and with other names like Vlash for example, turning people into their hybrids and under their control.

      It is a filtering system to exterminate and remove from Earth the starseeds of the so-called positive races. And leave only the "human" components that are genetically attuned to them.

      To say that the body eliminates graphene is irresponsible. I do not doubt that it will eliminate it to some extent, the body tries to do that from the beginning, and yes, a portion will be eliminated, but not all, and what is left is what has already been adapted and has entered the cells. And the surplus that would be detected as being eliminated by the body, is the one that has already done its job. Vaccination is NOT an option.




      正如地面数据所表明的那样,并不是说石墨烯会退化,它们甚至共享一种去除石墨烯的身体机制(顺便说一下,根据我们的数据,这是错误的)。这不是注入石墨烯的降解,而是注入的石墨烯的材料或数量已经被同化或在人体组织中找到了它的位置。所以他们需要更多的剂量来以更加速的方式而不是细胞复制的正常过程来引发 DNA 的总体变化。




      换句话说,疫苗旨在寻找那些具有某些对控制者有用的遗传特征的人。那些与爬虫族和 Maitre 以及其他变种以及其他名称(例如 Vlash)有密切关系的人,将人们变成了他们的混血儿并在他们的控制之下。



      • 越来越相信你是大外宣了,散播耸人听闻的假新闻制造恐慌和混乱 +7
        • 我记得上文(SWARUU)这个系列的其它文章里提到,所有的COVID疫苗,包括中俄的疫苗,不管是不是mRNA疫苗,都有NANO PARTICLE。记不住是那篇文章了,感兴趣的可以做更多研究 +3
        • 我开始也觉得胡说八道,但是接触的信息多了,发现,都是真的啊,这个世界有太多东西我们被蒙在鼓里。 +6
        • 人家只是介绍下科学研究的发现,一句中国、民主都没有,反倒是你这政治挂帅的操作很中国很革命 +8
          • 楼主盛赞毛主席的时候你不在??? +1
            • DIVIDE AND CONQUER. DEEP STATE就是要让大家集中精力到各种对抗上,包括国与国的对抗,然后人类就没力量联合起来,从而打倒共同的敌人,这个统治着所有国家的DEEP STATE了。 -nazacalines(游戏改变者); 10-30 (#14916895@0) +4
              • 俄罗斯是在与deep state斗争,看来你也是俄粉了
            • 我觉得说的是人要一种精神, 自立、自主、自信,有反抗权威的骨气,其实那精神也不是毛蜡独有的。当他变成统治者的时候,便惧怕人民有这种精神,便藉由各种运动搞精神内耗,搞分裂群众互斗。 +3
              • 你不是说别人什么政治挂帅么?楼主扯政治还少吗?别转移话题哈
                • 好么,你提的毛主席,我还费劲吧啦的找了半天那个话题,结果你说我转移话题。算了,我就不掺和了。 +3
                  • :-)是,有的ID就是想尽一切办法否定那些揭露疫苗,揭露真相的文章。因为他们没法反驳(揭露疫苗,揭露真相的)文章本身,就找些不相干的话题。其实,这个现象本身已经说明了他们的虚弱,要不然的话,大大反方反驳文章(数据,分析等)多简单,省事。 +1
      • 上面这段话解释了为什么DEEP STATE要让所有人不停的打疫苗 +4
    • 主贴视频还提到,1.新的流感疫苗也是mRNA疫苗,有和COVID VACCINE同样的副作用 2.'橡皮筋血栓'的形成原因 +4
    • 还是多说一句吧,减少些恐惧:无论是NANO科技,A.I.,都是中性的,先进科技而已。不用害怕。他们可以用在好的用途上,大幅改善人类的生活。 -nazacalines(游戏改变者); 08:11 (#14936679@0)