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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

BREAKING: The University of Toronto (U of T) has announced it’s bringing back its vaccine mandate for students living on campus for the Fall semester and will require they all receive boosters.

You know why👉U of T partners with Moderna to advance research in RNA science and technology! 把风险最低年龄组的大学生当成小白鼠,speechless 🥵


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 菁菁校园 / BREAKING: The University of Toronto (U of T) has announced it’s bringing back its vaccine mandate for students living on campus for the Fall semester and will require they all receive boosters. +2

    You know why👉U of T partners with Moderna to advance research in RNA science and technology! 把风险最低年龄组的大学生当成小白鼠,speechless 🥵

    • 太糟糕了,利益高于一切。年轻人明明不打,哪怕自己得了也不会有太大问题,却要他们一针针打下去,不看任何潜在的危险。再观望吧,会不会波及所有学生,还是只是住校。只住校,那还能够选择住外面,住家里。不然只能休学了 +3

      • 家长知道,大学发邮件了
        • 还有以后入学的学生家长们
          • 其他大学估计也同步的
            • 可能的,有带头人了。其他省会不会有宽松些政策的
    • Where is science in this university??? +4
      • 反疫苗的人士要想想 where is science in their brain? +2
        • I see anti-mandate. And this covid injection is not a vaccine. CDC had to change the definition of vaccine in order to accomodate this covid injection.
          • Science is evolving, virus is evolving, everything is evolving. 不前进就会遭淘汰,including humanity as a whole. +3
            • Yes, the virus is evolving. In fact, it has evolved, or mutated, through several stages. However, the experimental COVID injection is still of the same version in the first place. And the regimes are still forcing people to take it, over and over? +2
        • 一不要给人贴标签,二不要自认为自己认同的就是science。这里的人大多受过高等教育,有自己的判断能力。现在的事实已经证实了很多。如喜欢一直打下去,自己承担可能的后果 +8
          • LZ问大学 where is science不是给人贴标签嘛! +1
            • 你楼上是质疑。科学更需要质疑,不是某人说对就是对 +4
              • 那我也在质疑啊,不要双标嘛! +1
    • 很好 +2
    • 那个chris sky2年前的发言又印证了,秋冬又要重新来过,直到最后变成2个阶层。 +2
    • UoT 不是私立的,这个规定是不是违法? +5