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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 心碎--15年的感情毁于一旦
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我太太和我相识相爱在我们的19岁,彼此都是初恋,那时候除了爱我们一无所有,穷但快乐着。大学毕业后我们结婚了,婚后的日子不象恋爱时那么美好,诸多方面的原因也让我们磕磕碰碰,争争吵吵,但我们都走过来了,因为毕竟是多年的夫妻。五年前我们来到加拿大,想忘记以前的不快,重新开始新的生活。加拿大对我们不薄,一年内我们都找到了专业工作,接着买车买房,然后有了一个聪明漂亮的儿子,我一直在感谢上天赐于我这一切。





    谁能教教我,该怎么办?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 做为女人,可以为孩子牺牲一切,而你的太太却如此坚决,有外遇的可能很大。最可怜的是孩子。
      • 孩子会适应的. 关键是你. 强扭的瓜不甜. MOVE ON.
    • 你们之间的感情与孩子无关,爱则聚,不爱则分。儿子不应该是分手的理由,也不应该是维系婚姻的藉口。
      • 我不想把孩子作为籍口。我们都极爱孩子,儿子两岁不到就很调皮,被爸爸骂就找妈妈,被妈妈说就找爸爸,就是不认错。
        • 如果你把这些道理都给你的太太解释了,而她还是坚持自己的选择,那是不是就说明她的想法是无法改变的?世界上从来就不是每件事情都合理,对每个人都公平,有的时候我们真的别无选择。
        • 不幸的婚姻难道不是对孩子更大的打击吗?
          • 同意, 举双手双脚表示赞同楼上的观点.
    • 你太太應該不是突然提出離婚的,她的理由有沒有道理?女人,很多喜歡追求榮華富貴,喜歡把自己的男人和別人比較.這是毛病,也是天性.看看你能不能解決這個問題.可以先分開一段時間試試.孩子可憐,但不能阻礙大人的幸福.
      • 这样的情况可不可以让女方出钱供养男方?凭什么离了婚都是男的白养女的?
        • 离题了。
          • 不离题,给她经济上的威慑,不能轻言离婚。不能光男的有经济责任,女的也得有吧。要不她们太随便了,女的想离就离还有补助。
      • 她是突然提出离婚;她的理由有道理,但不至于严重到非离婚不可的地步。这两点基本说明有外力的介入。分开一段时间,恐怕再也没有回头的机会。
        • 这份珍贵的亲情may not be as precious to her anymore. Look forward. Time will help. Give your wife a chance of a new better life,
          you have already realized that you're not helping. she makes more than you do for one fact.
        • 關于榮華富貴,年輕時和現在很可能不一樣.如果你確定是外力介入,就離了算了.跟孩子解釋一下,未必會造成重大傷害.




        • 她是否有外遇、外遇是否会带给她幸福,完全是她自己的事。而且,如果爱情完全转成了亲情,我认为她完全有理由选择另一段爱情。你所能做的,就是祝福她,如果还爱她,向她表示你的爱,然后等她回头。
          • 一派胡言.
    • Appreciate what the God and your wonderful wife have offered you for the past 15 years. Pray for your wife and wish her all the best.
      Period. :)
      • I will if she is gone. But what can I do for my son? I love him so much.
        • How old is he?
          • almost 2 years old.
            • I guess there're kids grown up w/ single parent. Not much one can do, other than work harder.
      • this's the best reply i have read so far. really nice!
    • 对你的遭遇表示同情,出个主意,不一定行,试试吧

      送君一句话: 大丈夫能屈能伸。再说,将来也许她还觉得你好,和你复婚那。
      • 这个办法好
        • agree, up
    • Move on, man. Things happen. Who knows what will happen next. Maybe she will be back to you, maybe you will find your true love who won't pick on you.
    • 如果我是你
      • "你这么爱孩子,一定不要把孩子给了她"?
        • Any problem? I think he should keep the baby.
          • It's up to the beloved one.
            • but i'm afraid his wife cannot take care of the baby well anymore
              • Have you ever heard one word from his wife?
                • You are right, my suggestion is only based on his words. With all that I have known, I will suggest he let her go but keep the baby. If his wife has other stories, maybe I'll think it again.
      • 我却不认为孩子应该跟着这样的爸爸。So far as I know from his posts, I don't think he is a good father and a good husband. (No offense. Just my personal feelings.)
        • Give your reasons. He is not aggressive but enjoying his life. He loves his son and his family. I don't see any wrong with him.
          apparently, his wife is getting some new ideas, she has no interest in giving the little one a happy family.
          • a happy family? Do you call a family which the wife asking a divorce is a happy family? Moreover, I don't think it's all his wife's fault.
            Everybody has his/her own life and freedom no matter s/he is married or not.
            It seems the husband cares too much about others' business .

