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'Chinaman' is insulting name to all chinese, so if u continue using this offensive words, u will be put into jail in the country of Rule of Law or beat to death by rock if u r in China!!!!

'Chinaman' is insulting name to all chinese(see definition http://www.dictionary.com/cgi-bin/dict.pl?term=chinaman), so if u continue using this offensive words, u will be put into jail in the country of Rule of Law or beat to death by rock if u r in China!!!!

and rolia shpuld kick this pig away!!!!! forever!!!!!!

the definition of chinaman in dictionary is 'offensive terms for a person of Chinese descent [syn: chink, Chinaman] ',

where r u from!!!!
XXXX pig!!!!
tell the truth!!!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 大陆的同胞们,你们千万不要再来了,加拿大现在是经济萧条,几乎没有工作机会,今天又有一个大公司裁员7000人.想来受罪就来吧!
    • 真的那么可怕么?
      • 你肯定又觉得在这的人肯定是自己太笨了才找不到工的。也没什么可怕的,在国内你哪舍得放下面子干体力活呀,在这你一定舍得。就当锻炼身体吧
      • 没有工作的感觉真堵心啊
      • 胡说, 干电脑的形势大好, 吾兄Egg-Lington刚找到了7为数的工作, 全部只花了2礼拜, 明天我就辞职, 也找7为数的工作
        • 求求你还是讲英文吧!我以后也再不在这里讲英文了。
          • 今天在不老兄和九兄的支持下, 插翅猪学会了输入拼音, 挺新鲜的, 先拨弄几天, it's a real pain allright, takes like an hour to put together a sentence,
            • 'Chinaman' is insulting name to all chinese, so if u continue using this offensive words, u will be put into jail in the country of Rule of Law or beat to death by rock if u r in China!!!!
              'Chinaman' is insulting name to all chinese(see definition http://www.dictionary.com/cgi-bin/dict.pl?term=chinaman), so if u continue using this offensive words, u will be put into jail in the country of Rule of Law or beat to death by rock if u r in China!!!!

              and rolia shpuld kick this pig away!!!!! forever!!!!!!

              the definition of chinaman in dictionary is 'offensive terms for a person of Chinese descent [syn: chink, Chinaman] ',

              where r u from!!!!
              XXXX pig!!!!
              tell the truth!!!
        • 瘦猪,是不是这两天学ZW了,知道一点猪和虎的区别了,你要是插上翅膀飞起来,把恐龙都得吓爬下!如果你该叫馊虎可能BETTER
        • 哈哈,好玩好玩
        • 哇,7位数,好多啊!
          • 是日元。
            • EGG恭喜你,好样儿的,Give you a five.
              • 呦哬! 从大山那学的吧.
        • 字打的不好可以原谅,但是数学不应该这样啊?7位数是百万啊?我有点摸不着头脑,这年头,ceo也不过6位数吧
          • cents included? $10000.00 (10K)? If so, a nice income!
    • 瞧见了吧,没人信。还是前仆后继地来了。
      • 好多人都有哈姆雷特的感觉,去还是不去,回去还是死守,这是一个值得考虑的问题!
      • 毛主席说:成千成万的先烈再我们前头英勇的西生了(Egg 被斩,番病危, 博士太太泥水身亡。。。),你们要高举他们的旗帜,敲着你们的键盘前进吧!!
    • 签证要过期了,不来怎办?
      • Just give up , if you have had good job in China!
        • hehe, 你说得容易。
          • 如果你来了,也许一切都更不容易
            • 不见棺材不掉泪!
      • 前车倒了千万辆, 後车到了亦如然. 分明指与平川路, 总把忠言当恶言.
    • 我知道ibm广州有4,5个在3,4月过去的,都在1到3个月内找到专业工作。。。
      • 他们在哪里找到的,是在TORONTO么?
      • There are also IBM guy who took half a year to find a job last year, they have no language problem at all! Good Luck is an important factor in job hunting. Wish you luck!
    • 新移民再辛苦,也比那些边上学边打黑工的留学生容易。经济形势起伏是正常的,赶上什么是什么吧。
      • 这话说的轻巧,人就这几十年啊!
    • 是的,是的,大家还是要三思而后行。我认识的人都再待业,苦啊!谁要lp?这里有三分,每份20krmb,如有意,请直接联系。
      • 最有信心的人也开始打退堂鼓了,可见舆论导向的力量。
        • It's true! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        • rollor, hello,真的没看出我说得意思。应该是我得朋友同学没一个闲着的,都上着班着呢。其实大可不必紧张,大形势不好是真的,但各个单位找人也是真的,egg不是光荣在就业了吗。大家还是要有信心,同时做好准备。
      • 爱嚷恶舍里撒毫尼
        • 你可花搅伙计呢,伙计在跟大家开个玩笑,活跃以哈气氛,饿东西都运列,还能不起。
          • 买电视了没,DVD尼,你冷松运列7个箱子,带的撒吗能投漏一哈么,把他家的俄两个箱子都装不满,总共才0。6个立方,却要付一个立方的把。
            • 电视没买,据设人家加拿大的电视有字幕呢。dvd过两天买。一箱子书、一箱子娃的东西,两箱子衣服、两箱子床上用品、一箱子乱七八糟的东西。还不算随身携带的东西,你设烦不烦?
              • 0000
    • Alex,Alex,请Alex同志给大家讲讲如何在landing一个月内上班的故事。连labour也没有了吗?
    • 给一个同学打了电话说主要是电信裁员较厉害,计算机还好,是吗?
      • 都不好过!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!而且中国人被裁的比例大一些
      • what difference btn 电信 and 计算机? most 中国人 do R&D in Telecom.
        • 我的同学有做数据库的,有在银行的,有做图象的,还没听说他们谁被lay off.
          • Most laid-off people are from professional technical company. if IT people in Banks, or government were laid off, they won't find jobs any more. Database is too easy for people with strong C/C++ experience.
            That's not technical work.
            • 哈哈哈!我倒!Database is too easy....not a technical work?! 你蛮可爱的嘛!!
              • people changing major are in Database app related field. Morever, designing Database kernel is easier than OS-kernel
                • the reason are1)the more market demand2)faster evolution speed,new comers have more chance.( many people has years of C++ expernce,but few people have more than 2 years experience in JAVA).
                  But to follow and lead in the new technology is also very challenging. Many " professional" c++ programmer's knowledge base are very narrow.
                  • think about it,database related position always hire developer, C++ guy alway known as programmer?!
                  • That's why I say few really professional in Toronto. some interview pay more attention on word match like Agent. If I read System III source, you don't hire me bacause I have SUN-OS other than HP-UX
    • 人家要来你也拦不住,光脚的不怕穿鞋的。
    • 各人看法不同,和各人遭遇有关。我觉得我今年点是挺背的,回去避避难再来。我的看法:

      • 再加两种人:

        • 那我是绝对不应该来的,看来还是早点卷铺盖回去的好,其实我也早想回去了,加拿大太冷清了
      • Don't agree. I belong to your category II -07. I like my family life here. Maybe I'm an exception.
        • Me too.
    • 那你先回来吧……
      • good question.
        • 别挤了,别来了,来来往往!
          • 整个一围城嘛,想来来,想走走,患得患失,革命什么时候才能成功?!!!