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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛当Jesse突发奇想要求Celine和他一起下车在Vienna共游一天却又没有理由时

-Well, great. So listen, so here's the deal. This is what we should do. You should get off the train with me here in Vienna, and come check out the capital.
-and I don't really have enough money for a hotel, so I was just going to walk around, and it would be a lot more fun if you came with me,Alright, alright. Think of it like this jump ahead, ten, twenty years, okay, and you're married, Only your marriage doesn't have that
same energy that it used to have, y'know You start to blame your husband,You start to think about all those guys you've met in your life, and what might have happened if you'd picked up with one of them, right?
Well, I'm one of those guys. That's me

y'know, so think of this as time travel, from then, to now, to find out what you're missing out on See, what this really could be is a gigantic favour to both you and your future husband to find out that you're not missing out on anything. I'm just as big a loser as he is totally unmotivated, totally boring, and, uh, you made the right choice, and you're really happy

-Let me get my bag.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / 什么是你们看过最浪漫的电影,注意,是最‘浪漫’? 我的答案是: 1、英国病人 经典情节----- 男人在女人颈窝勾勒出以他自己名字命名的峡谷;印度兵用粗绳把举着火把的护士情人高高荡起来,去看古老教堂顶上的壁画。。。。。。

    电影最开始,描写女主角出生长大那一小段幽默轻快的旁白和镜头。印象最深的一句是: 。。。蒙马特山上,风把露天咖啡卓的台布吹起,上面的杯碟‘叮叮当当’在跳舞,而这一幕无人看见。。。。。。


    • 2、走出非洲 男主角开着刚学会驾驶的飞机,降落在女主角的咖啡地里,并把她带上蓝天,云层,霞光,河流,牛群,丛林,非洲的一切尽在眼底。
      • 喜欢的紧阿,我最爱的电影
      • 还喜欢女主角在壁炉前讲故事那一段
    • 甜蜜的事业
    • 记得看Seinfield, 有一集关于英国病人, Elean对这个片子耿耿于怀, 尤其是在澡盆里做爱的情节, 都觉着很浪漫,她却说她试过了, 根本无法实现 :D
      • 澡盆还好拉, 至少不会有流血事件. 电影里还有在沙滩上做的, 那才要命呢 :)
        • 你试过了?@@
    • 不好说哪个“最”浪漫,让俺记忆深刻的一个镜头是新桥恋人中塞纳河上的烟花。
      • 补充得好啊,我刚一贴出去,就想起怎么忘了我的<双桥绝恋>了。
    • 我的最爱也是《英国病人》,看完之后那种泪流满面的情景,现在都还记忆留心!
    • the original novel The English Patient is from a writer in Toronto, Michael Ondaatje. he is the 1st generation immigrant from Sri Lanka.
      • 跟英国病人里的印度大兵是一个族的吧?
      • 真的吗?斯里兰卡?简直难以置信,可能环境越封闭,幻想越曼妙,这个这个就象。。。555,大漠深窟描出了丝路花雨啊。
        • 其实小说里很多篇幅是描写女护士和锡克大兵的,和电影不太一样。
        • 斯里兰卡其实是个非常漂亮的地方,再加上猛虎组织,很刺激啊
    • <The Horseman on the roof>
      • ....................So sweet that u feel painful in heart......
        • This was a chivalrous tale adapted from the novel by Jean Giorno. I believed the theme of the novel focusing on death and dying, trust and freedom.
          • Also, the most beautiful love I ever watch in a movie. :-P
            • Love is not the pain-killer but the pain-maker, the most painful, the most spetacular.
              • I know...........I know.........:-D
    • 《甜蜜蜜》中黎明下车请邓力君在T恤上签名,张曼玉埋头在车子的方向盘上弄响了喇叭,黎明不顾一切的跑回来,四目相对.....有时候,爱的心有灵犀远胜过千言万语~~
    • 动画片《恐龙》。
    • Roman Holiday (1953)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I watched that movie in my first year of university. I was so stunned during 118 mins showtime.

      Director: William Wyler
      Actor: Joe Bradley (Gregory Peck)
      Actress: Princess Ann (Audrey Hepburn)

      How to make a 'Sleeping Arrangement'.