            Is he enjoying his life? Probably. But I think the way he enjoying his life blocked the way his wife or his kid to enjoy life.
            • Come on, you know a lot of freedom, do you know anything of liability?
              The poor man is asking suggestion of giving his baby a stable life, you think he is blocking the baby's way to seek happiness???????? He did not block his wife's way either, he is just trying to save the marriage, and the family. Do you know the couple in a marriage have the liability to keep the family?
        • I am a good father, but may not be a good husband. My wife is an excellent mother and also a very good wife. I am still loving her very much.
          I never said it was all her fault. I did realize that I did something wrong and did not do enough as what a husband should do. I am really sorry about that and asking a chance to change myself.
          After being together 15 years, I never think of this could happen to me. She raised this suddenly, and hadn't told me anything explicitly before. I think it is because of breakdown of communication. We should have solved problems if she spoke out.
          I am trying to do anything to save this family, to avoid it being destroyed mistakenly.
          • .
            my friend was in a similar situation. now they are still wife and husband.
            • Thank you. Encourage and suggestions are what I need most right now.
              • .
                go ahead. Talk to her.
          • "We should have solved problems if she spoke out." You're still thinking it's your wife's mistake. Forget all I said if you don't like. Wish you good luck and all the best to your wife.
            • Thank you, and please don't stop. You are telling me what my wife is thinking now. But I still believe that a wife and a husband should communicate with each other before things are getting worse.
          • my thoughts
            1. 15 years and 一旦, I am sure you have a lot to think about

            2. in terms of relationship Rolia is not a good place to sort tings out, rather than a place for people to kill time.

            3. I think u still have chance, treat her same as 16 years ago ba.

            4. In case things not working out

            - 普希金


            5. Change is the only constant thing is life
            • Thank you. Most people are very nice here, and they don't joke in this serious topic. They are helping me. Thank you all.
      • 谢谢你。原来我也想和她争孩子,但为孩子设身处地想一想,一个还不到两岁的孩子更需要妈妈;她这次对我是很狠心,但她对孩子非常好,她也离不开孩子,我也不想在这件事上伤害她。
        • 很同情你,孩子是更需要妈妈一些。我之所以劝你把孩子留下是因为如果她真的有第三者,即使她对孩子再好,孩子也难保不受委屈。
    • It's your time to listen this song <If you love somebody set them free> by Sting.
    • 估计你太太现在觉得你"无趣"了, 从有趣变无趣是一个渐进的过程, 但从无趣变回有趣, 这种逆转是很难的, 劝你做最坏的打算, 女人一但走到这一步, 不太好回头, 即使将来回了头, 可能你又觉得"无趣"了.
    • 女人心一旦变了,就好比破了的镜子不会再还原。你唯一的筹码就是孩子,她要是连孩子都不要,我看你要不要她也没意义了,大家觉得呢?
      • 我太太是个不可多得的好女人,我只后悔没有好好珍惜,她要孩子,孩子是她的命根子。我不想撕破脸争孩子,我只想挽回她的心,也挽救我儿子的快乐和幸福。
        • 噢,那我想应该有外力促使她坚决离婚,不然,单身,自己带个孩子,这决心不容易下啊。。。不然你肯定伤她伤狠了。
    • 如果各种劝说都不起作用的话, 那就先分居吧, 三十几岁的女人还有个孩子, 做出这样的决定也不容易, 其中应该还有很多故事, 不管怎么说, 给大家一段冷静的时间然后再来决定吧.
      孩子, 如果母亲要的话, 还是给她吧, 因为将来你总要再婚的, 孩子还是跟着自己的亲妈好点.
      • 如果没有外遇的话,分居是个选择,我还有机会去挽回。但如果有外遇的话,分居就是散了。
        • 不见得, 世界上的事情很难讲的, 如果你很爱她的话, 给自己一点信心. :))
        • 1)我估计有外遇是肯定的。2)分居不见得就散。分居后,你与她之间的矛盾骤然消解,而她与情人之间的各种原来隐藏的矛盾突然凸显,一段时间后,她可能觉得还是你好,想回来,而那时你可能觉得情已尽了。离婚就成了必然之路。
    • I would do If I would love her. 1. If you are not sure if she has a boyfriend, you cannot suggest anything. It will give you many problems of dealing with it.
      2. buy a flowers, rose for her, over 20 dollars. say sorry for her. you did neglect her feeling for long time. you will pay more attention to her feeling.
      (it is enough, then go to cooking, cook what she likes, don't do more for today).

      3. buy a gift for her over 200 dollars and for your son( 10 dollars is enogh). at another time, for example when you invite her for a dinner where she likes, give the gift to her. show her your love and feeling to her. tell her the love skills of love you learned from anywhere. let her know you are loving her.

      4. If you have chance, do a sex love. you have to show your abilities to her. You have to do it at least for one hour. kiss her month, neck, leak her nipple, breast and her XXXXXX. let her have a crazy, phatastic, exiciting, romantic feeling. let her screaming. let her have a high point experience.

