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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Perfect! 你买的这几个罐头估计都要十加币了,

而十加币可以在淘宝买一个不锈钢的质量非常好的。 以后见到喜欢的女生,我只能把手背在身后,避嫌,只是啵儿亲一口。




Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 户外活动 / 在一位擅长动手动脚的行家的指点下,改进了俺的野外小炉子 +1





    • 被房东赶出来了?
      • Nope. But for road trips, or during nuclear wars. 🤣🤣🤣
    • 见到三果果了? +4
      • 我一说动手动脚,你就提三果,难道这就是你印象中的三果?

        Yes! 😁


        • 难道不也是你印象中的?
        • 不怪导弹,三果能只身混进女大学生宿舍呢 +1
          • Is 女大学生宿舍 a very dangerous place? 🤣🤣🤣 +1
    • 老大,用酒精膏还是木炭呀……
      • 显然是柴火炉
        • 啊……
      • Wood chips, sticks, cones... anything burnable and small.
        • Too small🤪🤪🤪
      • Pellets from Canadian Tire are also good:
        • This is the best. I usually mix with 99% rubbing alcohol to start the fire.
          • 酒精揮發的很快,揮發的氣體也會引燃,有點危險,如果家裡還有用剩含酒精的hand sanitizer,因為裡面有保濕的化學成份(造成用了覺得粘手的感覺),所以酒精揮發較慢,是比較安全的替代品,另外,家裡有存含酒精sanitizers,要注意保存方式 +1
            • 谢谢科普😅 +1
    • 👍👍👍 +1
    • 这种不是有现成的卖吗?20块还能折叠 +1
      • Well... $20 is big for me now.
        • 如果自己设计出来的确实很厉害,几乎和成品一样了👍



          • Obviously not my design. 😁 Followed the examples on Youtube.
    • 哪里要那么麻烦,在野外用几块石头就可以磊一个小灶 +1


      • Rocks are not really readily available, neither is the firewood. If I carry a small bag of pellets with my stove, it works pretty okay. +1
    • Perfect! 你买的这几个罐头估计都要十加币了, +1

      而十加币可以在淘宝买一个不锈钢的质量非常好的。 以后见到喜欢的女生,我只能把手背在身后,避嫌,只是啵儿亲一口。



      • This is the diagram of combustion wood stove I saw. A bit different to yours.

      • 在淘宝10加元一定被坑了😂
    • but soon there will be fire ban.
      • Such stove is allowed. Camp fire is not.
        • you'd better double check, only liquid fuel firepit is allowed during fire ban.
          • Just double-checked. You're right.
            • one thing puzzles me thought, see people hiking in WCT with camp fire, is it allowed there? just wondering cause I am doing it in Aug.
              • The fire ban is regional, as indicated in the webpage I linked above.
              • 佩服.走完WCT能分享一下吗?我也想了很久了。permit很抢手吗?
                • permit很抢手。我是运气好,有人时间冲突不能去我顶替了。8月份才去,准备自虐一把,10+年的梦想,还是当年从肉联知道WCT的呢!
    • 这个东西 如果做炉子最完美了 ,保温双层结构,只需要底部和内侧打孔。可是这是孩子的保温饭盒,不忍下手。 +1



      • I can drill it for you! 😆😆😆
    • 不知道是啥尺寸的,猛一看以为很大,下面又看到是用罐头盒做的,老大能不能给个参照物,🍌🍎或者一盒真罐头?
      • Just regular cans. The diameter is 4 inches.
    • 俺手脚不勤的人,照着老大的图,在亚麻上买了这个。还挺象吧?😂 +2
      • Wow. 30 bucks!
        • 俺可是特会过日子的呢,找到这个真不容易。正经的得100多刀呢
      • 通货膨胀,我前几年买只要20刀
        • 唉,这没办法。刚有肉联那会儿多伦多的独立屋才二十几万呢☹️