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Some of the strongest evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines have caused crippling injuries and huge numbers of deaths in the vaccinated population have come from funeral home directors who have reported huge spikes in deaths in their business that correlate with the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccines and mandates. There is strong social and financial pressure against these professionals to go public, but a few have stood firm against this pressure, knowing that these truths must be brought to the attention of the public in an effort to save lives, no matter what the personal cost may be to themselves or their careers. Two of these funeral directors have been featured in the Alternative Media this year, and they are John O'Looney from the UK, and Richard Hirschman from Alabama in the U.S. Both men have confirmed that other funeral directors in their profession are seeing the same things they are seeing, but are too afraid to go public. Besides reporting on the huge increase in deaths they have been seeing since the roll out of the COVID vaccines, the embalmers have been reporting what they are finding inside the veins and arteries of these dead bodies: huge "blood clots" that do not resemble traditional blood clots at all, but are long fibrous entities that can completely block a vein or artery. Richard Hirschman, who has been a licensed embalmer for over 21 years and has embalmed thousands of bodies, said in a recent interview with the RAIR Foundation that while he was accustomed to seeing blood clots in 5 to 10% of the bodies he embalmed, that now he is seeing almost 85% of the bodies he is embalming have blood clots, which started after the roll out of the COVID vaccines, and that these "blood clots" are nothing like he has ever seen before.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 葬礼防腐人员:自从新冠疫苗开始,85%的尸体里有奇怪的血栓 +7
    Some of the strongest evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines have caused crippling injuries and huge numbers of deaths in the vaccinated population have come from funeral home directors who have reported huge spikes in deaths in their business that correlate with the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccines and mandates. There is strong social and financial pressure against these professionals to go public, but a few have stood firm against this pressure, knowing that these truths must be brought to the attention of the public in an effort to save lives, no matter what the personal cost may be to themselves or their careers. Two of these funeral directors have been featured in the Alternative Media this year, and they are John O'Looney from the UK, and Richard Hirschman from Alabama in the U.S. Both men have confirmed that other funeral directors in their profession are seeing the same things they are seeing, but are too afraid to go public. Besides reporting on the huge increase in deaths they have been seeing since the roll out of the COVID vaccines, the embalmers have been reporting what they are finding inside the veins and arteries of these dead bodies: huge "blood clots" that do not resemble traditional blood clots at all, but are long fibrous entities that can completely block a vein or artery. Richard Hirschman, who has been a licensed embalmer for over 21 years and has embalmed thousands of bodies, said in a recent interview with the RAIR Foundation that while he was accustomed to seeing blood clots in 5 to 10% of the bodies he embalmed, that now he is seeing almost 85% of the bodies he is embalming have blood clots, which started after the roll out of the COVID vaccines, and that these "blood clots" are nothing like he has ever seen before.
    • 疫苗让女王少活了5年 +6
      • 对她可能是好事,省得看着大英土崩瓦解闹心
        • 土崩瓦解不过是早晚的事,中共也一样 +2
          • 中共不会的
          • 这也能扯到中共,I 服 U! +1
            • 你心痛了💔🤣
    • 自从新冠疫苗开始之前的一年多里,95%的尸体里有奇怪的病毒.
      • 还都报了平安。
    • 这个如果去CDC找数据,2020,2021,2022. 所有血栓引起的死亡(心梗,脑梗,肺栓塞。。。。。)数如有增加,说明有血栓。美国CDC网站上一个人死了ta有的所有在案疾病都划勾了,很容易研究 +2
      • 有橡皮筋血栓,不一定死于血栓。这个新闻只是说橡皮筋血栓发生率。如果是美国的接种率60%,85%的尸体有橡皮筋血栓,说明橡皮筋发生率在打了mRNA疫苗人群,起码90%以上 +2
    • Coroner confirms Rory Nairn's death was due to Covid-19 vaccine +1
      After ruling out any other underlying cause, the coroner says Rory Nairn's death was due to vaccine-induced myocarditis.