      Now, she won't leave you, she will vergive you if she has a little feeling to you and your son.
      • Thank you. I am trying.
      • 如果我可以wild guess一下,大部分中国男人的爱可能在心里,但是女人是感性动物,需要感觉到被爱,被关注。权当这是重新恋爱。全心去追求你的所爱-你现在的妻子
    • I am the wife
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I am the wife. And thanks everyone for discussing all this seriously.
      sorry I can not use Chinese now. Please bear with me
      1. First I want to say, what ever happened between this 15 years, is way more than what we can tell you here.
      2. Secondly, I know I hurt him very much this time, and honestly I don't feel good about myself for doing this.
      3. He is a very good father. I have to admit it.
      4. I am around middle 30's, with a child,, it is not a easy dicission on me, either.
      5. we had very good time together, and we went through a lot like every one else here. He mentioned that we settled down quickly here in canada and have good life here. Yes, we did and we do. But it is not only because of god's blessing, it was also because of the hard work. Trust me, a lot of hard work, sweating and sometimes tears. Give you an example, I ended up having to work in very different area than what I did before.
      6. I can say that for the past 15 years, family and him and now my kid is always my priority. I do whatever I can to contribute to this family, without a word. But what I realize is family should be driven by two people. Please don't take me wrong. I am not as aggressive as you would think., I never complained about his income. All I asked for him before was, please stand up and take the responsibility at the times I can not do so any more. I did not see that happening.
      7. In English, they call spouse as "best half". what that means? For me, it means it is the place you can go to when you feel tired, when you need help, when you need care and love... It is so hard on me that when I realize I can only tell myself to be strong when this kind of situation occurred. And I have been strong for the last 10 years.
      8. But when you get older, you realized that you are not at same energy level, and you can not do simple things as you used to. Is not it sad? But even worse if you still donot have that comfortable level on you can rely on your best half.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Good Luck ! best wishes!
      • 俺明白了。。。你没鼓励过或者锻炼过他吗?其实有时候女的越往前冲,男的惰性越强,索性甩手不管了,天也不回塌下来的,试过没?男人会本能的出来面对的,给他机会,我不信他真不行。不过我依然理解你,非离婚不可?30岁面对将来的大风大浪真的一点顾虑没有?哪个值得?
      • 我理解, 其实一句话, 就是现在你终于知道了你所想要的, 可能也真的找到了你所想要的(SORRY), 可是, 现在你有的真的不是你想要的吗, 将来要拥有的又真的是你想要的吗? 这是一个很重大很重大的决定, 三思再三思啊.
        • never try, never know :PP
        • thanks for your understanding
          I am not a very talktive people and also most of times, i talk about things in a very soft mannger. I won't after people if I realize what I ask is not what he wants to do. I will take on and hope people can realize later.

          I tell myself that I do whatever I can to protect my kid. I know the huge impact on my son and I am so afraid that I make the wrong dicision.

          just share with everyone here, the lesson I learn is,
          please treasure whatever you have and let him/her know. DONOT take things granted. Please stand up and take the responsibility to be a mother/father/wife/husband.
          As long as love and care is alive, everything else is simple, or managable.
          • 先别着急着定了性, 给他一点时间让他证明给你看嘛, 男人有的时候很粗心, 自己脆弱的时候就告诉他, 我想他不会不借个肩膀给你用用吧. 旧的还是比新的好啊, 毕竟已经磨合了15年啊. :)
            • Can't agree more.
          • You know what? I can feel you must be very sad and feel so tired.Don't know how to say. Best wishes!
            • yes I am. and very very much..
              • Please calm down and do not make the rush decision right away. As a wife/mother, I can feel you are very exhausted, physically and mentally.
                Stressful work, endless household chores and child care may have put you in the depression and depression may cause us to lose energy, lose patience. I experienced the similar fatigue when my daughter is young, now my daughter is almost four and I feel much better. Please take some time for youself to relax, do something you really enjoy. Make yourself happy and self-contented, then you will see the sunshine rather than the darkness in your life.
                • Thanks for sharing.
                  One day I felt so bad when I saw the old pictures. Back ten, tweleve years ago, I was such a sunshine girl when I graduated. Now I just feel myself getting heverier and heverier.
                  • I miss those times too, but we should get the best out of every age group, for ourselves and our family too.
                    If you focus on more positive side of our life, the valuable kid, the financially stable life compare with some immigrants, you will feel very blessed.
      • Reverse your sight and thinking differently, you may have different solution, blessing your family.
      • based on your description, almost half of the couples should be seperated. Good luck to you.
        • Good point!
        • Half of all the couples do separate eventually.
      • 我喜欢你这样的态度和说话的方式.
      • it is not an easy decision for both party and maybe that is nobody’s fault. If, just if, you could see your happiness is based on the going alone but not just give your husband a color see see.
      • 有了外遇就明说吧,还找出一大堆理由。没有比较就没有鉴别,看上了别人也不是你的错,是你的丈夫不怎么努力。爱和关怀不只是接受,也是付出。
        • dd, too naive r.
          • I think you are the one who is naive, honestly. :)
        • 泥这人咋这样说泥?
          • 这叫透过现象看本质,要是没有外遇,算我没说。:P
            • 谁说不是泥?但是就这么分手,将来99%会后悔的,1%琢磨是不是该后悔,对不划算牙
              • 我其实是支持分手的,只不过不喜欢遮遮掩掩,结婚自愿,离婚自由嘛!:)
                • 宁拆十座庙,不毁一门亲,你说泥咋就不知道泥?
                  • 时间是检验真理的唯一标准,可惜这个世界上没有卖后悔药的。
                  • he's still too young. :P
                    • 如果人有预见性,那多好呀!早知现在要离,当初何必结呢?如果早知将来会后悔,现在又何必离呢?看来,只有珍惜现有的幸福,才是上上策。当幸福的感觉已逝,不好挽回啊。
                      • an old saying "planning can't catch up with changing"
        • 我一直对你印象不错,可是你这次的帖子实在让人讨厌——凭哪一点你可以这样随便讲话?
          • 这是他的一贯风格。小心,待会他急了连你都咬一口。
        • 你说话怎么这么武断呢,这种事情也要用愤青的态度?
      • 很有同感,关于energy level和comfort zone;我感到你累了。如果我可以提个建议的话,我建议,有很多workshop,设在风景优美的地方,让couple放松,有counselor,也有group support,试试这个。我感觉会很有帮助。
        有时我们get stuck in one reality,凭借自身的力量很难改变;外界环境的变化会改变这样的reality,在轻松的环境里把问题分解了。其实很多就是心境。
      • 再坚强的女人也需要关爱, 需要丈夫坚实温暖的臂膀. 不管怎么说, 三思而后行, 祝福你们.
      • Bless you. Just think it over.
        Normally couples are not 50-50 contributors. There are lots of unaccountable stuff. Think it over what you have in the family, not only how much you paid or suffered.

