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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

From the MSM, all I can find are some vague and shy words describing the incident, as quoted inside.

The mother, whom CTV News is not naming in order to maintain her young son’s privacy, had posted several public videos in recent days outlining a tug-of-war with social workers and hospital staff over the child’s medical care after he was hospitalized after fainting and running a high fever.

My son isn't vaccinated and I live a very naturopathic lifestyle,” she said in one video posted days before the alleged abduction. “A part of me can't believe I'm hiding from the ministry and their police, all because I'm exercising my Charter of rights.”

She acknowledged being warned about consulting a lawyer if she refused medical treatment for her son, who was prescribed several rounds of antibiotics after an initial round she’d approved. She also said her son looked healthy and that she did not believe he needed more antibiotics, but that she’d taken him back and forth to hospital for further testing and consultation with doctors.

What precipitated the alleged abduction is unclear. The hospital did not respond to CTV News requests to explain whether the boy was supervised and how he could’ve been taken from a healthcare facility.

For its part, the Ministry of Children and Family Development would not confirm its involvement in the case. In response to a request for an interview, it sent an email explaining that when there are concerns about a child’s safety, they may get involved with the “minimum intervention” required, and that “this may include instances where a parent or caregiver may refuse medically necessary or life-saving care or treatment.”

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  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 几周前一个深夜手机响起的Amber Alert, 最近听说了,原因是在医院里他们要强行给一个小孩打疫苗,妈妈坚决反对,他们坚决要打,然后妈妈就把小孩抢了带走。然后他们就发了Amber Alert.
    • 能否转发一下这个Amber Alert或这个新闻的链接?谢谢
      • I got the Amber alert. All my cellphones made it, even without SIM cards! For the story, it was discussed in a private group for victims of vaccination mandate. Cannot find it now.
        • I believe you got it. An Amber Alert is activated by the investigating police agencies for serious, time-critical abduction cases, not for runaways or parental abductions.
          Are you sure it is related to vaccination?
          • 到目前为止,我收到的Amber Alert全部都是跟一个parent在一起的。 +1
            • Same here
            • An AMBER Alert is not used for cases involving runaways or parental abduction, except in life-threatening situations. 你指的是离异后没有小孩监护权的一方?报警的通常是有小孩监护权的另一方。若医院报警,就应该以life-threatening situations为理由。 +2
              • BC is very woke.
          • I am not able to verify it by myself, obviously. I don't think that the MSM would dig deep on it either.
        • "他们就发了Amber Alert" Who are "他们"? They must be police not the hospital.
          • From the MSM, all I can find are some vague and shy words describing the incident, as quoted inside.

            The mother, whom CTV News is not naming in order to maintain her young son’s privacy, had posted several public videos in recent days outlining a tug-of-war with social workers and hospital staff over the child’s medical care after he was hospitalized after fainting and running a high fever.

            My son isn't vaccinated and I live a very naturopathic lifestyle,” she said in one video posted days before the alleged abduction. “A part of me can't believe I'm hiding from the ministry and their police, all because I'm exercising my Charter of rights.”

            She acknowledged being warned about consulting a lawyer if she refused medical treatment for her son, who was prescribed several rounds of antibiotics after an initial round she’d approved. She also said her son looked healthy and that she did not believe he needed more antibiotics, but that she’d taken him back and forth to hospital for further testing and consultation with doctors.

            What precipitated the alleged abduction is unclear. The hospital did not respond to CTV News requests to explain whether the boy was supervised and how he could’ve been taken from a healthcare facility.

            For its part, the Ministry of Children and Family Development would not confirm its involvement in the case. In response to a request for an interview, it sent an email explaining that when there are concerns about a child’s safety, they may get involved with the “minimum intervention” required, and that “this may include instances where a parent or caregiver may refuse medically necessary or life-saving care or treatment.”

            • 按新闻所述,该母亲拒绝给她孩子medically necessary or life-saving care or treatment。这是另外性质的问题。不知道vaccine算不算medically necessary 。 +1
              • You probably need to read MSM with a grain of salt.
    • OMG! The Canadian government is a gangster! +3
      • For this case, it's about a BC ministry. +1
    • 呵呵! 老大反“新馆”疫苗反的神经了啊!也不说啥疫苗就感慨万千! 加拿大医院不负责打普通的疫苗(都是到诊所), 除非是被野生动物咬了/或者外伤,需要紧急处理伤口在打 狂犬疫苗/破伤风疫苗。。。。这种情况父母不让打的确可能危及到小孩生命! +10
      • 老大跟了坏信息平台走火入魔了? +2
        • 加拿大医院对不接待没病的人(正在生病的人又不能接受他害怕的疫苗),只有急诊的情况下处理伤口后需要特殊疫苗处理跟进, 而恰好两种疫苗都有接种的时效性(必须在受伤多少小时之内接种才能达到救治效果, 这也是为啥发Amber的原因) +2
          • 这些都是你猜的吧?
            • common sense: 如果是没有时效性的普通疫苗,根本不需要兴师动众的惊动警察发啥Amber, 医院可以通知CAS等机构慢慢的用CAS整的“对方生不逢时的”, 但是为了救小孩的生命,可以发Amber; 另医院不管疫苗接种! +2
              • 这些都是基于一个假设,以为医院什么都是对的。
                • 北美医院都是有规章制度的,而且这种制度不是一年两年才定出来的(特别是危及到人的生命)当然你可以说都是假设。你以为像国内, 自己想去医院人家就收下,就给你看?! +4
                  • 如果你三年前这么说我会信。 这两年多,我们见识了医院坚决拒绝给病人使用救命药ivermectin, 病人被迫申请法官下命令。可是,仍然有一个医院继续上诉,拖延,最后导致病人死亡。
              • 前几天刚有网友发过帖子,他父亲在医院被强行接种了新冠疫苗。 +3
    • 太恐怖了,加拿大怎么变成这样了,听说这个故事,但是不知道这个背景。原来是医院要强行疫苗。妈妈有没有麻烦? +1
      • Don't know the later development. Seems the mom is in Alberta, which is a bit safer than BC
        • 借贴发一下昨天的新闻 CDC advisory committee today voted to add COVID-19 mRNA shots to the "immunization schedules" for children and adults in the United States.
          • How much credibility is left with CDC?
    • 你是论坛老大, 你就可以胡说八道? +6
      • 小伙子,用语要文明一点嘛 😅😄😂 小心被关黑屋子里哟🤫


        但,电视上红色警示条和嘟嘟嘟声前两天已经开始测试,估计开始用的进程已在路上了 🤔。

      • 实话也算胡说八道?
        • 谁来鉴定是不是实话?
    • 父母照顾儿童有问题时,某些机构可以将孩子从父母身边带走
      • 这样简单粗暴太没有人权😰😨
        • 中国可能没有这一条规矩
        • 还好孩子已经长大,不然得担惊受怕了