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Communications, Communications, Communications这个很重要。成年人矛盾是不可避免的。矛盾之后如何沟通,解决问题。这个可以通过上课学习的。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 菁菁校园 / 大学里应该举办这样的研讨会来讨论大学生的性生活和婚姻的问题。大学里应该举办研讨会如何择偶和经营一个美满幸福的婚姻。
    • 你快赶上中国过去的街道妇女主任了。 +2
      • 请到爱做爱!社区 来

        GAOZIcoin i zou 做 i

        We liked Liechtenstein Government as Dictator Dictator Diversity Governance where Liechtenstein has a monarch as Head of State, and an elected parliament that enacts the law. It is also a direct democracy, where voters can propose and enact constitutional amendments and legislation independently of the legislature. Economically, Liechtenstein has one of the highest gross domestic products per person in the world when adjusted for purchasing power parity.

        In our P2Pgarden, the Dictator is a WOMAN from a lottery draw who is a p2pgardener and like to be the dictator or manager of her p2pgarden. Any MAN, no woman can overthrow a dictator with more than half WOMEN agreed in the P2pgarden. The Dictator will handle financial asset to meet p2pgardeners needs and help them to find their Gifted Asset. Services are free for any p2pgardener and his/her two peers.

        We believe any human was gifted at their birthdays, but GDP economy, elite's government, and God's spiritual systems locked human's Gifted Asset for thousands years. To replace GDP, nobody gets payed by money but any p2pgardener should gets what personal needs with the dictator or other p2pgardener helps. We promise to help you find your Gifted Asset. To replace elite's government, we use Power to Pussy in our P2Pgardens.

        We come from puppies, but politicians brainwash human by nationality for power and wealth. They tax you from your income. In Canada average tax payment is 51% from taxpayer's total income. Most tax dollars go to the corporation's owner, the "WE"s - the 1% elites. They make human kill each other for their nation. Religions brainwash human by their GOD. GOD is too big for human taking care of. Let GOD take care human, stop take care GOD.

        Power to Pussy by Dictator Diversity Governance in our p2pgarden.

        After all p2pgardeners are haP2Py about our services with our first P2PGARDEN, we will use Tezos Blockchain to issue GAOZIcoin 高子 /HAP2PYcoin/High Paper Coin for P2Pgardeners to Gifted Asset Offering.

        Without Politician, you are wealthier
        Without Money, you are healthier
        Without God, you are hap2py
        P2P: Power to Pussy

        GAOZICOIN Love Make Love


        GAOZIcoin i zou 做 i


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    • 教堂里面教这个。基督徒愿意找基督徒也是因为有共识。个人觉得挺好的。人生就是人和人之间互相折磨最痛苦。有人指引一下,日子容易过。
      • 我是觉得我们这一代没人教怎么择偶怎么经营婚姻就结婚了,没有人教我们怎么养育教育孩子就有孩子了。其中的迷茫和错误可想而知。如果大学里有这类讨论甚至课程,那就太好了。也许能使我们更多人拥有幸福美满家庭,降低离婚率。
        • Communications, Communications, Communications这个很重要。成年人矛盾是不可避免的。矛盾之后如何沟通,解决问题。这个可以通过上课学习的。
        • 有的是书,你没看过。
          • 有推荐的吗?
            • 这时候想起来看书黄花菜不是凉了,比下肚了还晚
    • 中学就应该讨论…大学五湖四海,联系也不密切。倒是中学大家每天一个教室又一个地域文化更容易有共鸣
    • 费那事干哈,多看看大哥我的文章就好
    • 以前经常看Dr. Phil这个电视节目,觉得主持人很会处理家庭关系。事实上呢,并非如此。
      • 会处理别人家的关系
        • 站在第三方的角度看问题和自己本身是当事人有很大不同。作为当事人有情绪、心情的影响,很难做出明智的选择和行为。当事人的痛苦只有当事人自己知道。
    • 这还要举办研讨会?每个宿舍每天都在自发的研讨呀……
    • 现在要政治正确,异性的性生活和婚姻问题不能研讨,要LGBT的才行。 +1