        But, if your love is gone, you go.
      • Will everything be better if you divorce? How do you know you will not be tirer afterwards? If you want a divorce just because this, please think about it.
        If you have no other reason, then it is enough, your husband have learned a big lesson from these days. If you have other reasons, talk it with your husband, get understand. I think it's not good to hide other reasons, if there's any.
      • i'm a third party
        i appreciate the points made by both of you.
        I'm with mssg however in that change is the only sure thing in this world. That also proves as husbands and wives we all should appreciate these changes and always prepare to embrace and accept them when time's calling for it. In this sense i'm behind you as long as you have, unfortunately, made your case clearly to him.

        It's never been an easy decision.
      • 我能理解你的感受, 因为我跟你有类似的经历.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Like you said, what ever happened between this 15 years, is way more than what we can tell you here. 每一个婚姻都有自己的故事, 说不清, 道不明, 只有自己才知道. 所以不想对你们的婚姻发表看法.
        我同意, family should be driven by two people. 但两个人的target不可能是完全一样的. 我不知道你的target是什么, 是不是可以尝试着slow down a little bit for a while想想是否自己的target和你LG的target真的是大相径庭呢? 从你们所说的看来, 你应该是个主外的. 想想你遇到困难的时候, LG有没有给你过支持?
        15年的婚姻, 能够走这么久, 不是很容易做到的. 就是再找个人, 也得打个问号, 是不是能象这样走上15年. 给自己一点时间, 别急着做决定, 最主要的是别让自己后悔.
        我是一个人来加拿大的, 给LG办了移民, 但是他没有来, 在办移民之前, 问题就有了, 离婚的念头就有了. 可忧郁不决, 怕自己是浮燥造成的, 也害怕一个人的生活. 来了这里, 生存的压力把任何浮燥的可能都降低到了最低点, 分居了两年多, 终于离了. 将来会怎么样仍然是个未知数. 希望不会后悔吧. 至少到现在没有.
        我们的情况, 成长背景很不一样, 受教育背景不一样, 工作领域也很不一样. 他基本上不懂英语, 所以在这里完全没有混的可能. 不象我到哪里都一样. 我们没有小孩.
        离婚如果真能让你得到relief, 未必是件坏事. 拆一个家容易, 想想建一个家花出的时间和心血和精力.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • I agree I and him may have different targets.
          In fact, as he said, he is more relax and wants to enjoy life. He wants good things (big house, nice car..) more than I do. It is not easy for us to be here and together after all these years.
          • 那么能问一下: what's your ideal family in your mind? and what's your target? Enjoying life and more relax, big house and nice car are not bad target. Very practical i think.
          • Big Horse and nice car will never bring you real relief and happiness. It's from the person who you share your life with. you may loss what you have right now if you slow down in your career,
            but think about over. does family mean more to you? West people tend to be honest to themselves but this doesn't mean they don't take their family into consideration. Think it over and once you make a final decision, be prepared never turn around back.
      • 你暗示你先生沒有負起他應負的責任,而你先生覺得自己已經做的夠多得了.清官難斷家務事.如果你沒有外逾,分開住一段時間可能有利于改善你們的關係.
      • 你要什么要告诉他, 你不告诉他他就永远不知道, 男人就是这么笨. 靠四目凝视是不行的. 这是多少女性用血和泪学来的真理. 你应该在第7年的时候就知道这个道理了. 那个心碎了的丈夫: 我的心都碎了.
        可是做男人不能满足于"我没有错啊". 得零分是不行的! 一定要是正数才行! 你太太在第7年的时候就应该让你明白知道这个道理了, 你居然又混了8年.

        不管有外语无外语, 答应她可以离婚, 但要求必须先分居一年后离. 然后尽最大努力好好表现, 跟那个外语 or whatever on her mind 竞争. 然后听天由命.
        • don't know who you are, but
          I like your message. I just want to ask, if the other part ignore what you are asking, what you should do?
          I did express my feeling in the past 15 years, most of the time, no response..
          very sad, but very true..
          you want to know what I had asked him? Maybe he is the better people to tell you..
          believe me, I did not ask too much... other wise, he won't be here today and tell every one all this...
          • I feel for you.
            Try marriage counselling. Give him one last chance. Maybe what he needed was just this final push, which you should have given him long time ago.
      • 过几年你有发现还是不合适,还有你想得到的,就着样换啊换啊,一直到老,没人再换了,怎么办?
      • 古训呀古训,真是有道理

        ------- ".....我KAO, 谁扔的砖头"
      • 我太了解你的感受了,因为我的情况和你非常相似,只是婚龄没有你长,也没有小孩。
        • 奇怪啊~他这么的一无是处当初你为何嫁给他呢?????
          • 爱情是盲目的嘛. 很多人谈恋爱的时候并不是用理性去考虑问题. 结婚时也不会考虑将来会怎么样.
            • 您老的意思是, 只会用下半身思考罗?
              • 您一定不是女人.:)
                • 所以先用上半身思考
          • 我和他恋爱了2年,开始交往时觉得他还很不错,我们也比较相投,
            • 坦白的说您犯下了一个严重的错误:
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛千万不要为了年纪大了亲朋好友催促,就找个人赶紧嫁了;千万不要以为反正人人都有缺点,换别人也是这样就凑府嫁了。因为每个人的道德标准生活理念和心理底线是不同的,有些缺点在别人看来是可以忍受的,但换你却可能是天大的原则问题,因此别人的意见只能做参考,婚姻的鞋子是穿在你自己的脚上的,冷暖还得问自己:'')
              祝你早日幸福快乐起来~~更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 奇怪, 天下nice的男人多了, 你是嫁老公还是找个同住的partner? 困惑加不解.
        • I don't know what to say to your case, but it is really a common situation many couple have met. Three choices:
          1. change yourself, just accept it.
          2. trying to be a good teacher, train him.
          3. divorce.

