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Good job! 👍. I recorded mine. Not as good as yours. 😁

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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 四年了 +3

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    1. So now you should have a better idea about how this is connected.

    2. Drinking alcohol lowers people's anxiety. This lowers our filter and we become more relaxed

      and comfortable when it comes to speaking. Even if we're speaking a foreign language.

    3. However, there are some serious drawbacks to drinking and learning. Let me give you three.

    4. Number one. Any positive effects you feel alcohol is giving you from speaking is only

      temporary, and the last thing you want to do is to rely on alcohol to speak.

    5. Number two. Grammar and pronunciation mistakes that you make while drinking may

      become ingrained bad habits that you might continue to make when you become sober.

    6. Number three. Drinking is just not a very healthy activity. And the bottom line is that the

      seemingly positive effects that you think you might get from drinking alcohol are not due to

      alcohol whatsoever.

    7. They're due to the confidence in your own speaking ability. That means that everything that

      you need is already inside you. You just got to let it out.

    8. Here are four ways that you can lower your anxiety to help make you a more confident


    9. Number one. Don't expect perfection from yourself. You need to realize that you're going to

      make mistakes and that is perfectly okay. It's part of the language learning process.

    10. If you're speaking to somebody and they correct you, then try to keep that in mind and you

      move on.

    11. And if you're speaking to somebody and they don't understand you, then you know that's

      okay as well. It's going to happen. Just try to express your thoughts or your ideas in a

      different way.

    12. Number two. Don't let your nervousness make you even more nervous. Try to channel any

      nervousness into another emotion like excitement. Because every time that you speak, (you know) you're getting to practice. You're getting to use the language because that's how you improve and continue learning.

    13. Number three. Avoid translating all of your thoughts. Don't try to think of every single little word that you want to say before you actually speak. Just (you know) think of kind of the idea of what you want to say, that's perfectly fine, but then just try and say it. And let it come out naturally and unrehearsed.

    14. Number four. Identify what you think makes you anxious. Because when you have a clear understanding of what makes you anxious, then you have a better chance of reducing anxiety.

    15. So what you can do is just take a journal. You can write this information down and then go back and reflect on why it's making you anxious and then it will help you in the future reduce that anxiety.

    • 👍👍 +1
    • Good job! 👍. I recorded mine. Not as good as yours. 😁 +1

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      • Yours excellent!
        • Long way to go
      • 老大一口伦敦腔呀
        • Chinglish. 😁
        • It’s really good, I can assure you this is not 伦敦腔。
      • Bravo👍👍👍
    • 很好👍,重音和语调都很好,稍微relax 一下就好了,我认为语言就是工具,communication is the goal....fun and effective communication is my main focus:) +1
      • 说到点了,我一说英语就紧张,自言自语还好,但一旦跟人对话,甚至录音都会紧张。
        • 因为你太在意对错了:)
          •  我讲中文也在意对错,但不紧张
    • 自我点评一下 +1



    • 我怎么一听你和老大的英语仍旧知道是中国人在读英语,是否我们中年移民的发音有这么一个宿命,无论托福600分还是700分都差不多 +3
      • because +2

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        • 流利了一些
        • 我觉得你读得挺好的,不必纠结口音,那是咱的特色。:)
        • 👍 We know we are not good enough, and we take actions to improve ourselves.
          • 虽然我的英语不好但我已经停止学习了,因为再学习英语投入和产出不匹配了,再继续学习二十年肯定会进步一些但仍旧没有更多的收入。老大坚持不懈的学习英语就像练习瑜伽
            • Stay learning, stay young.
              • 我国内亲戚,曾经部队里英语翻译,现在近80岁了,仍旧每天学习英语,活到老学到老。我业余生活忙着种地,再去掉锻炼娱乐时间再没有多余时间学习英语了
                • I'm learning through living. My environment is English.
                  • 这里就是中文环境,除了上班哪里还有英文环境,唯一的全天后学英语说英语就是找个老外女朋友
                    • I read news in English.
                      • 想学的专业些地道些,就要去和洋人常常聊天辩论
      • 😅我读英语像阿富汗大毛拉读古兰经😄
        • 重在流利
          • 多谢鼓励
            • 重在有煽动力
      • 我背对着大陆同胞听他说英语, 几乎能知道他来自哪一个城市, 我来加拿大之前, 教过三年英语, 我不是学英语的,
        • 👍很给力,你背着我能不能听出我新疆的?😅
          • 或许
            • 随便找了俩,多谢多谢 +1

              div widget
              • 我曾经自以为是的说, 我发 whatever 这个词我没有口音, 结果我女儿毫不客气的说我有口音
                • 友谊第一
                  • 没问题
        • Can you tell where I’m from?
          • your reading was not clear while I listening, why don't you just say something you are good at, I may have better understanding if you are smooth or not
            • 大致也听不出来?东南?东北?西南?西北?
              • 你的声音不清楚, 或许我们工厂背景噪音大, 或者是公司电脑
              • 我试试,我觉得你是北方人。
                • 这样猜的概率是50%
                  • 回家从手提电脑听,你读得挺好的,南方的,湖北,湖南?
                    • 不对,隔着有点远
    • 有点进步,但是不大。因为原来就已经很好了。
    • 清晰的表达就不错了,至于口音,大多数人别想了,少数有天赋可以改变。
    • 很棒很棒,给加个一👍,我们移民第一代,又是这个年纪,最宝贵的资本就是努力👍 +1
    • Having an accent is not a bad thing that must be corrected at all!! In fact, +2
      accents makes you personable, fun, and sometimes even down right attractive. The key thing is to communicate clearly, which is easy to do when we slowwwww down. Most people speak too fast and too soft when they get nervous. You will have a much easier time when you deliberately slow down your speech.
      • 您说的后面部分我完全同意。但是口音绝对不是个加分项,除非你是赵本山演小品或者Joe Wong讲脱口秀。 +1
        • 严重的口音当然影响交流。
          不影响交流的情况下,我觉得各种口音都挺有意思的。YouTube上有个讲数学的法国人,视频底下的留言都是“我听不懂你说什么,but I could listen to your accent all day。国人的口音没有那么丝滑的,但是自带种谦和理性的感觉。你的就是这样的,真没有必要纠结。
    • 没听以前的,建议可以读的再慢些,把每个单词念清楚了,快不代表流利。很多政治家演讲语速都很慢且标准,这个需要专业训练
      • 我总是提醒自己慢一些慢一些,无奈这是我的自然语速,总是改不过来
        • 非常棒,👍
    • 节奏和语调很好,我自己也录了一遍,比起你的差不少,继续努力💪
    • 念这篇文章的目的是为了向别人解释一些现象和提出建议,如果过分追求发音而有气无力,语气不自信,就没有说服力。