      Ann: Can I sleep here?
      Joe: Well, that's the general idea.
      Ann: Can I have a silk nightgown with rosebuds on it?
      Joe: I'm afraid you'll have to rough it tonight - in these. (He presents her with his own oversized pajamas.)
      Ann: Pajamas!
      Joe: Sorry honey, but I haven't worn a nightgown in years.
      Ann: (regally) Will you help me get undressed, please?
      Joe: (after hesitating a moment and being taken aback) Uh, OK. (He removes one small article of clothing - her necktie) There you are, you can handle the rest. (He pours himself a glass of wine and rapidly downs it.)
      Ann: May I have some?
      Joe: (firmly) No. Now look.
      Ann: This is very unusual. I've never been alone with a man before - even with my dress on. (She begins unbuttoning and removing her blouse) With my dress off, it's most unusual. I don't seem to mind. (She gazes directly at him.) Do you?
      Joe: (stony-faced) I think I'll go out for a cup of coffee. You'd better get to sleep. (She flops on his bed.) No, no, no. (He leads her toward the couch.) On this one.
      Ann: How terribly nice.
      Joe: Hey - these are pajamas. They're to sleep in. You're to climb into them, you understand?...Then you do your sleeping on the couch, see. Not on the bed, not on the chair, on the couch. Is that clear?
      Ann: Do you know my favorite poem?
      Joe: You already recited that for me.
      Ann: "Arethusa rose from her couch of snows in the Acroceraunian mountains" - Keats.
      Joe: Shelley.
      Ann: Keats!
      Joe: Now, you just keep your mind off the poetry and on the pajamas, and everything'll be all right, see.
      Ann: It's Keats.
      Joe: Now, I'll be - it's Shelley - I'll be back in about ten minutes.
      Ann: Keats. (He approaches his front door and hides his wine bottle on the top of the mantelpiece.) You have my permission to withdraw.
      Joe: Thank you very much...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 美女俊男,时光不再啊!
        • I was strongly impressed that an US reporter be so traditional!
    • 半生缘,淡淡的难忘和心伤,吴倩莲因而成为我最喜欢的演员。
      • 知音知音,我记得看是在一个下雪的午后,一个人在越来越暗的房间里看“半生缘”,大大方方的忧郁了一把。
        • 是在加拿大看的吧,我也是。年少的时候曾经看过一遍,却远没有在加拿大看的那一次触动,大约是人大了,才明白世间本没有永远。
          • 我是在北语看的,依稀还记得吴倩莲的那句台词,“我们都回不去了”。。。当时就觉得鼻子酸酸的。
      • 吴倩莲特别象山口百慧,是俺的心头好,但对黎明可能我有偏见,觉得假,惹得对许安华的《半生缘》也觉得假了。
      • 有人看过张爱玲的十八春吗?无奈的人生一直在祝弄着美妙的爱情,让人唏嘘不已,心头悲凉一片。电影有些差强人意
        • N遍,不过电影我也很喜欢,觉得演得琥好是我想要的那种含蓄
        • 同意, 喜欢张爱玲的十八春, 她后来又把十八春缩成一个短篇半生缘, 我觉得一点也不好.
    • <Before Sunrise>> Ethan Hawke & Julie Delpy
      • One night love? :)
        • 偶遇的两年青人在一天中美好的经历值得一生去回忆和体会.或者说,他们的一生就是为了这相遇的这一天?
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛当Jesse突发奇想要求Celine和他一起下车在Vienna共游一天却又没有理由时

          -Well, great. So listen, so here's the deal. This is what we should do. You should get off the train with me here in Vienna, and come check out the capital.
          -and I don't really have enough money for a hotel, so I was just going to walk around, and it would be a lot more fun if you came with me,Alright, alright. Think of it like this jump ahead, ten, twenty years, okay, and you're married, Only your marriage doesn't have that
          same energy that it used to have, y'know You start to blame your husband,You start to think about all those guys you've met in your life, and what might have happened if you'd picked up with one of them, right?
          Well, I'm one of those guys. That's me

          y'know, so think of this as time travel, from then, to now, to find out what you're missing out on See, what this really could be is a gigantic favour to both you and your future husband to find out that you're not missing out on anything. I'm just as big a loser as he is totally unmotivated, totally boring, and, uh, you made the right choice, and you're really happy

          -Let me get my bag.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • I like the little things in that movie, the eye contact and the body language of Jesse and Celine.
    • Rome Holiday
    • heng , 还培养恋爱技巧呢. 我和劳工看完, 正眼泪婆娑的准备靠到他的肩膀上, 人家开口了, 那女的就是不对, 高婚外恋. 这就开吵. 当天七得没有吃饭, 眼泪至少流了1碗. 
      • 俺也特瞧不惯英国病人, 一个叛国贼一个婚外恋, 为自己的情欲, 屈死多少同胞
        • 您一定是男的.
    • 人鬼情未了。曾有同事告诉我,最后的歌曲响起来的时候,他的眼泪不由掉下来。。。
    • 《新不了情》,袁泳仪 刘青云。“杰: 如果人生最坏只是死亡,生活中怎会有面对不了的困难?”
      • FYI
    • 我觉得傲慢与偏见挺好看的, 没有那么感人的场面, 但是让人觉得很舒服实在( 妈呀, 我难道在买菜?)
      • 我最喜欢傲慢与偏见了, 尤其是BBC拍的那套电视剧,真是经典啊, 看了好多遍.
        • 是呀, A&E也刚放完
    • 我看过的最让我感动的片子叫Untamed Heart , 玛丽莎.托梅演的. 一个患有严重心脏病的男孩爱上一个女孩,因为他的病随时都可能死去, 所以不敢表白自己, 只是暗中跟着女孩,
      常常在夜里悄悄的进入女孩的房间, 静静的坐在那看女孩熟睡的样子. 后来他们相爱了, 但最终男孩还是死了. 当时看的时候, 眼泪哗哗的.
      • 他们一起看了冰球,然后那个男孩说他很累女孩说你休息一会吧,他最后看了她一眼闭上了眼睛。 。。。
        • 哭ing......
    • Matrix I, Trinity 驾直升机坠落前和 Neo 的对视,之后,一挽绳,一拔枪击断绳缆 ---- 其心有灵犀,其无条件信任,其生死与共,堪称电影浪漫之最。Trinity 和 Neo 的其他所有镜头堪称电影不浪漫之最。
      • 你是我们认识的那个谁谁吗?不然的话,那也太巧了. :)
        • 我当然就是那个谁谁了~~~你想啊,我要不是那个谁谁,那个谁谁看我说我就是那个谁谁,那个谁谁还不得郁闷 s~~~;)
          • :DDD
    • Morocco