          I would like to suggest you trying 2 firstly, but I really doubt whether it works or not, as it is not easy to train a adult.
        • 找丈夫又不是找儿子,他恐怕有恋母情结,未来挺替你那个什么的
      • I have to say you are a smart woman after I review your post again, I don't want to say too much about your marriage, you can refer to #1475156 for my view if you want to know.
        Here I would just like to suggest you finding some ways to release the pressure you've encountered sometimes, the point is you might need to change your ways in handling pressure. Good Luck.
      • You will be wrong and regret later, if you really seperate with him...The most important thing in the marriage is whether he loves you yes or not..
        "Old is always good. ", some times I think so, especailly in Canada.

        If you tried to seperate, you would know, but it would be so late.
      • I had the same experience as you do.
        I separated 7 months ago because of the exactly same feelings and same reasons. During the 7 months, I was trying to live a life of my own with my little did. I feel much happier and now I've got a new boyfriend and am thinking to move on a little bid. It is a good move, I understand you 100%. You will feel much happier.
        • a 2-day new BF. HAHA, I will say funny instead of happier. New house,new car, 8K+.Is that you ? Keep an eye on your BF.
          • You are wrong. I had him when I wrote the question. I just wanted to hear some oppinions from others.
      • If there's still love and respect between you two, you should try your best to stay together. Otherwise, if the only thing left is hatred and disdain, it's time for a divorce.
        B.T.W, do you really think you could have a better life without him? Or you think you could find a better man? You know, people somehow always fall in love with the same type of people.

        No marriage is perfect.
    • the things are not going so far. If You really love her, you have to do like this.
      1, you are not sure whether she has a boyfriend. you cannot suggest she has. If you think so, you will have many trobles of dealing with it.
      2. Buy a bund of flowers, rose, over 20 dollars. give to her after work. say you are sorry to neglect her feeling for long time. you feel sorry to her. but, you love her. then go to cooking, cook what she most likes.
      3. buy a gift to her (over 200 dollars) and a gift for your son (10 dollars is ok). At another time, for example when you invite her for a dinner where she likes, give her the gift. tell her you are careless for your lovely wife. you will change yourself.
      4. Have a good time to make a sex love. You have to at least do it for one hour. you have to show your abilities and capabilities. kiss her month, neck, body, leak her nipple and XXXXXX. let her have a romatic, exciting, phantastic, unforgettable sex expereince. let her scream, let her have a high point . she will be happy with you
    • 妻子出来说话了, 丈夫又去哪里了?
      • 其实我觉得这样交流下真的挺好。丈夫一直都很克制,顾全大局,念着妻子得好;而妻子也是模范妻子/母亲,难得的一对夫妇。希望他们能work it out,如果不能,相信他们仍然会是朋友,仍然会一如既往地爱他们的孩子。
        • you are very nice. :-)
        • 说实话,老觉得你肚子里馅儿太少,留下的空间都给气儿占了。。。难以控制难以控制哪!
          • :)))
          • 哦,是吗?:)
        • 15年的感情出现这种局面, 当事人不知翻来覆去想了多久了. 祝福他们吧.
    • 网上大家有话直说,我的看法:1,爱依然不够深 2,女方个性太强,这在单身女性中很多,而且这对婚姻的杀伤力极大 3,相信是3输结果
      • dd, too naive r.
    • Appreciate all the helps
      i appreciate all the helps. It was his choice to post all this. I don't want to blame him here or say it is my fault. If things can be so simple, life would be simple too.
      Whatever happened, it happened. No point to go back to say it is my fault or his fault.
      Looking forward, anything we can do better in relationship is far more important.
      If this discussion can let him feel better, or release the emontion a bit, I will keep it going.
      And if anything here can be helpful to any of you, that would be more than I ever ask.
      • best wishes to you! but divorce is a very serious decision. Think it carefully! It may hurt you more.
      • good luck! 不过离婚是我认为人生一大恶事,能免则免吧。
        • 离婚不是什么大不了的事. 生活在乏味的婚姻里才事大.
          • 你牛!今天离了没?
            • 充分必要条件尚不满足, 没离 :-P
      • I can 100% understand your feeling because myself is a hardworking woman too. Life is really not easy for women like us. But I suggest you seperate a while and cool down a little bit before divorce.
        If in this period you really feel better without him, maybe divorce is a good choice. Maybe you will find he can still give you "support" and that's still important to you, then you may change your opinion.
      • 找到幸福的人,就会往前看。还没有找到的呢,就容易怀念过去。忘记某个人最好的办法,就是找别人代替。:P
      • Wife is an excellent and mature woman. I agree divorce. Sometimes, separation will be more helpful for the exhausted life. A better solution for their family. Maybe they will remarry if they are matched couple.
        • 我是观察过很多夫妇,离了再复婚的,很少。说明了什么问题?
          • Trust is broken, i think. and it's hard to rebuild trust between couples since divorce. 即使被提出离婚的人说自己能还有足够的信心重建trust, 先提出离婚的人也未必会有. 总之, 离婚对双方都是伤害.
            • 我的感觉是有很多原因和障碍使得我们停留在婚姻里,一旦婚姻这个联系没有了,很多时候我们是不会再选择以前的人的。如果真的让爱来维系婚姻,就问一下,我离了婚还会再嫁给他吗?
              • 好象没抓您的point. 婚姻并不是单单只有爱那么简单, 还有责任,义务等等. 爱情能变成亲情和友情那是最完美的. 我能理解在一起十年以内的离婚, 但还不能理解在一起十年以上的离婚. 也许有我现在还看不到的原因吧.
                • 我们邻居50岁离的,她说吵烦了,不想再搭上最后的黄金岁月!
      • It's not easy to build up and maintain a family. But thinking of that,
        it's also meaningless to say that one contributes /sacrifices more than the other in a family . As long as love still exists, you two can try to find a way to make things out.