      • so young, no risk for covid but died from vaxx. Somebody need to carry the responsibility. +3
    • 发财了。回收许多机器人。
    • 葬礼防腐人员:自从有人吃兽药来抵抗新冠开始,85%的尸体里有奇怪的血栓 +1
    • 葬礼防腐人员是做什么工作的? +1
      • 人死后到葬礼会有一些时间,尸体需要做防腐处理。
      • 美国人“死得起”吗 ?入土为安一万美金。防腐只是小头,700美金
        美国人“死得起”吗 ?入土为安一万美金
    • 防腐还要居然还要解破尸体❓做木乃伊 +6
      • 那个简单,看手背是否发黑就行了
    • 信这个是交智商税吧?去过殡仪馆吗?还防腐呢?停尸房进过没有?停尸房里面那个巨大的冰柜是干啥的知道吗? +2
      • 不懂就别乱说了,停尸房是在医院里,不是在殡仪馆。这边参加葬礼都要瞻仰遗容的,逝者躺在棺材里,棺材是放在常温下的。去世到葬礼隔一个星期很常见,不防腐就要发臭了。 +2
    • 这里连美国是70%土葬,而且殡葬文相当重视防腐和化妆都不知道

      在凯特琳·道蒂看来,今日美国殡葬文相当重视防腐和化妆,简而言之就是美化死亡,这个部分可以追溯至美国著名墓园“森林草坪”(Forest Lawn)。这里埋葬着很多好莱坞明星,包括包括《乱世佳人》的男主角克拉克·盖博、《卡萨布兰卡》的男主角汉弗莱·鲍嘉、伊丽莎白·泰勒、迈克尔·杰克逊等。










      • 你知道,你好有文化,佩服。你还知道殡葬业防腐人员还副业研究血液,为诺贝尔奖而努力奋斗。。。
      • 请给出85%的来源,谢谢。
        • Before 2021, blood clots would appear in between five and 10 percent of bodies. These days, says Hirschman, those numbers are more like 85 percent. +2
          “I’ve talked to so many other embalmers, and we are all seeing the same thing, but governments don’t want to look at it.” 
          • 这里的85%所针对的样本是他们处理的那些尸体,而不是其他人群。
            • 他们只处理尸体,活人的情况就不清楚了。
            • 这些尸体不可能都死于血栓,根据超额死亡数字,欧洲从4月份开始是20%。假设美国也是20%超额死亡,这些超额死亡都是血栓。那么85%的人有血栓,死于血栓的20%,剩下65%,和疫苗接种率60%,能算出血栓发生率应该超过90%
              • “85%的人有血栓”,这里的人应该是殡仪馆里的死人,而不包括活人,更不是指社会上的所有人。这个85%和社会上的疫苗接种率不能比较的,因为那个接种率是针对社会上的所有人的。
                • 是死人,但是你可以用来估算一下血栓发生率。去掉20%因为血栓死的,65%血栓人群都是其他死因,和血栓无关。而这种血栓都不是正常血栓,是橡皮筋血栓,所以65%的人都是打了疫苗的。人群疫苗接种率60%,可以估算血栓发生几率大于90%
                  • 不能用死人的情况推断出活人的情况,两组人身体状况天壤之别。比如死人里癌症比例肯定比活人里的癌症比例高得多。
                    • 就是大致估算。把因癌症而死的刨掉。其他原因死亡人群身体携带癌细胞的,和活人携带癌细胞,比例上应该还是有可比性的
    • 死了就说先天脑血管问题,心脏问题
    • 某些无知的人会Google吗?北美给尸体防腐是常规操作,要把血抽出来,注射化学药品进去。 +2
      The art of preserving the body of the deceased has roots to Ancient Egypt as early as 6000 B.C. Embalming can take place due to either religious reasons or sanitation […]
      • 这个我也听说了,要抽血,然后打药水进去 +1