        Life is tough to everyone, and from your tone, I could tell that you might still have feelings to him. Besides, your partner still loves you so much... Please give him a chance, at least he is not the hopeless person who even has no gut to tell that he wanna improve himself so as to keep you home.

        Good luck.
      • 祝你好运气。我有时想:人想从婚姻中得到些什么,又失去了些什么。
      • Honey, I still love you very much. I only beg for a chance, a chance for both of us, a chance for our lovely little one
        No matter what happened to you, I will forget it and never mention it later in my life. I am the one who love you most in the world, please bring your heart home.
        • 有孩子又有事业的妻子一定很是辛苦,哪个女人不憧憬有个体贴,浪漫的男人呵护自己,从最小的事情上多多分担一些。。。收入上差点其实不算什么。。。
        • 鼓掌, 加油啊!
        • not bad. keep going
        • sigh, really a touching story...
        • this post makes me crying like a baby, sigh
        • "I will forget it and never mention it later in my life." heihei, I doubt about it.
        • give him a chance!!!
          • Give him a chance! (Anybody who wants to say so, please say it here)
        • 说实话,我觉得LP的收入高于LG绝对是重要原因之一!!! 哎,有些女孩子太要强,同时对理想的LG的要求也很高!殊不知,谈何容易?!这样的女孩只能嫁给比自己强的LG,而且能够跟的上LP发展速度的LG!
        • I suggest you forget about her totally , and start a new life asap . this woman must be demanding . the love ended . all you can do is to give urself a relief . don't risk ur whole life on this woman .
        • Be a man, be strong ! Believe that she won't back because of your begging.
          Move forward, do something for her : proceed the divorce, look for a place to move out, .....
          stand up and take responsibilities, that's all your wife wants from you instead of begging.

          Go ahead seperating, you have 1 year to show your wife you will have stand up and taken the responsibilities !

          Do it !!!
          • Good Point! I believe the husband has asked for a chance for many times. If he could have the chane, you probably already got it. Best thing is to live well by himself.
            Good Point! I believe the husband has asked for a chance for many times. If he could have the chane, you probably already got it. Best thing is to live well by himself. i believe this is the only way for him to take good care of his lovely kid after divorce.
        • another chance? do you know what she really wants?更何况她要的你根本给不了.
          心理的孤立无援不是一朝一夕行成的, 十几年的婚姻已把她的心磨累了. 记得一本小说里说"女人如果不能嫁一个好男人, 这一生也只能靠自己了",这里的好男人是指理解女人心的男人.
        • I bet you know what yr wife expects from you... Ask yrself how much you can change for her?...If you can not or do not like change yrself, let her go.
        • Really asking for a chance or offering forgiveness? Stop your BS
          Your subject and content were quite contradicting..
          I believe you carefully wrote this note before you posted it, since it was a serious situation.

          However, I really don’t know think you were begging for a chance. Sound like you were offering forgiveness to her instead., you said ‘you will forget it’ …You actually were giving her a chance...

          You, who claimed loved her,, but you were also the one who didn’t care about her for 10-15 years. 15 years is a very long time.

          What is your motive, by posting your story here? You use the public for judgment and you use your son as stake?

          You seemed to be a person to take advantage of people, and use situation, even post a story to gain sympathy.

          Based on this note …looks like you were just blaming and you were not a bit remorse for yourself.
          Also using the public to judge someone you claim you love, I don’t understand how you claim your love and care.

          Mr. Heartbreak it is time to change your nickname to Mr. Fullofshit.
      • I do understand you. I do.
        I am considering the same thing. I have a son. He is only 1 year old.

        As of my husband, I think I don't love him anymore. Frankly, I look down upon him. I tried not to do that, but I can't control myself.
        • 请你学一下,然后解释一下 : 从父,从夫,从子,德,容,言,工
          • 五千年的文化是不假, 可是社会结构总是在变啊. 人的想法也总在变啊. 不光是女人, 还包括女人.
      • 真心祝福,请一路走好
        十五年的婚姻已经把那不堪一击的爱情冲淡。 你一定是一个很好强,有抱负的女人。 也许为此你维持了这段早已该结束的婚姻。 因为你不愿意承认自己的失败,更何况婚姻- 女人视为一辈子的大事。 既然今天你为自己做了决定,请一路走好。 只是想告诉你, 现实生活是简单的,平淡的。 当你不了解事情的真谛,你都认为很美。 事实上, 万物都一样, 正因为有了缺点,优点才被体现。 婚姻的美丽不在于有多少浪漫,而在于你与他共同走过。 女人是男人的老师,男人会你的小屋下成长。 你也会体会这之间的快乐。 也许现在你不能体会,因为你在感情生活没有经历太多。 真心祝福。
        • Good point!!
        • wonderful comment! although it sounds that 你在感情生活上经历很多
    • 由她去吧,留下来你更不舒服。不是毁于一旦,肯定是有人了。给她自由,她会后悔的。
    • 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒,这份怨尤是多年累积而成的。Your wife said: "All I asked for him before was, please stand up and take the responsibility at the times I can not do so any more. "我认为,你需要反思一下:
      Did you cherish her and give her the love she wants? Like you said, "她对我的怨气很深,觉得我不疼她,赖散,不思进取,无法依靠,不珍惜她". Is it true? 如果你能表示应有的关爱与感激之情, rather than taking everything for granted, this will not happen. 时至今日,也许你可以尝试与她交心,承诺改变,试试多年的感情还能否融化那日积月累的冰山. 祝你好运!
    • 太可怕了,如果照这个逻辑就要分手,一半以上新移民家庭都在分裂危险当中。
    • 两片新马甲: heartbreak & wifeishere --> just for the topic?
    • 丈夫柔弱(从名字就可以看出),妻子好强,谁都没有错,离了都解放,只可惜那小儿郎。

      即便离婚,也没有必要心碎。你只是找错了人,而不是你做错了事。才30出头,人生的路还长着呢, 说不定你将来会找到真正相爱的人,一个欣赏而不是嫌弃你的人。 离婚,也许为你打开一扇幸福之门!
    • 惨....每个人在不同阶段都会有很难过的坎.that's life!
    • 婚龄太短给不出建议,只是觉得自己应该好好珍惜自己现在所拥有的,正如楼上所说,每个阶段都有不同的困难。
    • Wake up call for us, bystanders.
      Think about it...
      If your marriage was going so well, there is absolutely no room for a 3rd person. So a 3rd person or not, is it important?

      Read your own story ... Those past history and events actually drove your marriage to this stage. Yes, your heart is shattered today, probably hers might have been shattered long time ago.
      You grade yourself GOOD. Are you someone that only care of yourself, and ignore other’s feelings? Only you can answer this question.

      No advice for you... (for future ...read the rest of the note ...)

      But for the rest of us, bystanders. We should learn from your heartbroken story. We are accountable for our own action and our destiny. We can’t take things for granted, until it is too late. For our love ones, respect, love, care and feel for them, will take us a long way.
      • I AGREE
    • 有人让我来看看这个帖子, 说有教育意义。我看了,想说两句:就是各打五十大板。
      你们两个人的目标不一致。也缺乏交流。不要把男人想得太复杂。 男人其实很简单, 你告诉他你需要什么就是了。然后就鼓励他去做。 不要怕他做错了。错了, 就从头再来。妻子的毛病就是事事都操心, 结果让老公无计可施。男人其实是需要女人的赞扬和承认的。一表扬了, 就乐得屁颠屁颠的。有个法子就是, 妻子停止干任何事, 不做任何决定。一切由老公做主, 你告诉他你想要金山, 不管用什么方法, 拿来就成。然后就鼓励老公去争取。慢慢的, 老公习惯做主了, 就自然会多承担家庭的责任了。妻子很能干, 我不否认。但是, 就象一个公司老板一样。 你要是比你的员工还能干, 那你不累死了。我们老把妻子比作领导,领导该怎么做?要好好想想。

      最后说说老公, 光有爱是不够的。你老婆不会跟你离婚的。她是恨铁不成钢, 由原先的希望, 变成失望, 现在是绝望了。你还有机会。 如果你能干到让老婆不用再出去工作的程度,你就没事了。对老婆的关心除了每天对她说“我爱你”, 还有很多种表达方式。

      我的话有人可能不爱听, 但我也相信有人会认同我的观点的。
      • 呜呼呀~~~明白人在这里哪~~:DD S劲hand一哈!!!!
    • 最后再说一句, 我不相信妻子有外遇
      。妻子的心情老公无法理解而已。老公要认真检讨,挽救这场婚姻的关键是老公。好好跟你妻子谈谈, 重要的是了解她的心思。把拍领导马屁的全套功夫都使出来,毕竟, 家是最最重要的。在你倒酶的时候, 只有那个曾经跟你相依为命的人会始终在你身边。孩子长大后会离开你的, 过他们自己的生活。你身边的那个人太重要了, 要好好珍惜。
      • :'')我跟JJ的判断一致,妻子是没有外遇的。十分同意JJ最后那句话,妻子才是跟你过一辈子的人。LG也是啊,所以劝那个太太,再给你LG一次机会吧,好吗~~:'')
        • 他其实是DD 。。。:D
          • :O这么好的男人呀~是不是已经有弟媳妇啦?:-p
            • 都快当老2的爹了!还是RR要找的音最美男歌手呢!嘿嘿,瞧我揭发的,还是让他有点隐私吧:)
              • 我说呢,男人哪有自学成才的呀,不都是咱们女人教育出来的:-p 嫂嫂真的好伟大呀~~:'')
                • 你说得特对:)俺今天就是喝了两口绿茶,这会还以ROLIA为床呢:)
                  • :O那俺岂不是跟JJ同chuang.....啦~~:DDD
                    • 确切点是同窗:)
      • 我也不相信妻子有外遇,主要原因估计是人心不足蛇吞象,刚来加拿大的时候,都有工作,估计妻子还没空估计将来,现在条件好了,当然野心大了。离!支持离!既然到了这一步,求回来的也未必守的住。给你个文章看看
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛(陈作红)老婆这种东西是万恶之源ZT



        实际上,大陆的妇女好的就不多,包括我母亲在内也一样。有人会说: "哈!你一点都不孝

        子,对她说: "我想和你上床。"这本来是心里真心所想的事,可是一定引起她的愤怒,招


        人结婚, 你是和一群人结婚。"结婚后第一件要命的事就是要去应酬她那一大家子,岳父



        上进,和别人做你死我活的撕杀。如果没有老婆,自己随遇而安,活得多愉快! 我一见到
        的日子,想干什么就干什么,真他妈的爽! 我认为对于一般大陆人来讲,老婆对他的压迫

        们贪,那就贪好了,干我甚事? 什么?发展下去中国会垮?我的身体发展下去还会死呢! 我


        人,乐观的人,不趋炎附势的人,随遇而安的人。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 流水,这个可以上ROLIA晚会的预备相声:)效果绝对好
        • 你转帖的文章如果帖在"情爱悠悠",肯定会是某些已婚人士的靶子. 到是应该帖在水缸了,一定能激起千层浪的. :))
        • kao! I fule u!
    • 谁告诉你要离婚就一定有外遇? 而且, 向你这种把夫妻间的事拿到网上聊,
      纯粹就是想把事越闹越大, 想不离都难.

      再问多一句, 当初结婚是啥理由? 如果说爱是没有理由的, 为啥离婚就一定要有理由. 人,事,环境都在变, 只不过现在无法同步而已, 才会选择离婚, 彼此最好的青春都交给了对方, 你认为她就一定舍得吗?

      你难过, 她也不好受. 建议你们还是自己沟通一下吧, 夫妻间的是是非非除了当事人,别人怎么可能清楚?
    • 再写给heartbreak. I think she still loves you, but she is not in love with you anymore. You need to make her fall in love with you again. Tell her that it will happen, just like it happened some 20 years ago. 另外,
      你们俩的英文都不错. 应当考虑marriage counselling. 你们可以到当地市政府问一下哪里有这样的服务. 我知道每一对夫妻情况不同, 但你们的情况和有些本地人写的书里面的情况惊人的相似. 都是丈夫觉得好好的, 妻子突然就要谈一谈, 要立即离婚.

      15 years is a terribly long time of feeling being ignored.
      • Thank you very much.
        • 好好把自己打扮一下,到她的单位去接她,还有孩子,然后去饭店。回家后BATH TOGETHER THEN MAKE GOOD LOVE。床上十分重要!让她觉得你很爱她,让她觉得作为女人很自豪,否则,要你有什么用,她经济又独立。
    • 一旦的感情毁于15年! ---- 碎心!
    • Be the man that she loves and will love forever. You said, you still love her very much, give both of you a period of time, try to make her fall in love with you again, becuase hse does not love you obviously.
      if you really really love her, do it hard and donot ask too much, just givie and keep trying, and wish her the best! God bless you!
    • 谁能告诉我!到底他老婆要离婚的理由是什么?他老婆用的是什么理由??没有人问过这个呀!这不是根本问题吗÷!
      • 我想对你们说!!!
        我想跟那位丈夫说,男人不可以总是以粗心作为婚姻失败的借口. 婚姻或者爱情,是需要双方共同经营的, 这不是一个人所能做到的.如果在过去的婚姻生活里,你没有用心经营你的婚姻生活,那么可以说你很失败并且不负责任. 任何年龄的女人都有重新选择的自由,以前你不曾珍惜,你敢对你的妻子保证,你今后一定回疼爱她吗!
        我也想对那位妻子说,如果你并非有外遇而决定跟丈夫离婚,那说明你是真的看透了这场婚姻,并且对它已经完全死心. 就象另一位网友说的,如果女人没有一个现成的选择,而毅然离婚,那么这个决定一定很艰难! 如果你真的没有其他人,那么我很佩服你,并且祝福你!
        可是如果你现在已经有了另外一个人,而且他是你提出分手的后备军的话,那我可以告诉你,你以后一定不会幸福!因为你背叛了婚姻! 况且,了解一个人不是一年半载的事情,你怎么能那么确定,这个人一定灰给你幸福呢?相恋的初期都是快乐美好的,千万不要因此而蒙蔽了双眼@
    • 呵呵,我虽然没有结过婚。但是我也看出来了,这个妻子有外遇了。有些女人通常比较感性,会为了一些眼前的利益,一时的激情而放弃以前的一切的,放弃家庭甚至是孩子。而这样做的后果通常都是一生的悔恨。
      • 我同意。任何的选择都要付出代价
      • 你没有结过婚, 说这话就难怪了。
      • 婚姻有时象股市,没进过,那知风浪高。
      • 帅哥说得好,有外遇的一方通常都没有好下场。谴责三心二意不忠实于婚姻的人。
    • 冰冻三尺非一日之HAN。女人的感情尤如水龙头,一旦拧上,滴水不漏。尤其象你妻子这种好强的人,用软的没用。还是自己好自为之吧。
    • 555555555,好可怜的孩子啊~~~ 他投错胎了.